Are there any Crohnies who don't or rarely vomit?

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Never vomited - I'm on omaprazole but don't think this influences this aspect. Even before I took the omaprazole i never vomited.

I vomited during the lead-up to an obstruction. I have not vomited since my resection in June 2010. Feel queasy sometimes but no puking.
I never vomit...

Well, unless I have too much fun on Saturday night, but that's not crohns related lol
Ohh, because i've been told so many times that the difference between IBS and IBD is that IBS doesn't make you vomit and IBD does... and I haven't vomited since Easter 2011 when it was gastroenteritis. And i'm pretty sure I have IBD and not IBS .. but wanted to check!
I've never barfed but I've felt like I've gotten very close to it. I felt nauseated, pain, dizziness, excessive gas and bloating and had diarrhea 10-15 times a day for 7 months straight. I felt especially like barfing while preparing for my colaonoscopy but I didn't barf. NEVER barfed from having Crohns. I was just diagnosed in December but still get on and off nausea....
Why did you almost vomit before the colonoscopy? I've never had one, but I can see it happening in my near future sometime this year.
I vomited almost every hour for a couple days before i went to the Emergency at the hospital before both of the major flares that I have had. The last major flare that put me in the hospital I had gone to the hospital ER 3 times and given zofran to stop the vomiting. It didn't work. Finally in the hospital I was given Phenergan by IV and that finally did the job, that was after being admitted to the hospital though. I ended up staying 28 days before the flare was under control enough to leave. I have had nausea a couple of times since but nothing that extreme and could or could not be associated to the medication I am on.
Why did you almost vomit before the colonoscopy? I've never had one, but I can see it happening in my near future sometime this year.

I almost vomited before my colonoscopy because the day before the procedure you have to buy a $64 jug of powdered stuff......the stuff that normally makes up a simple water IV....sodium and other things.......then you buy a glass bottle of clear liquid that you also have to DRINK so much stuff that your body is overly full of liquid so it can flush your intestines of any crap :/ You get very nauseated and full but you HAVE TO keep drinking or else you won't be clear enough for the docs to stick a tube up your bum for the colonoscopy! It gets any solid or liquid out of your intestines your on the toilet for hours straight all night the night the end of the night you drink over 15 cups of liquid...BIG CUPS ickkk hope I never go through it again!

Including this I was in the hospital over 23 times before a specialist confirmed I have Crohn's disease! I did not throw up at all during these times but felt like it everyday. The hospitals and statcares turned me away saying they couldn't give me anything to stop my diarrhea and that I needed to see a specialist. Pepto bismol didn't work after 6 weeks.....I took Immodium for 13 weeks which is dangerous and it ended up not working after awhile. They had to give me an xray to make sure immodium didn't stretch out my intestines :(
the only time I puked due to crohns was when I was hospitalized taking the prep and on an anti nausial and pain killer. The pain killer made me sizzy(super dizzy and high) and while I was chugging the prep I felt like I had to go and while going to sit on the toliet I puked. Came out of nowhere.

Other times....well alcohol is a funny thing.
i puke when i have an obstruction or when i have c-diff. that is pretty much it. oh and that one time i got food poisoning...
To puke or not to puke is basically on the basis of where the disease is located. If it's located in the area of your stomache or esophagus then it can lead to puking. Also if it causes extream pain it can lead to nausia and vometting. It's like diarreah...if the disease is located in the colon it leads to diarreah, if the disease is mainly in the small intestine then they don;t suffer from diarreah as much.
Only when I perforated my sigmoid colon....god that was painful...
Vomitting all day

I have been vomitting all day. This is sort of new symtoms I've been experiencing lately, along with joint pain, and night sweats. I've not vomitted after every meal before, so I'm a bit concerned.
Only have vomited once due to the crohns, and that was in the emergency room of the hospital. Otherwise, nothing in the last 18 months :)
I rarely vomit, but I get a lot of nausea (daily) usually in the mornings. So, I start my days w/ Zofran.
In the bad times, I would be fine one minute (usually during a business meeting), then feel suddenly flush, overheated...then I would excuse myself and try to get to the bathroom as soon as possible. I would then vomit (projectile) and then have diarrhea. Do not miss those days. Once I did that, I would feel a little shaky and weak, but fine within a half hour. Rarely would happen, but do not miss it!
Vomiting & Diahorrea

To puke or not to puke is basically on the basis of where the disease is located. If it's located in the area of your stomache or esophagus then it can lead to puking. Also if it causes extream pain it can lead to nausia and vometting. It's like diarreah...if the disease is located in the colon it leads to diarreah, if the disease is mainly in the small intestine then they don;t suffer from diarreah as much.

All my inflammation and disease is in my small intestine and I have diahorrea on a daily basis :( ... and I am careful with what I eat too.. I don't think it's guaranteed or 'set in stone', think people will experience different things with this complex disease...
I do sometimes wake up in the morning with what I can only described as morning sickness, however I do not vomit (despite hanging my head over the toilet). I'm not sure what the cause of this could be either. Luckily, it does not occur weekly. When I do actually vomit, this is usually connected to my duodenum ulcers playing up that have been caused by long term prednisolone use (also take meds for the ulcers!!)....

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