It has been a couple of lovely short days.
Yesterday I went home early and just relaxed and tried to stay warm. I had some hot chocolate and watched some movies and did a bit of crocheting, it was really nice. Slept in this morning, then did 30 mins of yoga. Had a great breakfast after yoga - in addition to the scrambled eggs and turkey bacon, hubby also made fresh orange juice in the juicer! OJ is a reflux trigger, but since I had already worked out, it wasn't too risky (OJ prior to a workout is a recipe for horrible heartburn), and fortunately it was fine. Even though it's a bit risky, fresh homemade OJ is so delicious! So I had a good yoga session and a good breakfast and got enough sleep, it's definitely a great day!
My guts are a bit off, though. My "time of the month" just started this morning with lots of fun cramping and some d, ick. Fortunately I had some Bentyl on hand and that helped somewhat. Other than that, though, I feel very good. The sun is shining and my mood is great today!
Even though it's cold out, it's finally starting to warm up a bit, and the sunshine helps a lot. Oh, and I know what you mean about having to gas up in this hideous weather - I had to put gas in my car yesterday, that was miserable! The wind was so cold, even with my heated coat the wind still cut right through me. Brrr!
The hard-boiled egg thing works for me - I'll boil up 6 or 8 at a time and keep them in the fridge, and grab one whenever I want a snack, and I put a couple in my lunchbag for snacking at work too. I don't eat the yolks, only the whites, as my GP said my bad cholesterol is a little bit high. (Plus I hate how the yolks taste!) They're a good source of protein and I like having an egg or two after a workout.
With the tiredness thing you mentioned, have you had bloodwork done lately? Specifically, vitamin levels? I'm sure you already know this, but being low in things like vitamin D, B12, iron, etc can cause fatigue. It could be a simple fix like taking a supplement. I know, the last thing you want is more medical tests, but keep it in mind to ask about the next time you're at the doctor.
Good luck to your hubs with the surgery! It sounds like it's not going to be too invasive if he can go home the same day? My hubby had kidney stone surgery a couple years ago and his was like that, he got to come home the same day. It was actually really weird being the caretaker and not the patient for once - I got to go to the hospital cafeteria which was actually really delicious, I didn't have to put on a gown, I just sat there and played my DS. It was strange being on the opposite end of things - not that I'm complaining, I'd way rather be drooling over the build-your-own-sundae bar at the hospital cafeteria than undergo medical procedures!
It sounds like it'll be a mostly-typical workday for you though, I'm guessing that's a good thing - hopefully you'll be distracted enough that you won't be worrying too much about your hubs. Good luck, I hope everything goes perfectly for him!
I'm rambling now, and I've probably already mentioned this before, but it's kind of funny. When hubby was in the recovery area after his kidney stone surgery, it was the same recovery area as the colonoscopy people are sent to. So my GI must have been doing colonoscopies that day as was in that area, and he saw me and came over to say hi and see why I was there when he didn't have an appointment with me. Hubby did NOT feel very well after his surgery, he was in a lot of pain and he was peeing pure blood, and he looked terrible - he was pale, clearly in pain, practically crying. My GI took one look at hubby and said, "Is he okay? He looks very bad!" I guess my GI only sees people post-colonoscopy and they usually look fine, so he's not used to seeing someone in that recovery area looking so awful. So my GI was quite concerned about hubby! Ever since then, my GI has made a point to ask how my hubby is doing. And at my last GI appointment, I brought hubby with, and my GI again asked hubby how he is. After we left, I said to hubby, "You know why he always asks about you, right? Do you remember seeing him right after your kidney stone surgery?" Hubby looked surprised and said no, he had zero recollection of it - I guess the anesthesia hadn't fully worn off when my GI came over to us in that recovery area. So I told hubby the story of how my GI saw hubby looking terrible, and how concerned my GI was. So funny, hubby had no clue until I told him! And now I know, if I'm in a terrible flare, I just need to show up in my GI's office looking as bad as hubby did that day, and he'll be legitimately concerned for my well-being.