Candida, Antibiotics and Crohn's

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Mar 28, 2012
After looking through many threads it seems one hell of a co-incidence that so many people say they first developed crohn's after taking a course of antibiotics, including myself now that I think about it. Especially with the symptoms of candida overgrowth and crohn's disease apparently being so similar.

I would like to know if anyone has been misdiagnosed with crohn's and then found out they had a candida overgrowth and successfully treated it, or just if people first got crohn's after taking a course of antibiotics, Thanks.
I have candida, and crohns, but only after crohns, got diagnosed with candida. But I did think that maybe I had candida. But last time I tried a candida diet, and didn't take imunesuppresants for crohns, I got really sick.
My candida has so many side effects. With medication for the crohns, prednisone Esspecially but Iv been on azathiroprine and Infliximab, it's as if the candida isnt responding to antifungal-nizoral.
I just started a new imune suppressant 6mp, and soon humira, so I'd really like to try the scd diet for the candida, and hopefully that helps the bowels too, because so many with crohns and candida, say that it's great. I want to start with no grains, then lactose, and hopefully by the time I start humira, they'll be an improvement with the candida, and the humira helps the crohns with the scd.
I don't know if antibiotics or just carbs or whatever help candida overgrow to beggin with, but once you have candida/bacterial overgrowth, I keep reading the last couple of weeks on these forums, that scd diet, or paleo can help.
So I plan to try scd, and stay on the nizoral until my GP says its better, then hopefully humira will be good for the crohns, without the candida.
How did you get diagnosed with candida, my docs never tested me for it and doesnt even seem to know of it and its pretty hard to convince a specialist on something you've read on the internet. Though i feel like i must have some sort of infection as my inflamation levels are fine and yet i still get ridiculous bloating and gas and am not digesting my food properly, and my iron levels and everything are good and I am still always out of energy, cant get up in the mornings and struggle to concentrate. As well as a whole host of other things that my doctor cant give me answers for and dont seem to add up with just having crohn's
My tongue was/is really white from candida, and my GP just said it is. But maybe if you ask a GP to do a candida test?
It has horrible side effects, and antifungals like nizoral are used to treat it, but I think that the scd diet makes sence, in all the info on candida, and crohns as well.
Best wishes :) I'd speak to my GP... I go to him with any/every new symptom, and I think maybe tell the GP instead of the GI, who treats your crohns. They are both illnesses with separate symptoms.
Nobody should be misdiagnosed with Crohn's Disease when they have Candidiasis (or vice versa). As far as I can tell, Candidiasis does not cause any structural changes to the digestive tract. The main overlapping symptoms would be the potential for diarrhea, gas, and bloating and nobody should ever receive a Crohn's Disease diagnosis based upon that. I could certainly see it making IBD symptoms worse though.