Colonoscopy with Fistula--M scared

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 2, 2016
Hello All,

I have had IBD for quite sometime now but recently I had a hemmoroid attack after a series of bowel infections and diarrhoea.

My doctor prescribed me daflon and fiber supplements but it didnt work. After examining my bum (that was unbearable for me) she said she is still not sure and needs to carry out colonoscopy. She had also suggested an M.R.I but it was rejected by my insurance company for some reason.

I am trying to avoid colonoscopy but she says its necessary. I am scared as my anus hurts already and even B.M are a torture for me. I fear the colonoscopy prep and the insertion of cam and stuff will only hurt my anas more. I fear it will make my fistula worst. Or might hurt the sphincter at this stage. She also mentioned she might operate it then, M not sure if she meant to operate it during the colonoscopy, is it possible?

Please tell me is it safe to get a colonoscopy done while you have a fistula and hemmorhoids?

She also suspects Crohn's for me but my previous colonoscopy in 2013 was clear. So are there chances I woyld have developed this disease in 3 years. Thank you
Call your doctor and tell her of your fears. I am bnot sure about surgery during a colonoscopy. I think it is possible that you could have developed Crohns. Give us an update and let us know how you are doing.
I am so sorry you are suffering. I know what you mean about the whole colonoscopy prep you have to drink. It can be very hard on the anal area with all the diarrhea. I know when I had my colonoscopy done three years ago it tore my a** up and swelled my hemorrhoids up. One thing I would recommend is puts lots of ointments( either vaseline, aquaphor healing ointment or maybe Zinc oxide paste) down there before you even start the prep stuff. This way when you do start going, at least there will be a barrier there to protect your butt. Also I would reapply the stuff constantly in-between bathroom trips. I will have to do this too if I end up having another colonoscopy. My anus does not feel good at all right now either so I feel for you.

Does your GI doc think you have Crohn's especially due to the fact you have a fistula? I do not think Fistula's happen to healthy people without disease normally.

I am not diagnosed with crohn's either. My GI keeps saying IBS as my tests were normal when I had them over the last 4 years. I however keep having stuff pop up so I am not so sure. I would definitely call your doctor and tell him/her your fears and concerns about the test and how it will aggravate your already very painful anal area. Maybe he/she will be able to suggest something.

Hello All,

I have had IBD for quite sometime now but recently I had a hemmoroid attack after a series of bowel infections and diarrhoea.

My doctor prescribed me daflon and fiber supplements but it didnt work. After examining my bum (that was unbearable for me) she said she is still not sure and needs to carry out colonoscopy. She had also suggested an M.R.I but it was rejected by my insurance company for some reason.

I am trying to avoid colonoscopy but she says its necessary. I am scared as my anus hurts already and even B.M are a torture for me. I fear the colonoscopy prep and the insertion of cam and stuff will only hurt my anas more. I fear it will make my fistula worst. Or might hurt the sphincter at this stage. She also mentioned she might operate it then, M not sure if she meant to operate it during the colonoscopy, is it possible?

Please tell me is it safe to get a colonoscopy done while you have a fistula and hemmorhoids?

She also suspects Crohn's for me but my previous colonoscopy in 2013 was clear. So are there chances I woyld have developed this disease in 3 years. Thank you
Lol, no kidding! That is my problem, I need to follow my own advice ha ha! It is so hard not knowing what is going on though. I think it really sucks with my having other health issues. It seems my GI doc then just wants to blame everything on that. I honestly think when a healthy person( meaning no other health issues) goes into a doctor the doctor is more likely not to fluff them off. When a person who suffers other issues it is like they want to just blame stuff on that or that your just sick with all these issues and they all go hand in hand kind of answer, yet your left with no real answers. It is frustrating.

Ihurt, you are your best advocate
Call your doctor and tell her of your fears. I am bnot sure about surgery during a colonoscopy. I think it is possible that you could have developed Crohns. Give us an update and let us know how you are doing.

Thank you ronroush will update you about it
Thats exactly my story. No doctor diagnosed a disease in me yet m really very sick. Just like you I have been told I have IBS. All tests show I am normal infact my weight might be giving them a wrong idea about my illness too. I look healthy but the crampy diarrohea has killed me for ages. I have lived with it pretending to be normal. Its only recently that I got very painful, crampy and frequent diarrhea that my doctor suggested colonoscopy again.

To answer your question, no she didnt suspect crohn's because of fistula. Rather its because of the uncontrolles diarrhea that is recurrent and not responding to any medicine.

