Thanks Kel, I'll keep that in mind. This is actually the 4th mesalamine drug I'm trying, so yes, I do have experience with seeing it in my stool. I was on Asacol for a couple years and it kept me in remission during that time. Then they discontinued making regular Asacol in the US due to the patent having expired (but there's no generic available here yet). My GI tried me on Asacol HD (they do still make that one here), but that didn't work for me. When I was on regular Asacol, I was on 6 tablets a day and I'd usually pass 1 or 2 undigested tablets in my stool every day. I was still absorbing more medicine than I was passing, so I managed to stay in remission. But on Asacol HD, I was only taking 2 tablets per day, and I was still passing 1 to 2 tablets daily, so I was getting little to no medication, and I entered a mild flare pretty quickly. So then my GI put me on Delzicol, which is the "new" mesalamine drug meant to replace regular Asacol. It's technically a capsule, but really it's a capsule with an Asacol tablet inside.

Seriously! So I was on that for about 6 months, still passing 1 to 2 per day, and doing so-so but didn't really get out of the flare. So now I've just started on Pentasa, which is a true capsule and not a tablet, and I'm hoping that'll break down better than a tablet would. I won't be too concerned if I see some of it in my stool, because I'm used to that with the Asacol and Delzicol. I'm on day 3 of Pentasa and haven't seen it in my stool at all, and I'm feeling pretty good so far, so I think it might be working (probably still too early to tell for sure though).
Kel, how are you doing lately? How's the collarbone and the drain? Are you able to lift at all yet or are you still unable to go to the gym?
Update 9/19/13: I went to the gym by myself yesterday and felt pretty great. Arms were oddly a little tired, but legs were fine and I felt strong and energetic overall. After I finished my workout, I went to the stretching area, and it was pretty much only me back there. Then this weird guy came back to the stretching area, and he seemed antsy. All of a sudden, he started breakdancing!

It was hilarious and so random, I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing. I've seen weirdos do weird things in the stretching area, but mostly stuff like they'll bring dumbbells to the stretching area, etc. I don't think people understand the concept of "the stretching area is for stretching, not other stuff." But breakdancing, that was a new one! Ha ha
I'm feeling good today too. A little tired - there were thunderstorms going on all throughout the night, and the thunder kept waking me up. But other than the tiredness, I'm feeling pretty well.

Looking forward to a restful weekend coming up, as hubby works all weekend. I see that some of the trees here are changing color and it's starting to get pretty, so a bike ride through the arboretum should be in my near future if the weather cooperates.