Alcohol and Crohns?

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Oct 14, 2015
Hi all,

This past year I've been suffering some unusual after effects from drinking alcohol for the last 6 months or so.

If I drink anything, even if just 2 or 3 small drinks. I'll wake up in the night feeling really sick and extremely dehydrated. The feeling of needing to 'throw up' usually lasts until around 1-2PM the next day.

This is really unusual for me as I've always been one not to have a hangover the next day. This also started happening before I started taking Pentasa so it's not related to any medication.

Has anyone else experienced similar symptoms of drinking?
I stopped drinking completely when I was diagnosed three years ago. Mainly because it caused diarrhea and make me feel like crap. But also to give my body overall a better chance and also I take Remicade and Imuran and I figure I don't need to tax my liver unnecessarily!
I was never a big drinker seeing I had my colon removed at 22 but after a 7 month period where I had 3 surgeries some friends took me out for some drinks
I had 3 or 4 beers I ended up hospitalized with extreme diarrhea & vomiting.About a year or 2 later I had a flu bug and took some NyQuil and the same thing happened so I now stay away from anything with alcohol in it.
Yeah, I don't drink much. It gives me so much diarrhea and it takes days to get things settled back down to 'normal'. I'm left uber exhausted and dehydrated. Not really worth the effort in my books.
It seems alcohol is affecting you guys in different ways.

So am i right in thinking that having an inflammation issue makes you more dehydrated after consuming alcohol?
What are you drinking? Some drinks have lots of sugar, and that might do you any good.

Always good to drink water before you go to bed if you've had alcohol. And hangovers tend to get worse as you get older.
That's another thing- given the pain and misery we have deal with from the disease - and aging haha- I never want another hangover. Never ever. Ever. lol
Ive played with alcohol. For me 1 beer will cause flare symptoms. I can handle burbon if its 2 or 3 drinks any more and i get sick. I know its not goid for me so i stay away from it most the time. I will ocassionaly have a drink in a sicial setting but watch how much is poured.