Anyone have CD and no health insurance?

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Sep 23, 2010
I dont have it. Dropped from my dad's policy and am not employed because I cant work.

luckily my parents are able to afford out of pocket expenses and the two doctors I am seeing are being considerate when it comes to their rates because I am uninsured.

But luckily I have only had 3 surgeries because of Crohns and a colonoscopy, and I have a free years supply of Humira because of my situation.

God Bless America and their for profit healthcare system
With the new healthcare reform your parents can now keep you on their insurance until you are 26 yo as long as your employer doesn't offer it. If your under that age you should make sure your parents know this.
With the new healthcare reform your parents can now keep you on their insurance until you are 26 yo as long as your employer doesn't offer it. If your under that age you should make sure your parents know this.

I dont know how it works exactly but I was kicked off way before the new legislation was even proposed. Im pretty sure that the new legislation keeps kids who are currently on their parents coverage from being kicked off. I doubt it lets kicked off children back on. And I am 25 so my time is nearing anyways. I've applied for Medicaid but its gonna take forever for me to find out if i qualify for it
Yes they can add you back on until your 26. But if you have a year free from Humira i wouldn't want that stopped. We just had our enrollment period at work and was told this
They can add you during their enrollment. Plus, there are quite a few hospitals and free clinics that offer care to those without insurance. There are lot of options, it just takes a little work to find them.
I also have no insurance and have Crohn's. I stay so sick that I cannot work and some people tell me, oh you could work if you really wanted to. Well....let me tell them something. They have NO idea what it is like to not know when your going to crap your pants to put it politely and have to be near every restroom no matter where your at. Then try to go eat dinner with friends and have to leave to go to the bathroom and be in there for 30 minutes (no exaggeration). Life sucks having this and I cannot get on disability because the govenrment says that I do not qualify, but yet on the site for applying for disability, Crohn's IS a chronic disease and it IS listed as qualifying for disability. I just recently got married and now for sure I can't get disability because they think your husband is supposed to take care of everything and pay for everything, well it doesn't work like that in today's economy especially when your in foreclosure to boot. Sorry to be so abrupt, but today has not been a good day for me dealing with Crohn's. I'm back on prednisone and it is not helping either. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just totally disgusted.
I also have no insurance and have Crohn's. I stay so sick that I cannot work and some people tell me, oh you could work if you really wanted to. Well....let me tell them something. They have NO idea what it is like to not know when your going to crap your pants to put it politely and have to be near every restroom no matter where your at. Then try to go eat dinner with friends and have to leave to go to the bathroom and be in there for 30 minutes (no exaggeration). Life sucks having this and I cannot get on disability because the govenrment says that I do not qualify, but yet on the site for applying for disability, Crohn's IS a chronic disease and it IS listed as qualifying for disability. I just recently got married and now for sure I can't get disability because they think your husband is supposed to take care of everything and pay for everything, well it doesn't work like that in today's economy especially when your in foreclosure to boot. Sorry to be so abrupt, but today has not been a good day for me dealing with Crohn's. I'm back on prednisone and it is not helping either. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just totally disgusted.

ive been told that before. i just tell them to walk just an 1/8th of a mile in my shoes and see if you will say that again
My local hospital has a program called "the good samaritan" or something like that where if you financially qualify they will pay your hospital bills for you. Also when your year is done on Humira sign up at and you can get it for $5 a month. Go to your local social services and speak to a counslor if you can't get medical assistance from them they may be able to direct you to other places that can help.
If you go to the hospital's billing office, ask for an uncompensated care form. (I use to do medical billing for 4 yrs. at a local hospital so this is how I know this stuff). You will need to provide documentation verifying your ID, address, W2, etc. Based upon a sliding fee scale, you will be responsible for 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or none of the bills incurred at the hospital. It's good for an entire year. Doctors offices have these forms as well. You just need to contact their billing offices as well.

Another helpful hint, Do NOT pay off your hospital bills with a credit card as you will be paying interest on that bill for a long time. Instead, just ask if you can set up a payment plan according to what you can afford. They do not add interest at all because they just want the money and want to work with you. Once the payment plan is set up, wait for the bill to come in the mail and then send in the payment.

If you find that you can not pay the set amt. for that month due to an emergency (ex-sudden illness, accident) call the billing office right away and tell them so the account doesn't get turned over to collection. That way it will be notated on the computer and it can be reset.

