Clean Barium X-ray, so not IBD?

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Oct 23, 2013
So after having a clean barium x-ray, clean colonoscopy, all other blood work and stool tests normal, I am still left with diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramping, mild pain, joint pain/stiffness, headache, weight loss, fatigue, reduced appetite, my immune system is totally shot and now recently I have been getting these random muscle spasms/twitches in my arm.

With all these clean tests from my GI I am wondering if I can finally rule out IBD. Does anyone know if its still possible to have IBD even with clean barium x-ray and colonoscopy? Or are there any tests I should request be done.
Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but it is possible to have these tests come back clear and still have IBD.

You may have inflammation that is further up the digestive tract, which won't be picked up by colonoscopies as these can only usually reach the end of the large intestine. This means that anything from the small intestine up is not viewed.

While follow throughs can be a good diagnostic aid, they are limited in what they can show and may miss surface inflammation and will almost certainly miss microscopic inflammation.

An MRI or CT scan may be more helpful, or an endoscopy.

Did you have biopsies taken during the colonoscopy? If not then it's possible that microscopic inflammation was missed.
Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but it is possible to have these tests come back clear and still have IBD.

You may have inflammation that is further up the digestive tract, which won't be picked up by colonoscopies as these can only usually reach the end of the large intestine. This means that anything from the small intestine up is not viewed.

While follow throughs can be a good diagnostic aid, they are limited in what they can show and may miss surface inflammation and will almost certainly miss microscopic inflammation.

An MRI or CT scan may be more helpful, or an endoscopy.

Did you have biopsies taken during the colonoscopy? If not then it's possible that microscopic inflammation was missed.

You are not bringing me any bad news, but in fact giving me some hope. I have already come to terms with whatever illness I may have and I accept that. If I had IBD I would just be happy to have a diagnosis and focus on treating it. Right now with the diagnosis of IBS my symptoms get worse and I make no progress. When I had my colonoscopy they did take biopsies and they were clean as well. I'm going to request an endoscopy but would an MRI or CT scan be better then the barium x-ray I had? After my GI saw the results from my barium x-ray she said we could rule out crohns disease
From personal experience, an MRI was better than the follow through.

I had a follow through done not long after my symptoms started at 15 , but wasn't diagnosed until I was almost 20 after an MRI showed inflammation and prompted a colonoscopy.

I would be weary of thinking it could be totally ruled out by the barium xray since from what I know they don't always show surface inflammation. Microscopic inflammation would only show on biopsies.

Generally, CT and MRI scans are thought of as being more helpful as they can pick up even small abnormalities and are able to show 3D images of the intestine. They can be used to trace from the mouth to the rectum if need be. MRIs don't use radiation and therefore are thought of as safer.
I'm sorry you've not had more responses, I've seen you're additional support request so I thought I'd bump you up a little and see if we can get some more opinions for you.
If GI testing has drawn a blank, have you thought about seeing a Rheumatologist? There are many diseases which are auto immune and not gut based which they would look at.
GI's tend understandably to look at the guts only whereas a Rheumy will look at the overall picture.
I've had all of those tests run too with nothing that was ultra-positive. It could still be out there though hiding from biopsy probes and scopes. I like to imagine it kind of like the guys on the Mucinex commercials but with giant teeth like the fish in Finding Nemo with the light on it's head.

Anyway, pop culture references aside, I'm in the same boat as you and yes, it's still a possibility, albeit a frustrating, seemingly unattainable one. It seems odd to wish for a life-altering disease, doesn't it? But I agree - a diagnosis is better than sickness with no answers.
I've had all of those tests run too with nothing that was ultra-positive. It could still be out there though hiding from biopsy probes and scopes. I like to imagine it kind of like the guys on the Mucinex commercials but with giant teeth like the fish in Finding Nemo with the light on it's head.

Anyway, pop culture references aside, I'm in the same boat as you and yes, it's still a possibility, albeit a frustrating, seemingly unattainable one. It seems odd to wish for a life-altering disease, doesn't it? But I agree - a diagnosis is better than sickness with no answers.

Exactly my thoughts, Im just nervous of pursuing my doctors to test more because they have already done two of the main tests and came back clean. People are starting to think its all in my head :(

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