Bartholin's gland

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 8, 2007
Hi hi.
I know a lot of you ladies have had lots of infections .... sorry about that by the way.

My wife has crohns & just got rolled off imuran and got put on Cymzia.
In the process of it all, she somehow got a nasty infection of her Bartholin's gland(s).

She had one drained already, now she's dealing with the other.
They put in a catheter to drain the infection (for 7 to 10 days!!)

Soooo.. my question(s) to you. Anyone ever have this done? If so, do you have any advice for her? *Especially*, if you have any thoughts on how to endure a cath for 10 days, Please, please post them. She's ... pretty uncomfortable.
And if you have any stories or advice for her about the infection, I'd love to pass that to her too.

Thanks to all.
ooh, sounds nasty!

Actually I have no idea what a Bartjilin's gland is, but wold guess it is in the girl parts somewhere.

I expect she will indeed be uncomfortable with a catheter - luckily she has such a caring and supportive husband to take care of her :)
Shantel said:
Oh my....poor woman!!! I was going to ask why the catheter, but after I read the link - it makes sense. The last thing you would want is acidic urine on an open wound I guess?

I had a cath for 7 days while I was in the hospital, but that was 13 years ago - so I'm not remembering all the way what that felt like after having it in for so long. Hoping she will be able to deal and get it healed up!!!

well, the cath (as I understand it, not really being qualified) is not actually to catch the urine, but the infection as it ... (*shivers*) drips out of the open wound in the gland. Otherwise it can get into other really bad places.
yeah... sounds great, huh.

I just really want to make her more comfy, but I'm not sure I can....

oh my gosh, i think ive had this before!!?
it was at least 5 years ago, i noticed a large swollen lump down in my business there, on the left of my vaginal wasnt excruciating but i wasnt comfortable. i figured it had to be filled with pus so i squeezed it, a lot came out, was sore for a few days, and that was the end of it.
i never mentioned it to anyone cause i was ya know like 14 yr old girl, vaginas were not what i wanted to talk to my parents about lol!
i thought it was just a random thing or something.....

this is so weird.

well im sorry that i cant offer anything as im not even sure it was the same, and my experience was FAR different from your wife's, but good luck to her!
maybe some relaxing touches, massages, scratch her hair, do what feels good to her and maybe that will amke her a teeny bit more comfortable?

good luck!

Oh Bartholin's Gland al. I have had a infected b.g. and other things down there. They are incredibly painful and I did have to go to the E.R. to get it drained. What helped me when I was in pain was (1) medicine and (2) warm soaks (if she's allowed). Otherwise...its just kind of painful for awhile. I had to drive ten hours a couple of days after mine was at least she doesn't have to do that!

She should definitely keep an eye on it if it doesn't get better. Initially my fistulas were confused for bartholin's gland cysts...

Oh, those are so unpleasant....I had to have one drained this spring, and the physician in the ER decided to sedate me (they called it a "twilight sleep") for the I&D, since I was in so much pain. They didn't give me a catheter, but I was put on antibiotics and told to soak or take sitz baths 3 times a day at a minimum.

I think that was the most painful experience I've been through, Crohn's and everything....I hope your wife starts feeling better soon!

Hi all,

I am the wife who has the infection, thank you sooo much for the advise and well wishes. It is nice to know people are thinking of you. And by the way my husband has been and is a caring and wonderful man. He takes care of me and is always there for me. I think I am doing better, but only time will tell. Thanks again!!!

aw hey kit!!
glad youd decided to come check us out :)
as lisa said, stick around if you can! tons of info, and friends here.
and laughs and stress relief too :D

Thanks I could use some good laughs and advise and support. Thanks for making me feel welcome. :)