If you can not afford the set amount for a good reason (loss of job, serious illness etc.) and it needs to be reduced, again call right away so something can be worked out. You do not want to wait until the last notice otherwise it will get turned over to collections and then it's out of the billing dept.'s hands. By working with the hospital's accounting department, you avoid having to deal with collections and the extra money that sometimes gets added to the bill on their end as well as the frustration it may cause you.

Hope this helps. ~Gutless Wonderwoman
I have no insurance and just lost if shortly after starting the new Cimza startup drugs.. so I am currently without meds and I feel like I am dying a slow death. I do not need a doctor I need meds.. but thanks to being new on the drug Cimza ( Remicade and Humira failed) I am not able to get their assistance programs.. so I am in a huge untreated flare and will have to stay this way for a few months..YUCK.. so I understand the no insurance
I have been denied health insurance because of a pre existing the time of denial it was Ulcerative I was recently told that that was the wrong diagnosis and I do have Crohn's Disease...yay. So....I am in the very beginnings of getting insurance set up..all the forms and whatnot filled out. My new GP has been very cool with the meds and went over to a GI in the same building as he is located and scrounged up some 30 days worth of Asacol me 900 bucks right there...otherwise i hit my meds up at costco...pretty cheap actually compared to most other places locally.
I have been denied health insurance because of a pre existing the time of denial it was Ulcerative I was recently told that that was the wrong diagnosis and I do have Crohn's Disease...yay. So....I am in the very beginnings of getting insurance set up..all the forms and whatnot filled out. My new GP has been very cool with the meds and went over to a GI in the same building as he is located and scrounged up some 30 days worth of Asacol me 900 bucks right there...otherwise i hit my meds up at costco...pretty cheap actually compared to most other places locally.

i tried to shop for health insurance and i was denied. there are other insurance companies who have plans for people with Crohn's but they are terrible. you get like maximum 6 doctor visits a year. I see my GI every month and the doc who is working on my fistulas about every month and a half.
If you've been without health insurance for six months you can get on a plan with no pre-existing exclusions. Contact your dept. of insurance or their website and you should be able to get rates online.
i was lucking i had an insurance plan b4 i got crohns... so that helped cause it would be a lot more expensive if i'd tried to get one after getting crohns.
I didn't have insurance a couple years ago when I had my last resection. I ended up filing bankruptcy because of the medical bills. Outrageous.
I tried to get medical insurance but not one company would offer me cover. I recently had surgery and had to take out an 8,000 Euro bank loan (the surgery cost 10,000 Euros). I lied to the bank saying I wanted the loan to make major changes to my home. They were good enough to give me the loan but I had to borrow the balance from family and friends.

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I tried to get medical insurance but not one company would offer me cover. I recently had surgery and had to take out an 8,000 Euro bank loan to pay for my recent surgery (which cost 10,000 Euros). I lied to the bank saying I wanted the loan to make major changes to my home. They were good enough to give me the loan but I had to borrow the balance from family and friends.


They don't have universal coverage in Cyprus?
Me. But in Canada most emergency stuff and hospital and doctor visits are covered. Haven't seen one in years though.

I don't comprehend Americans who can honestly say they aren't for universal health care...well I can, they're either not too bright or out to profit form it, but that's not pc to say.
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Me. But in Canada most emergency stuff and hospital and doctor visits are covered. Haven't seen one in years though.

I don't comprehend Americans who can honestly say they aren't for universal health care...well I can, they're either not too bright or out to profit form it, but that's not pc to say.

when Obama proposed Universal Healthcare, BIG INSURANCE used their mouthpiece (Republicans) to put out a ton of lies about universal healthcare and the idea became so unpopular that Obama stopped pursuing single payer system
I don't comprehend Americans who can honestly say they aren't for universal health care...well I can, they're either not too bright or out to profit form it, but that's not pc to say.

I think most people that come from countries with universal health care find it difficult to comprehend that the US does not have a similar system in place. I don't think what you said boils down to a question of pc but rather manners and in this case they are lacking.

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When I moved to LA out of college I had no insurance for the first two years. I think my body knew and held out because the second I got insured at a company it dumped EVERYTHING on me and I was in the hospital less than a month into being insured. I had a strip of inflamation, a dozen ulcers in my colon, and my ilium was so swelled up they couldn't get the camera through it. I got lucky though not having a flareup during uninsured time so I am forever thankful for that.

This country is so ridiculous on some levels. If we were surrounded by more than two countries we might not have such a narrow perspective of things.

Hope you're holding up ok. A year of humira is nice. Sending good vibes.

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