Update 6/22/15: I had a pretty active weekend. Friday I hit the little gym on my lunch break and did a quickie weights workout. Once again, I avoided doing anything with my abdominal muscles. That's been going okay so far. I think I'm going to give it a couple more weeks, then start re-introducing just a few ab exercises here and there, namely planks, and see how that goes.
Saturday ended up being mostly a rest day. I had wanted to do yard work as it wasn't supposed to rain until after 6 PM on Saturday. But once again, the idiot weather forecasters got it completely wrong. It rained all day morning and afternoon and then stopped raining at 6 PM!

Ugh. So I didn't get to do any yard work. I mostly did stuff around the house, ventured out and did a bit of grocery shopping, etc. Wasn't able to walk the dog or anything outside though.
Sunday I was far more active - it was very warm (85 Fahrenheit) and quite humid, which is weather that my guts tend to really dislike. But I decided anyway that I was going to ride my bike to the gym, so I did. I took the road bike this time since I had ridden my cruiser bike earlier in the week. It was quite hot riding to the gym so I got pretty sweaty before I even got there! I did weights (again no abdominals), and stretching and then rode home. The ride home felt pretty difficult - I think it was the heat, it sapped my strength. Plus I was riding into the wind on the way home so that didn't help.
When I got home, I realized I still had to do yard work. I've got this horrible unidentified large shrub in my yard - it's not a rose bush, it has no flowers, but it's got a ton of thorns/spikes like a rose bush has. Even with wearing gloves, you can't even lightly touch the stupid thing without pricking yourself, it's really a horrible shrub and not even pretty. So I had decided that I wanted to cut it down, dig up the stump, and plant something nicer in its place (I'm thinking either an apple tree or a cherry tree - I can put the fruit in my juicer). So after my workout & bike ride on Sunday, even though I was already too warm and risking making my guts angry, I went back outside and started chopping down my awful spike shrub. I spent something like 2 hours chopping and very carefully taking the chopped off bits up to the front curb to dispose of them (even though I was careful, I got poked a zillion times and had to dig out one really badly embedded splinter). I knew I was overdoing it and the heat and humidity were starting to affect my guts. I did manage to chop the entire stupid thing down which felt like a great achievement! Didn't have the energy to dig up the stump, that will have to wait for another day. And I'm glad I didn't try, I had already done too much in the heat. Literally the second I got inside my house and sat down, my guts went into a wicked cramp and I had to run for the bathroom. Fortunately I only had 2 bad episodes of cramps and 1 episode of d - it could have been a lot worse considering how long I had been out in the heat & humidity.
Here's how significantly the heat affected me - I got a new bathroom scale and I weighed myself on Sunday morning - 144 lbs. I weighed myself again right after the cramps and d - I had sweated a ton during both my workout and my yard work, and even though I had drank a lot of water & sports drinks I still had lost a lot of fluids, and my weight after all was said and done was 140. I lost 4 lbs in a single day just from sweating and d! (And not even that much d.) Yikes!
Today I'm feeling pretty sore, probably the result of overdoing things yesterday. We're having a really bad rainstorm today (torrential downpours, lots of thunder, a possibility of large hail and high winds and even tornadoes) so I'm staying indoors! I still need something to do on my lunch break though (I hate just sitting in the lunch room, I either need to get out and run errands or I need to work out on my lunch break) so since going out isn't an option today, I'm going to head down to the gym for some gentle yoga on my lunch break. I won't overdo things at all since I overdid things so much yesterday, I'm just planning on taking it very easy and being nice to my body today. And hey, if there's a tornado then I'll already be in the basement so it's a win-win.
Tomorrow I'm doing weights - possibly with hubby in the big gym. Wednesday, haven't decided yet - maybe will just walk the dog after work if the weather is nice. Thursday I'm doing weights - can't go on my lunch hour as I have a dentist appointment, so I'll either go to the big gym after work or just work out from home using my weight bench & dumbbells. Friday, haven't decided yet. Saturday, hoping to ride my bike to the big gym again for weights (I will try not to do hours of strenuous yard work afterwards this time!). Sunday is likely a rest day as I have to go have lunch with my family and it's my turn to pick up and drive my grandparents to the restaurant. So yeah, that's the tentative plan for now.