16 year old girl in need of cheering up!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 24, 2011
Kent, England
I will be 16 tomorrow
I live in the uk
The doctors are 90% sure I have Crohns and so I've started the Modulin diet. Having a colon-thing (the camera, can't remember the name!) in two days. On antibiotics which are reacting with the Modulin have made me sick twice. Only on day 4 of Modulin! Struggling with the food cravings, but haven't had stomach pains so far :) been very unhappy so far, but finding this forum has helped so much! Feeling bad today, haven't been at school for a few days and tried to go back today but felt so weak - haven't been drinking enough Modulin. Really trying with it, but obviously being sick doesn't help!
Any handy tips or "I've been there" stories would be much appreciated! :)
Hi hannaaah666

Welcome, and I'm sorry you've been going through such a rough patch. It's hard to think about getting to school when your body has so little energy from not eating, resting, and fighting infections. Sounds like you're about to have a colonoscopy---hopefully, it will give you and your doctor some direction into setting up a treatment plan that will work for you. And hopefully, you'll be eating and satisfying your food cravings in no time!
Welcome :)

Happy early birthday!! I feel bad though that you are not feeling well. I would not worry about school, focus your strength on getting better. Your teachers I am sure will work with you. Good luck with your colonoscopy.
Hi Hanna
and welcome fellow Brit

so sorry you're feeling so ill at the mo, but concentrate on getter better with plenty of rest and sleep, this is crucial for healing. Worry about school another time. Be a good idea to let your Headteacher know what's going on, and if you have to stay off long term, the school can provide help with lessons and homework.
I've never tried Modulen but Nestle have a very good website all about it.
here's the link, there might be answers there for you.


good luck with the scope and hope you get a firm diagnosis
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
hey there,
well first of all good luck with your colonoscopy. i was also diagnosed with crohns when i was 16. i am now 25. speaking from my experience it is important to stay on your meds all the time. i thought skipping every now and then wouldnt matter when i felt healthy. i was horribly wrong. ive recently had a resection surgery and had to have an illiostomy for a few months. tomorrow i get that removed :) its not fun. i cant stress enough how important your meds are going to be for you. hope all goes well for you :)
Welcome Hannah! We are glad you joined us. You will find a lot of support and friendship here.
Happy Birthday! Always remember lifes a struggle and there's a lot of people dealing with this. Do a lot of research because you have the ability to make yourself feel so much better.
Hi Hannah,

Happy Birthday!

I'm so sorry you've been feeling pretty crap. Here's hoping you get a definite diagnosis one way or the other from your colonoscopy. They're not the best of fun, but there's worse things to do.

I've never tried the Modulin diet, so don't have any advice on that front. I've never been very good with food cravings, I have to world's lowest will power.

Have a look on the NACC (National Association for COlitis and Crohn's) website, there's loads of fact sheets on there that you may be able to show to your school to give them I an idea of what you're going through at the moment. You might also find a local group that could put you in touch with other young people in your area. I've met some lovely people through my local facebook group in Bristol.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. I hope you manage to enjoy your birthday, and good luck for your scope!
Welcome Hannah!



I hope you get to feeling better!
Come back from colonoscopy, had anaesthetic for it so feeling sleepy... Making notes of all my cravings in diary so I can eat them when Im better! Birthday was relatively Crohns free, thanks for all your kind messages. The doctors say I have Crohns and somethingf else... Something to do with ulcers, I have a lot of them apparently. The doctor says I may be able to eat again in only two weeks, so that's great! :)
Ulcers can be part of the Crohn's, I had some when I was scoped. But glad you're feeling (relatively) OK. Are they going to start you on any meds, or just sticking with the modulin?
I'm taking lots of tablets, mainly antibiotics I think. I think I'm on steroids too. I recognise the word "pentasa", I know that's one of the things I'm on. I'm feeling a bit better already on the modulen - definitely sticking with it! :)

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