Anybody find it weird having a GI of the opposite sex?

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May 18, 2010
I have a female GI and find it a little weird when she does rectal exams.

I don't find it too weird though because she is way older than me.

Also I have a colonscopy tomorrow so wish me luck X_X.
Yeah, I'm fine with girls, just so they're older and what not. When I did my colonoscopy my doctor asked me if it was ok for a student trainee to come watch and I was like sure. When I got in the room it turned out to be like a 25 year old girl....hah. I didn't have that much prob tho since they knocked me out
I actually prefer having a male GI. I'm so used to him giving me scopes/rectal exams that I wrote him a message on my butt before my last scope. It said: 'Crap Happens' & 'Scope here' with an arrow pointing to my butt. He told me he wish he could take a picture with his phone but it's illegal to have pictures like that of a teenage girl ;)

You just have to laugh & make a joke out of this whole Crohn's thing! It's what keeps me going :) I'm sure your GI would much rather talk to you about bowel movements/private parts than an older person.
No It doesnt bother me at all , it does bother me that they dont have either manners or a personality.
I had a colonoscopy last week ( my fourth) and at the end the nurse said this bit is going to be uncomfortable so I had a very bad ending in that i dont know what happened but I felt an awful lot of pressure and it almost made me throw up . This has never happened before and when I asked what had happened he said "oh your going to be difficult are we" .
But to answer your question I would care if it was done by a trained monkey , ( sorry having a bad day )
I guess it all depends. I mean I would want to make sure that the doctor is a good doctor that knows the job well I guess. That is what is important. my GI doc is like in his 60's and I am comfortable with him. I will say I had to have a vaginal ultrasound once and when I showed up at the hospital for my appt. the tech that came to get me was a young guy probably around my age. I was mortified!!! He handed me the transducer that has to be put inside the vagina. He hands me this thing covered in goop and says " here you put it in"!! Needless to say, it was a very uncomfortable situation for me.
My first GI was female, I was in an awful flare and when I called for the appointment they pointed out to me that the only opening was with a female doctor. I was hurting so badly I could care less and so I took the appointment. She did an awesome job diagnosing me and I had no problem with having a female doctor.

When it comes to having a colonoscopy there could just as well be male nurses as there are female nurses in the room so what can you do? The first one I had done I woke up with lube still between my cheeks and it felt all, well slippery.

The next one I woke up still in the room where the procedure was done and a somewhat fruity looking male nurse greeted me with a big smile and a cheerful "how are you feeling"? I felt all cleaned up and not at all slippery and I just looked at his happy self and thought, ugh, let me stop thinking about who cleaned me up. lol!
Could be a chimpanzee for all I care, as long as they know what they're doing.
I did at first cause my first GI was male and I was 9 but I got used to having male doctors. The main thing I find strange now is having a pap done by a male doctor (the only one here now is a man). When there's a male with a female patient there always has to be a female nurse in the room even with a GI so in a way its more awkward cause there are two people in the room.
It felt a little awkward at first having a male doctor, but now I am comfortable. It's just another face in the crowd to them lol
Ive had young/old female/male nurses and docs doing exams / oscopys and have never been bothered about it. Im sure im just another bum to look at out of many.
It was weird the first time, now I really don't care. Plus every male GI doc I have ever seen has been seriously unattractive.. all the cute docs seem to float around in sports medicine.
A lady did my first scope and a man the second... I wouldn't have taken any notice of the latter except it was my GI actually doing the scope so I was a little embarrased! If I had a female GI and she did it I probably would have been embarrased too lol because losing that anonimity was awkward.
It never bothered me having a male G.I., but I think women tend to be a bit more used to having a doctor of the opposite sex, all of my doctors when I was growing up were male, so it never seemed out of the ordinary when looking for a G.I. or an ob/gyn.
I seem to have better luck with male doctors - they seem to be more sympathetic. My first GI was female and she was great, but the doctor who finally took me seriously and referred me to her was the first male doctor I saw.
I'm a woman and went through two male gastro docs before finding this female doc. The two males seem like they weren't "interested" or serious about my condition. This female one is more sympathetic and friendly with a sense of humor. I really like far. Have to wait and see how my colonoscopy goes and what she can do for me. The strange thing is I always look forward to seeing her.
I don't mind. My gI is a male and only 8 years older then me, but he's fantastic and I trust him with my life!
Honestly I prefer female doctors because I think they generally are smarter and more compassionate. Maybe they work harder to compensate for a male dominated field? Anyways, I'm not uncomfortable with female doctors. I am uncomfortable with male doctors closer to my age because I feel like we are both young and it's odd that I'm the patient and sick while they are healthy. Also, if they are attractive that's awkward if they are touching me lol.
Most of my doctors have been male. My GI was and my GPs have been male, one of my surgeons is female, they've been the only doctors to poke around my lower half on a regular basis in the past few years.

