6 MP or Remicade ?? which works better ??

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Oct 5, 2008
If you had to choose which is better ??? I have to pick one soon cuz i had surgery a few months ago and still have some active disease left. i need some feedback. Why is one better then the other ? Thanks
people react differently to both. what might work for someone else may not work for you.

i was on imuran (similar to 6-mp) for a while, but it never worked, so now i'm on remicade, which is my miracle drug.

talk to your doctor and see what he/she suggests, because just because one drug worked better than the other for someone else does not mean it will work the same way for you!
I'm the same as RHOV. I tried 6-mp and was allergic to it! I've heard it has been successful on other people though.
Started Remicade a couple of days a go and starting to see the green shoots of recovery already!
But as RHOV says it could well work out differently for you!
I was on Imuran and it affected my liver. Had to stop it last december. Am on remicade and have been for over a year now and still managing on it. Took a while (weeks) to have an impact for me and I still nosedive GI wise due to macroscopic inflammation that increases 10-14 days pre next infusion. Other than that I have had reasonable results with remicade.

Both carry side effects and risks and yes can be downright scarey too but its really up to you to read up on both and gather the info that helps you to decide. Many find Imuran or 6MP work well for them.

Others like us so far on this thread have changed to remicade etc as it didnt suit. There are others on the site that Remicade hasnt worked for either so its a very individual thing and its a case of trying them out to see what suits you to be honest.
I haven't tried either, but for my brother, 6MP didn't work. He tried Remicade 12 years ago when it was still considered "experimental" for Crohn's, and it has been his miracle drug. Currently, it is the only medication he takes for Crohn's.
6-MP worked for me. It was great while it lasted, but I think after a while your body gets imune to it.
There was an article about Remicade in the Wall Street Journel about a 2 weeks ago. I tried to find it online (my husband cut the article out for me) but I can't find it. Essentially, the article touted that adding Remicade to another Crohn's drug (don't remember what the "other" drug was) was found to be more successful for Crohn's patients in achieving remission.

Is it true, who knows? J&J claims it to be true.

I agree that each person is different and each person responds to medication in different ways. I was recently started on a combination of 6-MP & anti-inflammatory medications. I've been on them for about 3 weeks now and so far I am noticing significant improvement. I've had Crohn's symptoms for several years, but I wasn't diagnosed until a couple of weeks ago. This is my first time being on any type of medication at all. My GI told me that eventually it may not work as well, and that I may need to bump up to something stronger. He's starting me off slowly to see how things go.
I am on Imuran as we speak, yet I am changing to 6MP next week due to the fact I am flaring again despite, 40mg /day prednisone and the imuran......

Chemo here we come!!!!!
The methotrexate I have started taking under Rheumatology for my Arthritis is in a low dose and it is used as a chemo drug in higher doses.

Both rheums and gastro tell me the combo works very well together but the methotrexate can take up to 3mths to kick in.

I am currently in what is thought to be flare with being on 6wkly infliximab. I have been off work almost 3wks now and am totally exhausted. Gastro now want to do yet another colonoscopy and have put me back on elemental drinks totally.

All of us were hoping the Methotrexate would kick in but it hasnt yet and I am running out of time at the minute sigh...

Time will tell for me. But I know my gastro wanted me originally to be on Imuran and Remicade except the Imuran caused my liver function to deteriorate.

Hope others get good results..
Jan, let us know how the methotrexate works! I am trying to get my GI/Rheum to let me start methotrexate so I can hopefully taper down Remicade infusions.
Will do RHOV.

My GI said that if the metho does work he hoped to be able to taper the remicade down the line.

I am hoping that going back to elemental totally from today as per his request yesterday sort of tides me over til the metho kicks in and that I dont really have any major flare issues just the usual macroscopic inflammation they know I have 10-14 days pre iv (which they also hope the metho will sort out).

I was started on 10mg once a week (Mondays) and see rheums next Tues. They told me the highest dose they would go to was 25mg once weekly. I also take Folic acid once weekly (Fridays) as the metho apparently can deplete the levels and it is supposed to help with any side effects too.

The main side effects with the metho they were concerned about were nausea, rarely breathing problems and for me hair loss as I lost hair when on the Imuran - grew back once I stopped.

So far I have had some nausea but it isnt any different to usual nausea I suffer and am on meds for it. The breathing issues are VERY VERY rare but they were concerned with me as I am asthmatic and the hair loss so far hasnt been noticable if any. Fingers crossed.

I took my 5th dose yesterday. Time will tell.

Will keep you posted as requested RHOV - no probs.

Hope you are doing ok..
Jan - I am considering methotrexate, too, as I just HAVE to get off the prednisone, and nothing else I have tried so far has worked (Pentasa, Imuran, humira). Do you take it by IM injection, and if so, do you do it at home or do you have to have it in the doctor's office? Thanks and good luck to you!

Hi Lisa,

I take it in tablet form not by injection. Here in the UK the general principle is 2.5mg tablets and I am taking 4 once a week to make up 10mg. There are 10mg tablets but to save confusion with patients they specifically just use the 2.5's

Nausea is supposed to be a main side effect but since I suffer it anyway and I am on anti sickness meds every day which keep it at a lower level but never take it away I havent really noticed a difference since starting the metho Lisa.

I take folic acid 5mg once a week also (on fridays) as it is supposed to help with side effects too and the metho can impact on your folic acid levels so you should take it a couple of days apart from the metho (my metho is every monday).

Feel free to PM me if you think I can help in any way Lisa. I also have fortnightly blood tests done at my local GP surgery.

Hope you are managing despite what is going on for you.

I should point out that going from pred to metho isnt always a straight forward jump as methotrexate is quite heavy duty but considering you have already tried humira and Imuran its fair comment.

Keep in touch.
Jan - Thanks for the great information. I have left a message with my doctor's office to see what they think about trying the methotrexate, so we'll see.

I was all set to try LDN, but the doc wanted me off of all Crohn's meds for 4 weeks before giving it a try (I was on Humira every 2 weeks, Imuran 100 mg a day, and a prednisone taper), so after I tapered off pred on 10/22 I stopped the Humira and Imuran, and just 4 days later I was flaring badly already with diarrhea and vomiting. So they put me back on the meds (started the pred at 40 mg again) and want me to do another taper and then try again (with the goal of 4 weeks off everything again before trying LDN). Well I think the same thing is going to happen again, and I don't want to go on LDN in a full-blown flare-up. So I am hoping that maybe methotrexate could get me into remission (or at least to be able to be off the pred for a few weeks anyway without flaring up), and then maybe switching to the LDN. I like the fact that the LDN supposedly has very few, if any, nasty side effects.

Anyway, I appreciate your time to answer my questions, and I wish you all the best with your treatment.

My first flare up when I was 19 I had a fistula and they decided to treat me off the bat with remicaid. It worked within 2 days I could see results. Was on it about 6 or 7 months and was in remission for 3 years...I really liked remicaid (going in for infusions is a pain though)