Bozzy, I am getting nervous for the scope. I'm one of those people who like to be 100% prepared for big events (such as prep) so I've been distracting myself by getting all ready. This weekend I'm going to clean my bathroom, pick out which scented candles I'd like to light, get out my creams and wipes, load up my kindle with games and books, etc. But it's driving me absolutely nuts that I still don't know which prep I'm going to do! I know I won't be left without prep, I can get Miralax over the counter if need be, but I hate doing things last minute and not being prepared. I'm sure I'm just OCD, but not having a firm plan is just wigging me out!
And of course I'm nervous that the scope won't find anything and will be totally normal. I'm trying to make myself bleed so that'll show on the scope - riding my bike in the past has made me bleed pretty much every time. But this week I've been on 2 long bike rides and I'm having perfect, formed stools with no blood whatsoever!

So that's driving me nuts too! I do have some abdominal pain/soreness, but I think it's muscle soreness rather than my guts being upset. Not totally sure though. Going to try to do 2 more bike rides before the scope so hopefully some blood will come out of me already! It's ridiculous that when I want to, I can't make myself bleed. I'm going to get abs of steel before blood comes out of me at this rate!
Aw, a new niece for you, how sweet.

I'm getting a new niece or nephew in October myself - I already have 2 nieces and 2 nephews so this will be #5. My sis-in-law wants this one to be a girl so I'm hoping for a girl for her (and honestly I like my nieces better than my nephews, I just don't understand boys!). Sis-in-law's oldest turns 10 in September, so she'll have 5 kids ranging from ages 0 to 10! And she has a small little house with only 3 bedrooms, ha ha. I don't know where she's going to put this kid, they're already crammed in there like sardines!
Gabi, my colonoscopy is on Wednesday, so only 5 days away. My last colonoscopy was in April 2010, so about 3.5 years ago. I think it depends on how active your IBD is, that determines how often you have a colonoscopy. If it's active I think they recommend once every year? And if it's in remission then it's once every few years, I can't remember for sure but I want to say once every 3 years? Check with your doctor to be sure because I don't know if I'm remembering accurately or not.
And I didn't know you're pre-med, that's great.

I like hearing when people who are ill become doctors or join the medical field in some way, because for one thing it shows that those of us with illnesses can do anything we want in spite of our health limitations, and also because I think us sick folks are much more empathetic and understanding. I know you won't ever send a patient away telling them it's IBS and that they should deal with stress better or that it's all in their head!
It's close to 3:30 and I still haven't heard from my GI. But I remembered that once he called me at like 9 PM, so he does check his messages sometimes even late into the evening. So, he may get back to me tonight or this weekend. I'm not holding out much hope, but there is a chance. If I don't hear from him by Monday evening then I'm going to go buy some stupid icky Miralax. Yuck, I so do not want to resort to that though! I just know I'll get dehydrated again, and that's absolutely miserable. I refuse to do Golytely or Moviprep though, so it's looking more and more like dehydration city for me.