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Nov 14, 2011
Hi all,

I have not been very well the last few days. Been just on Ensure, lovely shakes, and going downhill fast.
Have not really slept for 2 days and nights due to increasing pain and frequency/urgency. My b/m are now very thin and only bits come out at a time. Still bleeding and lots of mucous. Sorry if tmi!

Have been getting hot sweats then cold shivers day and night as well.

So anyway have phoned my IBD nurse and she is admitting me on Monday! I will not be released until I have had my surgery and this pesky colon and me have parted company.

Any suggestions for stoma names would be appreciated. Also any advice on dealing with and coping with a stoma.

Thanks Xxxxxxx
Hi Shazz,

Sorry to hear you're not doing well, it sounds like getting admitted is prob for the best!

I don't have any advice when it comes to stomas but just hope that everything goes well for you!!! xxx
Thank you Rachel.

Been putting it off for a while. But now can't eat with out feeling really nauseous.

Thank you Rachel.

Been putting it off for a while. But now can't eat with out feeling really nauseous.


know how you feel! I've been on liquids for weeks now, food causes sickness. I got an appointment coming up with a surgeon :-(

do you know what day next week your op is or is it whenever they can fit you in? xx
Hiya Shazz

good news innit? You'll soon feel like a brand new woman!
No advice on stomas tho, Misty's your girl for advice!
Don't forget to check in and let us know how you are
good luck and a big hug your way from me!
Aww Shazz...huge belly hugggssss!

Being in hospital and getting surgery is the best option for you now sweetheart. I'm so sorry you're so very ill. My magic wand seems to be broken lately! :yfaint:

I want to see roses in your cheeks, and a huge grin on your face in 3-4 months. Not that it will take that long to feel better, but it might take that long for you to be on beach somewhere! Yes...I can see it, you, your kids and hubby...on the prow of a boat, brilliant sunshine. And happy, healthy, and full of beans!! You'll be chatting about your holiday, posting the pics on FB!

I dont know what to name your stoma...but, it WILL have a personality, and then you will know what to name it.

Dont forget us on the stoma forum for tips and giggles!!!
Am seeing the surgeon on Monday. So could be Tuesday or Wednesday.

Thanks Joan. Am sooo ready for this now. Fed up with feeling poorly.

Still really scared though!
Thanks Misty.
Have been perusing the stoma sub forum lately and have picked up some good tips.

Will update when i can. Xxxxxx
Sorry you are poorly. At least you will feel better soon. Have they said if they will do it laparoscopically...that would be so much better/less painful and shorter hospital stay.

You should call it Shihtzu the stoma...or squit !

Best of luck and hope you aren't too bad over the weekend.
Honey, it is normal to be scared. Very scared. You know those old movies black and white ones where the servants eyeballs got sooooo big and white (think Gone with the Wind)...well thats what I looked like being wheeled into surgery. Seriously bricking it! I'd never even had my tonsils out!

Soooo, be scared and be normal. You WILL get through it though. And you take it one minute at a time and one success at a time or day. And you get through it. Just breeeeaaaaatttthhhhhh..............

We are right here.
Thanks LMH.
I don't know how they are doing it until I see the surgeon.
When i had my hysterectomy 2 years ago they had a help of a job cause my womb had stuck to the inside of my stomach and my bladder had stuck to the back of my womb and my bowel had stuck to the back of my bladder! The op should have taken about 3 hours but i was in there for nearly 7! When they sliced through my stomach they went right through my womb and my bladder as well. Luckily they stopped before slicing through mmy bowel as well.

I am thinking they will start lap but will probably end up slicing and dicing me. They always do!

Misty I am trying to breath - honest! I don't do well with the after effects of anesthetic and can't have morphine - makes me vomit like its going out of fashion. Really don't want to be doing that after!

Will discuss all of this with the surgeon before. Its not my first op but its my biggest and most important!
Sorry you have to have surgery. I can't related to having a stoma but I have had a few surgeries in my day. Hopefully this will truely be your miracle to keep your life better in the future with no pain. Good luck with the surgery!
Glad you liked it. A gf of mine gets all these jokes she knows I love them ;). laughter is still the best medicine!
I couldn't tolerate morphine I was on Demerol and Gravol in an stopped the pain but I had the worst They were entertaining for about a minute, then they just starting annoying Good luck with your surgery, hopefully it will give you the relief you need :) Come see us in the stoma subforum, we're a fun bunch over
Pen I would take laughter over Pred any day!!

