Bit of advice required

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 9, 2011
bit of advice required


Im kinda new to this site read a lot of all your posts to learn about things and i have to say its really very helpful thank you!

I am looking for advice for my fiancé. Hes just recently had a colostomy fitted, about three weeks ago now emergency rush in job. Hes still in hospital after some infections and so on but i need some help for him. Hes not eating much yet but is getting a lot of trouble with gas. Its fine when it comes out and makes the bag blow up he can sort that. But he can feel gas building up inside him and doesnt know how to make it go away and get it out and it makes him uncomfotable.

Has anyone else experienced this and have any tips at all on how to sort it?

Hi, im a new ileostomy patient, also had lots of problems with gas. I take Buscopan, Codine and LOTS of PEPPERMINT TEA!! Thats seems to help :)
Hi thanks for that he gets really uncomfortable with it at the moment. Il suggest those to him although i dont think il be able to get the tea down him he wont drink tea :-(

Hope all is goin well with u

Hi Foxy and welcome!

I would have him talk to his GI and see what he recommends for the gas.

You are sweet to come here searching support on his behalf!

- Amy
For the first bit, he'll have alot of gas. I just tried to massage my stomach to get it to move. After the first couple of months the gas will slow down, unfortunately he may just have to put up with it for a bit. His guts are all moved around and that makes everything uncomfortable! Good luck to you both!
How lovely of you to come on here to help him out! I hope he will also join.

I'm sorry he's uncomfortable with letting that gas out. On the ward where I was..all of us in the same situation, but all ladies...they were a bit uncomfortable as well. Until I let rip. Then bless her, next to me did, then across. Next thing you know...we were laughing our fool heads off. (I must say that is NOT recommended after surgery...but what the hey) I just used to yell out...pass that woman a Guiness! They stopped being embarrassed. Better out than in!

It's normal to have this and the meds can def help, as has been recommended. But please...tell him not to be shy. Now is hardly the time. The gas has got to go somewhere!

Hope he feels better soon!

thanks for the advice everyone. Just want to help however i can. He has a different bag on today not attached to a drain he has to have a go at doing it himself so that might make a difference
Hi guys bit more help needed lol. Fizzy drinks! Do you have them? My fiancé really wants one will he be ok to sip on one do you think? Hes still in hospital at the moment had a few more set backs xx
Fizzy drinks can bother some folks, although not all by any means. Theres only one way to tell...try it. A few sips and wait. When I was flaring it would send me right to the loo.

I would get that uncomfortable 'air inside me feeling' when I first got my ileostomy. The gas (inside and out) go away after a while, so tell him not to worry.
Unfortunately I dont know how to prevent it though, but there are some helpful posts above :)
Maybe try Gas X right before he eats? When I had abdominal surgury the nurses did this, and it really helped alot.

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