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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. PiratePantaloons

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    The worst part is waiting for me... two weeks feels like for-ever. I don't want to talk to anybody, I think I'm experiencing a flare so bad I'm ready to just dose myself with prednisone... my life is on hold when I'm in pain and I hate playing catch up. I'm currently having a pity party and...
  2. PiratePantaloons

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hi everyone, been away for a bit; between life and drs appts. I've been stuck in my head. I have been through a lot lately and I have no idea what to think anymore. First I am getting a new primary dr.! That being said after having extreme itching on my breast for 6 months(1round of failed low...
  3. PiratePantaloons

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Grrr... I think I have a new symptom .-. I have had nausea on and off for a couple years. I usually experience this after eating... its random and mild, but this new nausea is debilitating... it feels like I'm about to have the flu. This has happened a couple of times in the past six months...
  4. PiratePantaloons

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hi ya'll, I got my GI appointment. Yay! I had to call my GP's office a bunch of times and talk with the referal dept. The original was sent to mary bridge, which is a children's hospital >.< but all human error aside I am hopeful to finally get some answers*crosses fingers*
  5. PiratePantaloons

    Prednisone/Crohn's/Type 2 Diabetes

    I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy and a horrible itchy rash(which I now suspect is from crohns... it came back...)which was treated with prednisone 30-40mg daily dose to keep rash under control, which in turn exasperating my diabetes. I ended up with an Endocrinologist and shots...
  6. PiratePantaloons

    Headaches and crohns

    Hi, don't know if ill be any help here. I'm new to this and undiagnosed... waiting for my first apt. with GI. I clicked on this link because I have been getting migraines as long as I've jad this tummy issue(13 years) I'm not on meds. I get them so bad now my firat symptom is nausea followed by...
  7. PiratePantaloons

    Never Ending Wipes

    Things I have heard to help are wet wipes, a couple in a zip lock baggie, fits in your pocket. And lotion(unscented-gentel kind) dab on the toilet paper and wipe, this one has made a huge difference in my life. It helps when I have what I call mud butt. Less wiping and the lotion soothes.
  8. PiratePantaloons

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hokay... whew long week so far! I love this forum. Thank you all for posting, answers so many questions. I feel like I know you all already with so many commonalities. I made that Dr. Apt. My gp ran a cbc and occult sample and referred me to a GI. I couldn't help but think why did I wait so...
  9. PiratePantaloons

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hi I'm new here and this is my first post. A neighbor of mine has UC and has been struggling. In passing I mentioned I understand having bathroom issues... its why I can't gain weight she said I should look up UC so I did unfortunately/fortunate? I found that I have most every symptom of...