Cindy thanks for replying. Am not sure what they will offer me. I will ask and let you know. I now just can't wait to feel sort of healthy again! Anything but poorly, sick and tired!

My brain is gone...but they give it to you in your back and it numbs you. Thats probably what they will give you instead.
Misty can lose what ya dont have :lol: KIDDING! It is an epidural btw ...When is the surgery date???? I wanna know!

Don't know when surgery is for definite. Am being admitted Monday as an emergency cause every day is worse than the one before.
I see the surgeon Monday, I think so Tuesday or Wednesday for the op.
Will post it when i knows it
Yeah epidurals dont work on me, tried 3 times for my birth of my daughter and the second resection, omg they didnt give me pain meds for when they were taking it out, damn it!!!!!
Epidural!!! Oh yeah! :tongue:

I cant help it, the brain isnt getting oxygen. And I was born blonde...Pen! LOL.

Lets hear it for pain relief!!!
Hey I know my brain aint perfect either and I was born blonde too!

Uh oh, looks like Shazz is too!!!! :lol:
I aint perfect or a blonde!
I am multi coloured by nature! Got some blonde, brown, auburn, black, and ginger. All mine not colored or anything
Shazz...get that epidural thingy. I hear tell it doesnt cause hallucinations. Morphine caused me to throw soap. (that woman deserved it, she kept me awake all hours)

Seriously, the NHS is very good at pain relief. They want you quiet at night so they can have their tea. You will be fine. The more you are looking forward to your future life, the better off you will be. You will be determined to succeed and get well. And that makes all the difference!!!
Wow Misty. You should go on tour and give pep talks!

I am by tthe door and ready to go. Is it Monday yet?
I aint perfect or a blonde!
I am multi coloured by nature! Got some blonde, brown, auburn, black, and ginger. All mine not colored or anything

Shall we edit out the ginger bit? (mind you I live with one) You are gorgeous just the way you are Shazz!
Hahaha the black ones are right frizzy. They stick up all over the place! Even if i straighten my hair there will be one stuck out to the side!
They are a mark of my dubious heritage!
I only know my mums side, my dad is adopted
Hi Shazz
I had a temporary stoma for a few weeks but it's all a bit of a blur. My daughters friend however, who had been ill all of her life, is now cycling, running and generally being super-fit courtesy of her stoma. Hope all goes well for you
Marie x
Hi Shazz!

i am sorry I just now saw this post. I am sorry you are feeling so sick. I am really glad you are getting in to go ahead and get your surgery. It really sucks that it has come to that, but it is clear this is your best option right now. I'll be looking forward to an update from you!! Hang in there and stay strong! It is very scary, but it will be so worth it in the end. I think we all get scared! When I got into the operating room before they put me under I started crying and freaked out. The anesthesiologist put that mask on me so quick and I was out before I could even think the number 100!! LOL If you have a lot of anxiety... at least in the US they do this... they gave me Versed to keep me calm before the surgery.

I really hope that things go really well for you and you recovery quickly. You have so many people here that are wishing you well and care about you! :hug:
Like others have said before... take the epidural thing if you get a chance!! I didn't have one and I woke up in a ton of pain after surgery. It took them a few hours to get me to a comfortable level. I don't really think Dilaudid is as good as they think it is!!
Thank you all for all your support and comfort.

It is great to know that i have you lot here.

Feel really sick this morning and in more pain than yesterday.

Roll on Monday!!
Hey shaz I'm in the same boat going in on monday and they will admit me through the ER i'm over being constantly ill and now want the bag
Aww Shazz, you'll do great! Getting rid of my colon was the best thing I ever did! I never EVER get bloated anymore.. no pain... no having to sit on the toilet for ages... no feeling like I have to go to the toilet! I seriously do love my bag/stoma. I honestly feel like a new person. Michelle version 2!

Everyone has said they can't see my bag under my clothes.. my stomach is flatter.. I have a waist now!!

The downsides are maybe a few leaks. But not had one in ages *touch wood*. Also my stoma can be a bit noisy at night if I've eaten a lot of veggies and I get annoyed with it!

