An Experimental Treatment Option

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Aug 19, 2016
I don't know if I have Crohns or UC, but experiencing continuous diarrhea for about 10 days now, following a heart operation.

In researching my symptoms, i stumbled on this investigative study, dated 2013:

This is an NIH GOV article, in their category 'pmc articles PMC3805612'

The precise mechanism of the very effective therapeutic effect of gastrointestinal nematodes on some autoimmune diseases is not clearly understood and is currently being intensively investigated. Treatment with living helminths has been initiated to reverse intestinal immune-mediated diseases in humans. However, little attention has been paid to the phenotype of nematodes in the IBD-affected gut and the consequences of nematode adaptation. In the present study, exposure of Heligmosomoides polygyrus larvae to the changed cytokine milieu of the intestine during colitis reduced inflammation in an experimental model of dextran sulphate sodium (DSS)- induced colitis, but increased nematode establishment in the moderate-responder BALB/c mouse strain. We used mass spectrometry in combination with two-dimensional Western blotting to determine changes in protein expression and changes in nematode antigens recognized by IgG1 in mice with colitis. We show that nematode larvae immunogenicity is changed by colitis as soon as 6 days post-infection; IgG1 did not recognize highly conserved proteins Lev-11 (isoform 1 of tropomyosin α1 chain), actin-4 isoform or FTT-2 isoform a (14-3-3 family) protein. These results indicate that changes in the small intestine provoked by colitis directly influence the nematode proteome. The unrecognized proteins seem to be key antigenic epitopes able to induce protective immune responses.

Given it's age, I assume most in this forum may already be aware, and no idea if the research has advanced sufficiently to help anyone here. But maybe it could be of help.
With diarrhea of 10 days duration following surgery, I'd say it's too soon to start suspecting you have IBD. A far more likely explanation is that you were given antibiotics which upset normal bacterial composition in your gut. Or perhaps you picked up a C. diff. infection in the hospital. Good luck and keep following up with your doctor.
RJ, any follow up?

Apparently soaked chia seed or psylium husk are good for bulking up the stool / regularity.

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