Any Advice Please!!!

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May 19, 2012
Hey Guys!

I havent been very well for the past 2 weeks-ish and I need some help at working out what is up! I'm currently undiagnosed with some kind of inflammatory bowel disorder (suspected crohns) 20 years old, female.

For the past few weeks i've been experiencing weird symptoms and I have had bloods back last week to say my CRP levels are normal so currently not having a flare up!

I've Had:
-Several days without a BM. BM’s urgent (Like when I have to go, I have to dam well go!) Then started having BM's again. Small, round pellet stools with a lot of mucous. Extreme straining to pass/pain in abdo from straining
-Extreme nausea for 3 days + vomiting with both food and liquid. Last about 4 days then nausea went away and have been eating again fine with only small bouts of nausea
-Go to the bathroom then about half an hour to an hour and a half later need to go again. Straining to have bm. Small amounts of stool (Normal looking excluding mucous) with each bm. Going 3x daily (1/06/12)
-Spasm pain lower abdomen (mainly right side with some upper left). When I'm not having spasm's im not in pain and feel comfortable.
- Not passing gas
-Insomnia (Like seriously can not get to sleep until like 5am... even with sleeping pills - Zopiclone last night) ... Getting ridiculous!

Today I ate 2x small snacks. Ate medium sized meal for dinner, vomited everything back up about 20 minutes later. And having spasm pain in right side/middle abdo all night. They come on randomly, last a minute or two then stop.

Confused! Any clues guys? I have to wait probably about 6 months to see the specialist and am on the waiting list and have been reading a few posts here and worried about maybe a partial obstruction of the small intestines (where they think my crohns? may be located).

Obviously going to see my GP again after the weekend (It's Friday night here) but just wondering if anyone has any ideas!!! Because right now i've come to the conclusion that I just wont eat ever again, because when I dont eat I feel fine!

Nicole :)
Sorry to hear what you are going thru! I don't know what to tell you except if you are that worried, can you go to the hospital instead of waiting until Monday?
Hope you feel better soon,
Are you holding down water at least? If you can not drink you will rapidly dehydrate.
It was my experiance that dealing with a GP alone on this is not good enough. If you call the GI and tell them that you are pretty sure that you have an obstruction will they get you in today? Otherwise I agree with Monica it may be time to go to the ER. They can give you a CT and tell you right away if that is the problem.

Hope you figure out what the issue is.

Can't offer any real advice except please dont leave it. If its new to you get it checked out. Even if it turns out to be nothing its better to be safe than sorry.
Go to the er if needs be. It does sound like an obstruction/blockage, not that I have had one, and I know you can't leave them.
Hope you get it sorted. Let us know how you get on.
It's 4am and I still can't get to sleep. Uncomfortable to say the least!!! And im supposed to be doing a small 3 hour shift at work this morning, my first shift in 3 months since i've been really sick!

Unfortunately I dont have a GI at the moment (still on the waiting list) so its wait out the weekend or ER for me :( Been holding down water (though it makes me really nauseous). I've also noticed whenever I stand up I start feeling really dizzy and my heart starts beating really fast. The pain is quite strong when it happens but its not happening all too often (maybe a few big spasms an hour) so I'm not worried its a full on blockage or anything.

Probably just freaking out of nothing but something definitely doesn't feel right at all
Sounds like an obstruction. I recommend going to the doctors ASAP otherwise things will get worse. Trust me. There's been times where I've felt like hell from my crohn's and could not take down any food. I would wait and hope that it would calm and go away but most of the time it didn't. Before things get worse get this checked out ASAP. Are you taking any medications for this?
The dizziness and rapid heartbeat could be signs of dehydration and you need to get checked out. Speaking from personal experience, it gets a lot worse.
Even if they only hook you up to a bag of fluids it will make you feel better. Plus whilst you are there they can do some tests.
Please get checked out. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx:hug:
All I'm on at the moment is Pantoprazole, Gastrosoothe, Nortryptiline and Tramadol for extreme pain otherwise just paracetamol. The joys of being un-diagnosed...

Thanks guys, you're right, even if it is just something minor its better to get it checked out before it turns into something major. Will at least try get some sleep tonight and then maybe head to ER if im still feeling off.
just curious, cuase i am new to all this...but do any of your meds have side effects that could be causing some of this?

