Always sick, but not on immunosuppressants

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Jul 16, 2010
always sick, but not on immunosuppressants

As a teacher, I'm exposed to a lot of germs, but after teaching for decades, I hardly ever used to get sick. I would get a couple of colds a year, but they were just typical colds that passed quickly and didn't put me out of commission. For the past year, since I've had crohn's, I get every thing that my students come down with. I'm sick every four to six weeks, and a simple cold throws me out of commission. I'll be in bed with swollen glands, raw throat, fatigue, sometimes fever, and enough mucus for ten people's colds. Usually, by day three I start to recover, then bam, a few weeks later, I get sick again. When one of my students vomits at school, I know that I will be on the floor retching with 24 hours. It's crazy. I'm out of sick days and feeling really worn down.
Any advice? Thanks.
Sorry, no advice for you, but you do have my sympathy! I went through a period of maybe 6-9 months before my flare where I caught everything going. I had more time off in those few months than the rest of my time (4-5 years) there put together! I did find that once the Crohn's was treated (with Pred, which suppresses rather than enhances the immune system!) the constant illnesses stopped. I figured my immune system was too busy messing around in my guts to do its job properly, once the guts were taken care of the immune system could concentrate on bugs I was getting. Alternatively, my immune system could have been overactive, responding to every minor threat as if it was the plague (the majority of the ill feeling actually comes from your immune system fighting the bug). But either way, you may find that your Crohn's isn't fully under control and once it is, you stop getting ill so much. In the meantime, wash your hands! And try and keep out of sneeze and cough range (easier said than done in a school, I know).
I have had alot of success with the herbal remedy echinaceae, which I take one tablet daily. It is great for the immune system and outside my normal problems I am hardly ever sick. A multivitamin with iron is also a good idea too.

Always check with a Dr first but I would highly recommened the above :)
As a teacher, I'm exposed to a lot of germs, but after teaching for decades, I hardly ever used to get sick. I would get a couple of colds a year, but they were just typical colds that passed quickly and didn't put me out of commission. For the past year, since I've had crohn's, I get every thing that my students come down with. I'm sick every four to six weeks, and a simple cold throws me out of commission. I'll be in bed with swollen glands, raw throat, fatigue, sometimes fever, and enough mucus for ten people's colds. Usually, by day three I start to recover, then bam, a few weeks later, I get sick again. When one of my students vomits at school, I know that I will be on the floor retching with 24 hours. It's crazy. I'm out of sick days and feeling really worn down.
Any advice? Thanks.

Hi Tina,
During all the years i suffered i used to get colds all the time.Everything you describe used to happen to me but also i used to get 24/48 hr sessions of non stop sneezing/runny nose.It never seemed to matter if the CD was moderate or severe,i still had constant colds.Feeling crap just became my normal way of life.
Many Dr's think CD is an auto-immune illness.Only my opinion but i think my immune system was either inbalanced or over reacting.i think that is what gave me CD and was the reason i suffered with bad colds on such a regular basis.
During the period of being on Azathioprine & 6mp these problems with colds were made even worse.
One of the things that made me try AMP was the research i read about the very large molecules of the mucopollysaccarides.It stated they had powerful immune modulating properties,so i decided to give it a go.
Since i have been taking AMP i have not had one cold,sniffle,chill etc.
I gained complete remmision from CD.For myself it helped me in a way i never thought possible.

Best Wishes
hi, i was researching and i would of went on echinaesa but it said its not adviced for people with auto-immune disease.. i had bought a whole bottle before i research it pffft.. so im taking vitmamin c x2 and it seems to be helping with multiviman...
hi, i was researching and i would of went on echinaesa but it said its not adviced for people with auto-immune disease.. i had bought a whole bottle before i research it pffft.. so im taking vitmamin c x2 and it seems to be helping with multiviman...

I don't have a diagnosis yet but it's looking like Crohn's and have had it 5 years now, been taking the echinaceae even longer and am fine.

As I said always consult a Dr if in doubt. All my Drs know I take it (I also have ME which could be classed as auto-immune) and never had any objections raised, in fact it was after the ME started my then GP recommended it!

Make sure you're not overdosing with the vitamin C, it's in the multi vitamin, I wouldn't take those extra 2 unless it was short term ie in order to fight a cold.
hi star, yeah im fighting a cold right now and i was scared it would turn into something serious so the doc told me to take 2 vitamin c till i get over the cold.. and to be honest best advice ever.. im getting over it really quickly thank god and ill drop back to one vitamin c once im over the serious part of it..

im gonna go look again at other products and see if any i can take with auto immune with out a problem.. but i know in the carribbean thats the first thing they tell us to take so we will see

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