The only time I've ever been uncomfortable with medical practitioners was when I had my colon out. I had developed a crush one of the nursing and she happened to be one of the nurses who came to remove the various tubes in my lower half.
As a female I am pretty happy with my male doctor. I was lucky to get a good gi on the first try. Honestly I kind of though gi was more of a male dominated specialty but maybe not based on posts here. Anyone have any ideas or stats on female vs male gi doctors?
Most of my doctors are female and are awesome. I have a male urologist and thyroid surgeon who are also wonderful. I've been very lucky in my doctors.

The only one I had an issue was after my colonoscopy 10 years ago. I was meeting with the doctor that did it (a lady) and in walks this young, young (had to be only 12) doctor who grabs my chart from my doctor's hand and proceeds to tell me that I don't need another colonoscopy for 7 years (this was before my Crohns diagnoses - I had a scope done every 5 years). I asked him who he was and got introduced to the head of Gastroenterology for the university. I was not impressed by his bedside manner at all and have noticed that he is no longer the head of Gastro. at the university anymore. I ignored him and continued to have them done every 5 years and the next one showed my Crohns flaring. Good thing I didn't listen to him.
I wasn't quite sure at first since all my doctors had been female since I got diagnosed at 18. But, I've been very pleased with this GI of mine and am looking to stick with him. He's been able to care for me better than my female GI did.
Male or female...I don't care. But I did care when the nurse assisting the doctor told me that she was my neighbour. She told me this while my legs were akimbo and I was farting away.

I would have preferred not to know. :)

She was really nice though.
I have a thirty something Gi that is smoking hot and I don't mind one bit. I figure if someone is sick enough to want to be a GI,LOL, who am I to stand in their way of a good view of my butt. :) (disclaimer: GI's are not "sick" really, thank goodness someone wants the job, I couldn't do it.)
I've had UC for so long that I don't even get embarrassed about anything pertaining to my a-hole/colon lol

My gastro is kind of a dick with terrible bedside manner. I'd much rather have a younger woman. They seem to sympathize more with what we're all going through. I'll definitely be looking for a new gastro before my next colonoscopy later this year.
Hmmm. I never thought much about it actually. I am female and my GI is male. I admittedly was embarrassed in the beginning but I imagine I would have been that way with any doctor considering the very private and sensitive nature of my reason for being there. Now I talk to him about every little detail with no problem.

I guess I don't care who they are or how old they are so long as they can treat me and have good bedside manner.
I'd never really had a problem with t it, my GI and Surgeon are both male and I'm female.
The only time it's been a tiny bit weird was when I was telling my surgeon that my GI had said he'd seen some healed rectovaginal fistulas when he'd examined me, which I knew nothing about and my surgeon said 'well I've seen your bottom......and I've never noticed any.' We had a laugh about what he said, but for a second I thought 'yup, this middle aged man has seen my bottom, several times.....'
I like it better having a male GI... I look at him as a father figure and have asked him several times "if I was your daughter, what would you have her do?"