I dont take anything right now besides T3 and Nexium, but i always worry about side effects making me feel worse then the disease its self......

which until i get officially dianogsised i shouldnt worry.

hope you are feeling beter. For the record, i rarely sleep anymore......
Looking through this forum, I see no body talks about nutrition in healing stomach problems.

For one, you must have the proper good bacteria (Flora) in you intestines to have a proper functioning stomach.

First of all, you need a good pro-biotic Flora) in you intestines. I get mine at Swansons (Soil based Mirco-organism) to get you stomach working again and driving out the bad bacteria. Anti-biotics kill all good and bad bacteria.

I make a Saure Kraut with cabbage
You shred three heads of cabbage and put it in a one gallon jar, ad salt (I use Real Salt from Utah salt mines Take a round stick and crush it as you add cabbage and salt until the jar is almost full. I put one or two of the outside leafs from the head of cabbage on top and put a pint jar of water on top to keep the solids below the water that is produced by the crushing of the cabbage. I put a plastic baggy over the outside of the gallon jug and put it in a pan and sit it on the dryer for about 3-5 days as it gets fermented.

This Kraut is full of good probioics for you stomach. Oh, I put in the container a few good probiotics capsules sprinkled in the jar to get them started fermenting the kraut.

Now after it has fermented I put it into pint jars and save the extra liquid in another jar so you can use it to start another batch later, keep all of it in the frig as it stops fermenting when kept cold.

I would start out with only a teaspoon to start, as the good flora will kill off the bad bacteria, and if you take to much it will kill to many bad bugs and will make you sick. work your way up to a good serving every day and you will get your stomach working as it should be working.

Also you need not eat junk food with chemicals in it. go all organic when you can as that is why your stomach is bad in the first place. Not eating what Mother nature provided for us.

I'm 78 and my stomach works great now and I feel great because of the good flora in my belly.

You can go online to see how to make Saure Kraut from start to finish. By searching for fermented veggies and how to make kRAUT.
My constipation and solid stools have gradually become softer and softer to the point of diarrhoea now and I never get diarrhoea. Definitely time for hospital. Will keep you all posted when I find out whats up xxx
Went to the hospital in extreme pain with nausea. The only tests they did on me in the entire 8 and a half hours were bloods and urine (both came back clear, even my CRP levels which is good!) however still doesn't explain to me what the hell is going on and why im having all these symptoms and the severity of them.

Basically was told that i'm a 'needs further investigation case' and although A & E can manage the pain and nausea for me theres not a lot more they can do except send another referal to the specialist noting whats happening in the hopes it gets me in quicker.

Was surprised my CRP levels were normal as in the past when i've had pain like this they've been up around 100. But i'm glad because at least I know its not inflamed!

Now just left very confused and in a lot of pain with yet another combination of painkillers, anti-nausea and stool looseners to try.
It is so frustrating when that happens.
Can you ring your gi and speak to him/her?
Wish there was something i could do.
I Wish! I dont have a GI yet... Will definitely go see my GP on Tuesday and keep him up to date but theres a limit to what he can do.

Just want answers. They say patience is a virtue!!!! Well mines running bloody short now!
I know what you mean hun.

Keep going back to the er if you need to. Could they admit you to a ward that way?
Nah they didn't want to admit me because i'm a 'needs further investigation case' not a medical emergency case.

That was news to me since last time they admitted me, did keyhole surgery and kept me in for a week. Also that the amount of pain and nausea I was in 'isn't considered a medical emergency case' confused me.

Honestly I was far more comfortable in hospital with the constant nausea and pain management. But hey, what can I do?
I'm still rather worried about having a partial bowel obstruction. The only tests they performed were urine/bloods. Is it possible that these tests could be clear and still have a minor obstruction in the bowel?

I was hoping they would do an x-ray or ultra-sound but no imaging tests were done at all.

I'm still not very well today.... Has anyone had any experience with failing to diagnose a bowel obstruction?
I just want to also say that I'm sorry that you are going through this.Most of us know how you feel both physically and frustration wise, although I have to say that I am super lucky with my docs and my hospital...just read Shazz's threads (she's been through the ringer over and over and over) and trust me I don't think anyone could understand your frustration more than her (shout out to you Shazz's if you read this....big hug too).

