Bladder problems after Ostomy?

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Dec 8, 2011
I hope everyone is well?
I was wondering have any of you had your bladder drop after your ostomy was placed? I have started having trouble with leakage :( just lovely something else :(
My surgeon thinks my bladder has dropped and is sending me to a dr who specializing in putting it back up with a sling.
Hi Lizz,

I'm sorry you're having troubles :( I don't have an answer for you but wanted to bump the thread in hope that someone else might have some insight for you.
Hey, I haven't had problems with my bladder dropping (that I know of) but my vagina has prolapsed. Plus I notice when I get crohns or adhesion pain I need to pee straight away! Sorry I'm not much help and I'm sorry you have this problem! There's just no rest for us crohnies is there :(
thanks guys...

your vagina prolapsed ouch :( I see a specialist the 15th hoping he can fix it I cant stand it ugh...

Hey, I haven't had problems with my bladder dropping (that I know of) but my vagina has prolapsed. Plus I notice when I get crohns or adhesion pain I need to pee straight away! Sorry I'm not much help and I'm sorry you have this problem! There's just no rest for us crohnies is there :(
I really hope they can get you sorted. I honestly havent heard that from anyone before. But I can see where physically, it would certainly be a possibility. When you think of all the mass a colon has in the body, it would make sense that when our internal organs 'readjust', things like that could happen.

I sure hope they can get it fixed promptly! (And here I thought menopausal pees were bad!?)
LOL.. Misty,
I went into instant menopause surgical in 2008 when they took my ovaries and you think my bladder would have dropped when they took my uterus ugh...
But my intestines was so large and weighed a lot so he said things are a mess and my stomach has even been shifted to the side from my colon. In order for it to be where it belongs I need surgery. My vagina feels like I am getting ready to have a baby any minute and I am not pregnant :(
And to top it all off I am still not sure about the Stoma hernia :( I have so much pain now, I went to the zoo friday doc said it was ok 3 months post -op no pulling NO lifting just walking all day. I feel like someone is ripping my stoma out when I get up and down it hurts to cough , sneeze , pee, yawn, :( and that side of my stomach is bigger then the other side weird ...

I really hope they can get you sorted. I honestly havent heard that from anyone before. But I can see where physically, it would certainly be a possibility. When you think of all the mass a colon has in the body, it would make sense that when our internal organs 'readjust', things like that could happen.

I sure hope they can get it fixed promptly! (And here I thought menopausal pees were bad!?)
I'm voting that you get it all sorted out in ONE surgery hun! Yes, ALL of it. No more messing about, everything out of the way at once, and YOU getting your life back once and for all!
I wish I could do that :)) but the doctor who is going to hopefully repair my bladder is a GYN who specializes in bladder repair he is not a surgeon but my surgeon who did my Ile... recommended him he is on the staff with his hospital so I feel comfortable about him :)
How are you and Ollie feeling or Olly sorry I never spell his name right lol..

I'm voting that you get it all sorted out in ONE surgery hun! Yes, ALL of it. No more messing about, everything out of the way at once, and YOU getting your life back once and for all!
Stan the stoma is fine. Ollie the hernia is asking for the vote now again, and...he wants to DRIVE now! Cheeky sod. He's HUGE. Seriously, I look 9 months gone.

I honestly dont think there is a fix here for me. It's either reversal, liposuction, tummy tucky AND mesh, or nothing. And I'm not saying this for vanity sake.
No bladder issues for me, but I have noticed that it really feels weird when I cough, like I can't really get a good strong cough. I assume it's from lack of colon under my diaphragm and I'll get used to it.

It's really rather interesting what happens to us after having our parts removed. So much shifting around and other things that wouldn't cross your mind until it happens.

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