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Feb 5, 2010
Are beans generally no good for digestion because of the skins (gas aside)? If so, would refried beans be better because they do not have skins?

Just curious. I miss beans and look forward to the day I can eat them again!
I used to be OK with some beans. Now? Not so much.

Not sure what changed, but my colon now hates them all.
Hobo - that news makes me sad, haha.

I know in the hospital they saw I had narrowing of the bowel, which I learned is called a stricture on this forum. I hope they manage to get rid of strictures so I can eat beans and not have to worry about skins causing an obstruction!

Chili doesn't seem right without beans and boy do I LOVE chili. Yum yum.
I am not sure everyone is different in what they can tolerate.

I went to someones house a few weeks ago for dinner and the host of the house made a multi multi variety bean soup. She was telling everyone how good and healthy it is to eat her soup. She then went on to say while I was sitting there smiling politely..... This SCRUBS!! your insides and helps the tract...its very very good for everyone! She repeated that sentence 4 times. It tasted very good and I had a bowl to be polite. When I was finished and she asked if I would like seconds I felt like my response should have been....It might be good and healthy for everyone to eat this but for me I am going to get that feeling like my insides are being scrubbed with a Brillo pad or wire brush. I will skip on seconds thank you!
A little TMI here....This is how I judge....if I can identify them on exit then I think twice about eating them... Most beans don't bother me though. Even the skins....When you are not flaring you may tolerate them fine.
Luckily I havent had a problem with them, I also love my chili. But they sure do give me more gas now with CD han they ever did before. Its weird.
Aye, I never had a problem with them for many many years. But the last six months anytime I have had them I am doing the sprint to the john.

I follow the same rule as Miss.
Where I am from I call that Colon Blow lol

I loved Mexican Food. How could you not living 20 mins from the border? But A mixture of refried beans, jalapenos, and salsa would ruin me.
Good advice, Popcorn (I miss popcorn too!).

I can't wait to start some type of real treatment so I can start figuring out what foods I can and can't eat. :)

I can take gas as long as I don't have horrible pain!
Erazer - Considering I haven't even yet received a confirmed diagnosis yet I'm not really thinking surgery at this point. If any of the medicines help potentially with reducing strictures I would go that route first. I want to try and avoid surgery, if possible, but if it ruins my life with agonizing pain then I think I would consider surgery. Everything is still so "new" to me though, so maybe once I find out more about my disease I might change my mind :)
I was just posting about this in Iminflamed's veggie thread.

I think I read the same thing about the rifritos or what ever we are supposed to call them. That mashing and frying them is supposed to convert some of the complex starch. It is that starch that breaks down in the colon instead of the small intestine. I would think the respiration of this bacteria creates extra gas which is what we all talk about when beans are mentioned. But I am also worried about working my lg intestine any more than I have to.

I have also tried to read up on herbs that indigenous South/Central Americans traditionally served with bean meals as an aid to digestion. I wonder if these herbs help convert the starch better in the gut or just mitigate the gas in the colon from digestion there.
I have strictures too and there's no way I'd eat beans! Well, I don't really like then either :p

I try to stay off of the high fibre and only eat a bit of salad or fruit in a day. I miss baked potato skins :(
Erazer said:
Kenny! Hi....what herbs have u been investigating??
Epazote seems to be one crucial to Central American culture. I'm still looking for ones for the middle east.

edit: Fennel was another one I was looking into.
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kenny said:
I think I read the same thing about the rifritos or what ever we are supposed to call them. That mashing and frying them is supposed to convert some of the complex starch. It is that starch that breaks down in the colon instead of the small intestine. I would think the respiration of this bacteria creates extra gas which is what we all talk about when beans are mentioned. But I am also worried about working my lg intestine any more than I have to.

This totally makes sense to me.... I have no colon, and I can eat beans with no problems at all!! No gas or bloating. This is great since I don't eat meat and beans are good source of protien for me.

Sorry beans are no good for most of you!:(
I miss beans BIG TIME. I miss heinz baked beans on toast. Stupid Crohn's - robbing me of life's simple pleasures like beans on toast.
Ames..I have always been afraid of beans since I got the pouch...Have you been eating them and corn?! Please tell!! :) Sue
oh Violet

me too, Heinz beans on toast, with brown sauce on, yum yum and cheese on top not fair
**** thro the eye of a needle
if I ate em!
Sue-2009 said:
Ames..I have always been afraid of beans since I got the pouch...Have you been eating them and corn?! Please tell!! :) Sue

Beans, yes! Corn - still too scared. Popcorn - about ten kernels and then I stop....

PS The beans have SO MUCH fiber that I am usually up several times a nite, strictly due to volume, but not gas or accidents.
My 2 cents:

Refried or anything fried once is horrible for IBD and bad for any diet. I can tolerate black beans fine. I also have no issues with steamed green beans, in moderation.

Corn - also an evil food. I cut it all out - including corn syrup (ergo all sodas and processed foods) - and have noticed vast improvements in my health.
I find that navy beans and an Italian bean called Cannellini are okay for me. Lentils too.

Corn I ruled out decades ago.
Astra101 said:
oh Violet

me too, Heinz beans on toast, with brown sauce on, yum yum and cheese on top not fair
**** thro the eye of a needle
if I ate em!

Oh my goodness YES, with brown sauce!!!!!!

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