Anyways what I really wanted to say is why in gods name did they not do an X-ray or CT scan???? I have NEVER been to the ER or AE (?) with any sort of abdominal / intestinal issue and not had some sort of imaging done. I would suggest that if there is no improvement by tomorrow to go back and request it, because your GP isn't going to be able to do any sort of diagnostics in his office!!! He'll just end up sending you to the hospital I would imagine. At least that's what would happen here. I realize that we are in different countries, so maybe things are done differently there and if I'm totally off base with my assumptions I do apologize.

I really hope you can get sorted right quick well ok quicker from here on in...and my god doesn't it effing sick waiting in the ERIC when you're in pain??? I actually bring my own pillow, blanket and my tablet when I go just to make myself a bit more I look silly

Again thoughts are with you, let us know how u get on,

I am so sorry the Drs giving you so much trouble!

Keep going back again and again and again!!!

You know when your body is in trouble... dont let them do less than their best even if it takes a few times!!

I hope you have a safe weekend.

Keep us updated.

Thanks guys!

I'm just so frustrated by everything. I was shocked there was no imaging either as every other time i've been to hospital thats one of the first things they order. My family is not impressed. They live 4 and a half hours away and I'm considering going home to go to the hospital there as I'm still not well.

At least now I know I'm not the only one who would not be happy with this kind of care from the hospital! Was a bit worried maybe I was over-reacting.

Will get an opinion from my GP to see if he thinks I should go home as well and try the hospital there

Keep going back and scream and sshout if you need to. The more noise you make the more notice they will take of you. If need be exagerate the pain a bit more. They need to at least do an xray because your bloods acan be normal and still you could have something else going on.
Bloods are just an indication not a diagnostic tool.

Kat - thanks for the shout out and the big hug. Always welcome.

Let us know how you do Nicole.
Sorry it's taken me a bit to get to you Nicole:( Also sorry to hear that you're not doing well. Sounds like you might need a little help with telling the doctors what to do. Even if it is your parents, might not be a bad idea. I know that this time around, it's been really helpful having my husband with me to get a bit pushy with my doctor. Unfortunately, it seems like sometimes they listen to the family members more than they listen to us. Hope you get all the help you can soon. Take care. Xxxxx Lisa
i have found that i do have to exaggerate my symtoms alittle in order to be heard. So if my pain is a 6 , i tell them its an 8. Otherwise they just dont seem to listen. Besides, everyone reacts differently to things and what might bother you, maybe not bothers someone else. ya know????

I have had my share of stupid idiotic drs, who were good for nothing in my opinion. And i complained finally, and now when i call my local clinic they always ask if its an emergencey now with me, or if its just a regular appt. They know that when i need to see a dr, its means i NEED to see a dr.

Yes definetely if you can get home to your parents i would. If that would give you the support you need and an extra voice to get through to a dr, i would do it. Or do you have a friend that is loud and pushy???? take her with you to the ER and have her help you be heard.

I think htere are so many people in the world that ocmplain over the littlest things that drs dont listen to those of us with real pain. And therefore we have to make ourselves loud and make our presence known.

They are there to serve and help us. If they are doing their job then you need to fix that!!!!

I once had an emerg dr look at my butt, after i had my abscess rupture, and tell me there was nothing there, nothing wrong with me. He saw no reason for my pain and i must be faking. He gave me a tetanus shot, just so "he did something' and sent me on my way.

I made some noise and everyone i saw knew what an idiot he was. And i got in with a dr who ACTUALLY listened to me 10 min later.

As my mil says, you have to be the squeaky wheel to be heard.

So its Sunday. No appetite at all all day and when I have had even a tiny ammount to eat or drink i feel so nauseous. Having some really strong pains in my lower left abdo now and still some in my upper right but the lower left pain is starting to get really intense even with taking Tramadol.

Also i'm pretty bloated and it feels honestly like my bowels have just stopped. The gurgling noises have gone and what ever I have eaten today feels like its just sitting in my stomach and ive been having some reflux aswell.

