Can flu bring on a Flare?

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May 17, 2016
Hi. I have been diagnosed with Crohn's since 2007. My last flare up was in December (always always at Christmas time - stress anyone!!). After a round of prednisone I was symptom free and feeling back to normal. I am currently on Lialda and 6MP.

I work at an elementary schools so germs are all around me! Thursday afternoon i spiked a fever, chills, aches, nausea throwing up and of course diarrhea. I was down for the weekend. Yesterday and today all other flu symptoms gone - - -except the diarrhea and stomach pain. It shows no sign of letting up.

Can the flu cause a flare? Has anyone had this happen?

Thanks so much. This is my first time posting.
In 1991, I had the flu. Shortly after that, I had an abscess. I am convinced that the flu led to the flare. Ever since then, I try to get the flu shot if I can.
Sometimes the beginning of my flares have flu-like symptoms. Aches, fever, extreme tiredness, chills, and of course diarrhea. How I know it's not the flu is the duration of it. Usually if I get the flu I have it for 3+ days. When I get this pre-flare "flu-like" it is only a day or 2(usually the fever and chills are the first to stop after 1 day). Our bodies react the same way to a foreign invader(flu virus) as it does in a flare when the immune system ramps up to attack something it shouldn't(our GI tissue, food, gut bacteria, etc)
Yes, this has happened to me. The flu goes away but Crohns symptoms take longer to settle. I find anytime my body is run down.
Yes ive also had it. I think anything that involves your immune system (like flu) can kick off a flare unfortunatly.
The stomach Flu which is what it sounds like you had can definitely cause issues. Put it this way, ALL my intestinal issues started because of a stomach flu I got 5 and half years ago. The stomach flu can actually cause chronic illnesses in certain individuals. So yes, it can definitely mess you up. It is actually the immune systems response to the virus that is causing the issues, not the virus itself.

My husband works in education and is in schools all day around kids. He is so adamant about constantly washing his hands, using hand sanitizer( though hand sanitizer is useless against the stomach bug, only bleach can kill it so hand washing is essential). He is the one who brought home the stomach bug I caught 5 and half years ago and I have not been right since!

I hope you feel better soon.
Ron, the flu shot is ineffective against the Stomach flu. The flu shot is only effective against Influenza and even then sometimes it is useless if they did not get the strains for the virus correct. The stomach bug is Not really a flu, they just call it that. The correct term is Norovirus usually as this is what causes the stomach bug. It is Highly contagious and the ONLY way to prevent it is to wash your hands and Stay away from anyone who has it. Put it this way, my husband brought it home to us ( he works in education and is around kids and a lot of people) 5 and half years ago. It spread through the whole family! I got hit the hardest. I fact all my intestinal issues started after that Stomach flu!

In 1991, I had the flu. Shortly after that, I had an abscess. I am convinced that the flu led to the flare. Ever since then, I try to get the flu shot if I can.
Ron, the flu shot is ineffective against the Stomach flu. The flu shot is only effective against Influenza and even then sometimes it is useless if they did not get the strains for the virus correct. The stomach bug is Not really a flu, they just call it that. The correct term is Norovirus usually as this is what causes the stomach bug. It is Highly contagious and the ONLY way to prevent it is to wash your hands and Stay away from anyone who has it. Put it this way, my husband brought it home to us ( he works in education and is around kids and a lot of people) 5 and half years ago. It spread through the whole family! I got hit the hardest. I fact all my intestinal issues started after that Stomach flu!
I spread it around

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