Can somone help me with hemoglobin

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Mar 14, 2009
For the past 4 weeks now, My hemoglobin as been pretty stable at about 9.0. Been happy.

Today it was 8.8 but maybe because i had a lot of water before the test. Dilute? anyways, its no big drop.

I was curious, I think my Ferritan levels are normal now... But my RBC may be a little off..

What are some ways to boost my hemoglobin.. Just iron and iron containing foods? With or with Vitamin C..
Either way your haemoglobin seems a little on the low side, normally its good for it to be above 10, depending what units its being measured in, different in every country!

Are you on iron tablets at all? and do you get your B12 folate checked as well because they all kinda go hand in hand.

If you are symptomatic of low haemaglobin then it needs to be treated, most people function ok with theirs on the low side, whereas other people are really sensitive to a low level and it can completely wipe them out, making them tired all the time.

Multivitamins are always a good start, daily tablets are easy to take with your regular meds tho gotta watch they dont make you too constipated as high iron levels in the multivits can sometimes make this happen. Eat lots of spinach and broccoli and other green veges, it helps to boost iron production in turn allowing more haemaglobin to be made. Vitamin C doesnt hurt, it helps to break down the iron allowing it to be absorbed into the bloodstream. get yourself a good multivit and it should do you right.
hope this helps!
Gib x
I take something called Slow FE... bought mine at Walmart or any kind of drugstore (they actually have a store brand by CVS which is MUCH cheaper) and I take 2 of those a day. It has helped me out a lot and since they are slow release they are a bit easier on the tummy. As gibby said, Vitamin C helps absorb iron, so that would be a help too.

From my understanding, if you get too much lower (around 7) a blood transfusion is a good idea. When I was really sick, i was at 8.8 and they had briefly talked about transfusing me... so I'd keep an eye on it.

You could also ask your doctor about iron infusions... they are a stronger way to get iron faster.
I had iron infusions but had a severe reaction to both.
Ive had two transfusions before.

Im trying to load up on the meat and iron Slow Fe as well.
yeah the whole red meat is a good way to get some iron into u too! mmmmm love a nice rare steak...