Going to see my GP first thing tomorrow and really want to avoid A & E again after last time, I feel like they dont take me seriously. But i'm definitely getting worse so I have to do something soon!
You need tto get to a&e hun.
Scream and shout to be seen but you need to be seen.
Sounds like a blockage. Tell them you need to see a gi who is on call aand have at least an abdo xray or a ct scan.
Don't leave it as it will only get wworse.
Wish you all the best and let us know how you het on.
Hiya Nicole

bit late to this thread!
sounds like you're blocked, sounds like me 2 years ago, I was lucky, the GP called an ambulance, saved my life, I was ready to perforate.
Alarm bells are ringing, no sounds, bloating, no gas, alternating c and D, vomiting etc.
Complications that can arise from this is that part of the diseased bowel can die off causing infection or gangrene. Seriously.
I was minutes from this happening to me, metronidazole and prednisolone saved my life.
It's imperative that you go to hospital, or get your GP to phone the surgical ward avoiding ER and all the crap that comes with it, like waiting for 8 hours and being seen by incompetent interns.
Convince your GP, scream if you have to, be insistent, lie if you have to, milk it, just get to hospital, the ending could be surgery!
good luck xxx
i agree with everyone else. I have no experience with any of what you are dealing with, but if i ever do i am going to learn from this and stand in the ER or clinic and scream til i am treated.

Please, look after yourself. Go make some noise!!!
Your symptoms seems similar but not deffinant to what I have been suffering from.
The heart racing is usually a sign of infection like bacteria infection..
If you are having any back pain,joint pain, septis, nausea it could Likly be a bacteria /parasite.
A more confirming symptom is septis "hives/rashes/boils"

With crohns, people get nausea + throwing up etc although, that is usually linked to a stricture "blockage".
Stay off dairy + wheat and if you improve than big chance it's a bug.
Insomnia aye.... I have spent so many nights awake because of this bug.
Most common bug is called - Klebsiella oxytoca.
You may also experience anxiety, mood swings.
Let us know how u go
Hi Everyone

So I went back to my GP today and ended up in tears. Pretty much he thinks I probably have some partial blockages but nothing definitive that he can find. He told me that theres really nothing they can do for me because they dont know what is wrong until I've seen the specialist which could be up to 6 months away yet. So in the mean time I just have to keep taking the medication I'm on and put up with the pain, the nausea, barely eating and not sleeping.

Personally I thought this was not ok. You can't expect someone to 'just put up with it' when it's this bad and effecting their every day life. I physically can't work anymore and i've had to stop studying for now because I simply can't with how I'm feeling right now.

So my parents are coming to pick me up and I'm going to stay with them for a while and they're going to take me into the hospital back home and make some noise and try get me seen asap or take me private. Whatever it takes to try sort this and stop me being in so much pain.

I'm pretty much at the end of my tether. I can't keep going with this pain and feeling like this so fingers crossed this produces some results.
Ah sunshine that is horrible. I friggin hate when drs tell you to ' just put up with it'. My GP told me that when my whole ordeal started......and when it proved to be something bad, he finally conceded that i did the right thing by going back in week after week.

Please stay on top of it. I dont know hardly anything about obstructions but it soundsl ike you are in alot of pain and very unhappy. I hope your parents can help you be heard by someone who will do something for you!!!! That is just not right!!!!

i feel for you, i really do.

I am in daily pain myself, and i know its not what you are in for pain and i am going nuts. I can only imagine how you must be feeling!!!

Keep us updated!!!
Good plan going to another hospital and do take someone with you.

I also hate it when we are told to deal with it. They have no idea what our lives are like day in day out.

Keep strong hun and keep at em.

Let us know how it all goes.

Sending you lots of hugs. :hug::hug::hug:

Yes, kind of, I had an ulcer on my duodenum where the stomach meets the intestines, which is why everything I ate was coming straight up again. This could be one explanation. I needed steroids to get rid of those ulcers, but steroids are only an acute treatment, and the doctor should explain all the different treatment options available.

Remember, lots of people are going to hospital everyday saying they are vomiting and they'll try and get rid of you. I had to go three times before they would take me seriously. Dont take no for an answer!

Good luck x
I went to hospital... They took my blood and told me to go home.
The best way to tackle this is through your GP.
Demand a CT scan on your abdominals.
Demand blood test for IGG,IGA,calcium,vit D.
Demand a stool test to test for gram negative and gram positive bacteria.
I am so fed up with doctors being lazy assholes!!!
They know what can be done, they are just lazy asswipes.
From my experience, hospital wont help you, but you could always try.
Put on water works if you need to.
As a guy, it's a lot harder to get the feel sorry for me ability.
Flaunt it if you can use it.

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