Never Ending Wipes

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Jun 12, 2013
New York, NY
Am I the only one whose Bum is never fully cleaned. I can spend 20 minutes just wiping my butt after a BM but in 10 min ill go up there and still have mucus or poo on my toilet paper.
Have you brought this up to your doctor? It could be that your leaking. In the meantime you can always use feminine pads to catch anything undesirable from getting on your cloths.
I went to my doc, and was diagnosed with these

"left-sided Crohn's colitis"
" Linear sigmoid Ulcer"
" Peri-anal fistula"
"internal hemorrhoids"
The haemorrhoids might be the problem. Bits of stool can get trapped by them, so there may be some stool stuck inside and that is what you keep having to wipe at. Do you ever feel like you haven't finished emptying your bowel?
You might also want to invest in a bidet. It cleans more, plus it can make things easy on the hemorrhoids. But all of those things the doc told you are probably having an impact on your leaking. I agree with whoever told you to wear pads to keep your pants clean.
And, if you aren't female, a little TP liner in the underwear works really well too. And, it disposes of itself next time you go. I have been doing this for probably 20 years, and it does the job really well. If need be, you can even put some cream on there to sooth chafing.
I have similar issues. When at home I have found a disposable enema works great to quickly flush out any 'remnants' after a BM. I can't really do that when I'm working during the week.
I agree with others on a bidet (don't have one but seen them online for cheap and can attach to any toilet). A sitz bath or handheld shower can also ensure good cleaning. I also think that a feminine pad or adult diaper pad will help catch anything so you don't stain your underwear and keep cleaner.
fk this sucks. I hate spending nearly my entire lunch break at work taking a poo and wiping for over 20 minutes and still cant get it clean. fk, my boxers do get dirty but I fear I might smell like poo, and I dont want to wear a diaper or feminine stuff. or you kidding me. ahhhhh, I hate this ****. thanks anyway my crohns community
I wear continence pads and they really do make my life a lot easier. Just psychologically, wearing a pad allows me to stop worrying about accidents and it's so easy to just swap for a clean one - I never have to worry about dirty underwear.

It takes me hours (literally) to have a bowel movement because I have a lot of rectal problems, including prolapse and haemorrhoids. I'm actually going to have an ileostomy soon, partly because these problems keep recurring. It might be worth your getting a proper rectal examination (all my problems in this area are dealt with by a specialist colorectal surgeon) to see if you have any problems of this nature that can be treated. In many cases they can be corrected with minor surgeries. But it might be there are even more simple solutions - rectal catheters, suppositories and enemas are all things my surgeon tried me on to help with the problems of not being able to finish a bowel movement properly. They didn't really work for me, but I have a very severe case (hence the ileostomy) - it may be that you can fix this problem, or at least minimise it, through some of these methods.
The never ending wiping is so annoying but its the chafing and raw skin that really hurts. I find balneol to be most helpful but not much works for that broken and sensitive skin till I'm not running or wearing diapers.
I'm male, but I've used both maxi pads and urinary incontinence pads in the back of my underwear, and they have been VERY helpful on a few occasions. I mainly used them last summer when I got out of the hospital, although on one or two occasions when I was worried about leaking or a fart-that-isn't-a-fart and needed to leave the house, I used one, and was able to be much more relaxed.

The things stick easily in the seat of your underwear, but are easy to remove. They're small enough that unless you're wearing form-fitting pants or getting felt up, nobody will know.
Also, for smell worries, I've kept one of those glade sprays with me, and if I think I'm going to have a stinky butt, I spray it on my pants. I've never had anyone complain, but I worry about that a LOT. At least one of those sprays can help mask the odor.
Sounds like some of your rectal issues may he making the never ending wipe worse than tje average bears.
For me I wipe, fold, wipe. And then with the second round I kinda push up on my anus and wiggle my hand a little. Fold, repeat. Trying to encourage it out :)
Another thing that may be better than pads is just a small "panty liner" though I know a couple squares of properly placed to sounds less embaressing.
But having to buy new underwear all the time sounds like a hassle ;)
I have absolutely no idea what they are called, but those bottles that women get after they have babies help; peri-bottles, maybe???. I have had tons of rectal problems, and I used that bottle every time I pooped for two stinkin' years. I'm not even kidding. It cleaned better than TP, wipes, or even sitz baths. When I have a bit of leakage at a random time of the day, I just use it to "hose off". And my colorectal surgeon gave it to me, so you don't have to be a prego woman to get one ;)
Am I the only one whose Bum is never fully cleaned. I can spend 20 minutes just wiping my butt after a BM but in 10 min ill go up there and still have mucus or poo on my toilet paper.

Sometimes you leak after you are done or miss the stuff that goes way up to the very end of your crack in the dip "so to speak". Make sure you get clear up there too and then dry really well. Sometimes I rinse off afterwards if it's bad.:stinks:
Things I have heard to help are wet wipes, a couple in a zip lock baggie, fits in your pocket. And lotion(unscented-gentel kind) dab on the toilet paper and wipe, this one has made a huge difference in my life. It helps when I have what I call mud butt. Less wiping and the lotion soothes.