I'm sorry you're not doing well right now, but the light at the end of the tunnel is so close! HANG IN THERE!!!
Thank Michelle.
I am now in the frame of mind where I am looking forward to getting rid of my colon.
Me and hubby are trying to pick a name for my stoma as well.
Can't wait till Monday. Am feeling worse each day so I know I have made the right decision.
Yes, it's always a comfort knowing you are making the right choice. I felt pretty well before my operation and I could of chosen not to have it, which made the decision hard. I didn't want to regret it. Wish I'd had it years ago, to be honest. Would of saved so much pain and setbacks.

I've said this a million times, but I think how you feel about things mentally can have a huge effect on how you cope with your op. It sounds like you've embraced it well though.. so I'm sure you'll be fine! I was worried that I didn't know how I'd cope with my stoma after my op but I honestly mentally sailed through it! So I KNOW you'll do great because you've wanted to learn everything you can beforehand.

Word of advice though.. take the opportunity to relax after your op. Don't try and hurry your recovery! I beat myself up when I wasn't feeling any better after 3 weeks. Then all of a sudden I felt loads better! Make your hubby wait on you! hehe
Hey Shazz, being in pain has to be the worst thing. I remember way back in 1992 and tests and trying to get a dx all the while I was practically living in a hospital and then my resection, I know it isnt the same as having a bag (still could be for me down the road) but the relief for 8 years was so great!!! NO one should be in pain. :hang: not much longer!!! :hug:
Thanks guys.
The few people I have told, apart from my hubby and best friend, have all said but you can get it reversed and it wont be forever. As if getting a stoma is a bad thing! I have already told hubby if i like it and cope well it can stay until they tell me I need to connect to my j-pouch.
I don't, and never have, see it as a bad thing. How can it be bad when it has saved so many of you on here and its going to give me my life back.
Embrace it I say and take 1 day at a time.

Michelle hubby will be spoiling me and waiting on me hand and foot for as long as i can get away with it! I think it might take me a year to 'recover' properly!
Good to hear!! I would think that it would take two years till you can lift anythimg heavy too.. like shopping :p

I've been trying to get someone to wash my car for me.. but it hasn't worked yet! Damn!

So glad you see it as a good thing, because it really is. Quite frankly I think we are superior to your average 'colon' Joe. We don't have to worry about farting in public and don't have to worry about pooing our pants, rushing to the loo during stomach bugs and... skid marks? Maybe the latter is more geared to the males! lol

Also.. after your op you can lay back in bed with your catheter and your bag and for the first time you don't have to worry about that first 'trip' to the toilet. HURRAH!
I am looking forward to not having to go to the loo, at least for a little while!
Am actually looking forward to not having to cook food I cant eat, doing the dishes and washing the clothes for a while as well!
Noonooonooo Shazz. Let someone ELSE do that as well! No, stay in bed or on the sofa and direct your MINIONS to do that! :ylol:
Misty that is what i am looking forward to NOT doing! Lol

Of course I will be directing my minions to do my bidding, got to have some perks!!
Nah not having mine monday its just the same as you can't pass stool really bad stomach aches fee like crap no energy..... Threy said if i feel like this to go to the er and the gastro team will take it from there i'm sick of just existing in my recliner i'm a 29 year old man i want to get on with my life
Shazz, sorry to hear you are getting worse by the day, but glad to hear you will be admitted Monday and on your way! I will be thinking of you! :hug:
[email protected] loved my first 5 days in hospital..I didn't have to get up once to go to the bathroom....lmao Then they took the catheter out :( lol

You were lucky then! I was on the 'enhanced recovery programme' which meant getting out of bed the day after my op! Needless to say I ended up puking. They kept giving me antisickness meds after that though, so it was to a good cause.

I had my catheter in for the whole 6 days I was in too as the I couldn't pee the first time they took it out. Walking up and down the ward with my catheter in tow was no mean feet either! Jealous you got to stay in bed with yours!
well I managed some stool took 4 hours and horrible pain with horibbly painfull gas I'm done it's coming out

Thanks for your support ladies I hope yours is a success shazz and hope you get your life back I know I want mine back so have made peace with the decision to get my bowel out

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