Hi everyone!
I wanted to ask if anyone has had the joy of having an anal fistula that has needed to be drained. By this I mean - through an operation a plastic thread is inserted into the fistula, down the rectum and out of the anus, being tied out side the body. After this hsa done it's job and the fistula has successfully been drained, the thread needs to be removed. Has anyone had this? How was yours removed? Was your rectum completely healed (if it was also damaged) prior to having the thread removed. I'm at the point of having the thread removed and I wanted to have some advice or opinions as to how best this can be done. Thanks in advance
for your correspondence! Ciao for now. XCX
I wanted to ask if anyone has had the joy of having an anal fistula that has needed to be drained. By this I mean - through an operation a plastic thread is inserted into the fistula, down the rectum and out of the anus, being tied out side the body. After this hsa done it's job and the fistula has successfully been drained, the thread needs to be removed. Has anyone had this? How was yours removed? Was your rectum completely healed (if it was also damaged) prior to having the thread removed. I'm at the point of having the thread removed and I wanted to have some advice or opinions as to how best this can be done. Thanks in advance