Anyone felt like this before??

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Dec 8, 2011
Penryn, Cornwall UK
Ok so I woke up this morning and I felt really weird, I felt like I had been trampled on by horses I had no colour in my face at all I was the same colour as a piece of paper :pale:, I couldn't stand properly :yfaint:, inside I felt cold but on the outside I was burning and felt really sick :confused2:

Anyone else had this??
What exactly do you mean by feeling like you've been trampled on by horses? That you're in pain all over?

Going pale and feeling faint might just mean you got up to quickly if you have low blood pressure. You can tell if you have a fever, you'll usually be shivery - it's the same feeling you get when you've got a bad cold (minus the nose and cough symptoms) or the feeling you get following a general anaesthetic. (At least that's how it feels to me.) You can get a thermometer pretty cheaply - you might find having your own comes in handy with a chronic disease. When I was discharged from hospital recently, I was getting fevers, and when I phoned the ward that I'd been on to check that the symptoms I was getting were ok to wait out at home and that I didn't need to go back to hospital, it was useful to be able to tell the nurse exactly how high my temperature had been.

But the symptoms you reported in your post are so vague and general - feeling like that is unfortunately just a regular occurrence for those of us with chronic diseases like this. :( It's often just something you have to learn to live with, take care of yourself, and report to a doctor if symptoms are persistent or going downhill quickly.
If you are hot on the surface but feel freezing, you may have a fever. If you aren't sure, maybe take your temperature, if you have a fever, you may have some type of infection and that is why you are feeling so bad.

I've felt like this before, and it has always been a bad infection. I would take your temp and call your doctor.

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