Anyone using "actimel" and has it helped?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 4, 2014
Not seen very much posted here about using actively, you know the little drink things, anyway my other half thinks this will help me so have started using it, only on day two of that so not sure if it's helping yet,

But would love to know if anyone else has been taking it for a while and if it has helped any :)
Thanks in advance!
They may not be as common in the states. I mostly see the Activia variety and I think it's helped me somewhat but I didn't like that it's not organic and grass fed dairy and it had other unhealthy ingredients so I just buy organic yogurt with active live cultures.
I tried them - not to help with my digestive problems, I just thought they might taste nice! Which they did, though there was zero improvement in my symptoms, so I wouldn't recommend trying them if that's what you're hoping for.

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