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  1. DMS

    Humira with Azathioprine

    My son (who is now 22) has been on Humira for 4 years this fall, he started out on azathioprine, LDN and Humira, the aza was tapered down a year after he started and for the last 3 years has stayed in remission while on Humira and LDN. During his last GI appointment the Dr. was telling him...
  2. DMS

    Can you take LDN with other Crohns Drugs? Or Could a natural treatment help in addition?

    My son has been on Humira and LDN together for just over 2 years now. In remission, feeling great, but he is careful with his diet (no gluten, corn or lactose). His GI did not prescribe the LDN (a naturopath did), but he knows that the 2 drugs are both being taken and has no problem with it...
  3. DMS

    Humira users

    DS has been on it for almost 2 years with LDN and is in remission. Still gluten free (by his choice), no side effects, it's been great for him. It worked very quickly when he started it, within a week he was able to keep solid food in him (he was in a VERY bad flare when he started). He...
  4. DMS

    LDN & remicade safe?

    My son is on Humira and LDN, and has been in remission for 2 years. GI is fine with it, I realize this is not the same as Remicade but. . . close?
  5. DMS

    LDN 5 years later

    Where in BC are you? A naturopath can prescribe LDN, there's one in Chilliwack that will for sure.
  6. DMS

    New to Imuran

    My son has been on aza since April 2011, he had no side affects, but it did take a full 6 months to get him into remission, we knew by about July that things were heading in the right direction (blood test markers were looking good). He has been in full remission since September 2011, has...
  7. DMS

    Higher Dose Of Azathioprine

    My son started aza 1 year ago and was told by his pediatric GI to split the dose morning and night to avoid side affects (specifically nausea). Just wanted to mention that his aza took about 5 months to kick in - and this is normal. The good news is that he's in complete remission now. Good...
  8. DMS

    Low Dose Naltrexone

    Hi Kim, my son is now 18 and was on LDN for about a year and a half, I noticed that Dusty posted one of my threads re LDN, but I have posted an update (somewhere) about Mitch coming off of LDN and going on to azathioprine. LDN kept the disease almost at bay - CRP ran between 8 and 15, and the...
  9. DMS

    The Yoga Studio - Class Begins Now

    I've now done 7 days in a row, hubby started the day after me, so he's done 6. He probably notices more of a difference than me as I'm quite active already. Enjoying everything except getting up at 5:30 to fit it into the day (thank goodness for the time change.)
  10. DMS

    Severe burning when trying to poop

    this has happened to my son - he was put on Cipro and it definitely helped within a couple of days.
  11. DMS

    The Yoga Studio - Class Begins Now

    day 1 for me, exercises 16 - 21 were the best - I obviously carry my stress in my back and neck. I was pretty light headed when I stood up after all that deep breathing sitting on the floor. ( I also have low blood pressure though - probably a combo of the two). Thanks David.
  12. DMS

    Falling apart....

    you need a vacation - come to BC, you can stay in the 5th wheel for 2 weeks, we'll pick a new trail to ride every day and I'll even cook dinner for you. Oh, bring your daughter too - my youngest is 7 - they'll have a blast together and when we ride I've got 2 older kids that will babysit. It...
  13. DMS

    Falling apart....

    And the part where you're supposed to do all stuff his way - that's really childish - he needs to leave the room if he doesn't like the way you're doing it. This reminds me of the first few times I left my hubby home with the baby (way back when), I made a decision to not be nit picky about...
  14. DMS

    Falling apart....

    So, I asked my husband to weigh in on the matter (right after I thanked him for not making me choose between him and my horses). He asked how old your child was, I kind of said what does that have to do with it? His answer. . . You guys came into a relationship with the horses taking up a...
  15. DMS

    Falling apart....

    I'm feeling very badly for you Paso. I thank God for my husband and my horses daily (usually in that order), my hubby is also not a "horse person" but even he admits I'm a better person for my family when I've got horses in my life. I really hope that he goes back to a counsellor with you...
  16. DMS

    Will be on no medication in a few days?

    Sorry to hear you're not doing well on the aza, are you getting bloodwork to check that your body can handle the azathioprine? Are you taking the 100 mg all at once? Did the IBD nurse suggest splitting your dose (50 in the AM 50 at night)? did she suggest moving up by only another 25 mg for...
  17. DMS

    Splitting the dose?

    Yes, I definitely think it's worth splitting the dose, in fact, thinking back on instructions from the GI nurse, she mentioned splitting the dose to avoid headaches (as according to her, they are quite common). My son takes 50 mg morning and 50 mg night and is having no side affects. It did...
  18. DMS

    Hair loss and anesthesia

    yes definitely, I had an operation (tubes tied) about 5 years and shortly after that lots of hair started falling out - I told my hubby that I hoped he liked women in hats 'cause I was losing so much hair. The good news, it took about a year, but it all grew back (much to my relief :)
  19. DMS

    Where you are from map.....

    I added mine, and I have to say - that's really cool to visually see where people are from
  20. DMS

    Worried about Azathioprine.

    my son is also on aza and has had no side effects at all. Good luck with it.