Thank you for al your advice about colonoscopy prep. It gives me hope that I might survive it through these ointments. Thank you for all your support

I am so sorry you are suffering. I know what you mean about the whole colonoscopy prep you have to drink. It can be very hard on the anal area with all the diarrhea. I know when I had my colonoscopy done three years ago it tore my a** up and swelled my hemorrhoids up. One thing I would recommend is puts lots of ointments( either vaseline, aquaphor healing ointment or maybe Zinc oxide paste) down there before you even start the prep stuff. This way when you do start going, at least there will be a barrier there to protect your butt. Also I would reapply the stuff constantly in-between bathroom trips. I will have to do this too if I end up having another colonoscopy. My anus does not feel good at all right now either so I feel for you.

Does your GI doc think you have Crohn's especially due to the fact you have a fistula? I do not think Fistula's happen to healthy people without disease normally.

I am not diagnosed with crohn's either. My GI keeps saying IBS as my tests were normal when I had them over the last 4 years. I however keep having stuff pop up so I am not so sure. I would definitely call your doctor and tell him/her your fears and concerns about the test and how it will aggravate your already very painful anal area. Maybe he/she will be able to suggest something.
Wow, sorry you are going through all this :(. I know how it is to be bounced back and fourth with doctors not knowing anything! I have lots of health issues so I have been through the rig when it comes to doctors. I cannot even count how many I have seen in the last 13 years( many of them not very good sadly and these were supposed to be top doctors!!:confused:

What did your doctor say about the fistula? Didn't your GI doctor question that alone? I do not think people with IBS get fistulas.

Just wanted you to know you are not alone. It seems it is so hard to get good health care with a knowledgeable doctor these days. I gotta say, it is scary when I think about all the "bad" doctors I have seen this past 13 years. Many things I was misdiagnosed with that I actually did not even have(Lupus, Scleroderma, Barrett's esophagus, etc..). I had to always follow up with two three opinions before getting answers and even then I was unsure. Then I have the doctors who kind of just fluff things off. I went to a TOP hospital here is Chicago and saw the professor of Gastroenterology years back. DO you know what he told me? He told me my problems were because I was a woman and that women make mountains out of mole hills all the time!!! Mind you, this was during a time when I was sick and had lost 35 lbs in less than 2 months! ( Found out later on my own that I could not tolerate Gluten). All those doctors and not one helped me. I ended up doing the research and decided to go gluten free for good and within 4 months I was 95% better( at least in my upper gut). Sadly I still had the other health issues ( Interstitial Cystitis, Fibromyalgia, Chemical sensitivities, skin issues, and IBS supposedly). It seems the more health issue you have, the more doctors are apt to just dismiss your symptoms. At least it has been that way for me.

I hope you get some answers and more importantly, some help and relief. Hang in there..

Thats exactly my story. No doctor diagnosed a disease in me yet m really very sick. Just like you I have been told I have IBS. All tests show I am normal infact my weight might be giving them a wrong idea about my illness too. I look healthy but the crampy diarrohea has killed me for ages. I have lived with it pretending to be normal. Its only recently that I got very painful, crampy and frequent diarrhea that my doctor suggested colonoscopy again.

To answer your question, no she didnt suspect crohn's because of fistula. Rather its because of the uncontrolles diarrhea that is recurrent and not responding to any medicine.

Thank you for al your advice about colonoscopy prep. It gives me hope that I might survive it through these ointments. Thank you for all your support
I am amazed at how our situation match too much. I am 28 and have been in this self inflicted torture. Sometimes I want to just give it up and wait for sudden death to avoid the humilation and disappountment I have to go through by these doctors

Despite being in undecided state myself, i would still advice you to not give up. I am sorry to hear what you had to go through. How do you feel now? I really want to appreciate your strength for not giving up. I will follow your example.

I have only seen better days in my life after i made friends with google. It has halped me undertand myself better which lead me to decide the course of action.

Sometimes I have to put words in the mouth of doctors. The easiest way to escape a difficult patient is to blame his mental state. And that I have been blamed for 15 years now. And the easy diagnosis for disturbed bowel is IBS. Doctors can blame IBS as its less dangerous a disease then others and then blame your stress for flaring it up. I only ask, who on earth is not stressed these days? Everyone one is. So why M I going through this.

I have also developed urine incontince from last year and seeing your comment somewhere I also feel I have some kind of an abscess that disturbs my bladder.

From december last year I have pain in the appendice area too. Sometimes it goes legs too. I am in constant fear that I may someday wake up to appendice pain.

My doctor had inserted a lubricated gloved finger while examining me for hemorroid and it had hurt for so long. She suggested neo- healor suppository to heal and ointment i cannot live without. I tried the suppository last night. It hurt it even more. But ironically i had the most pain free bowel.movement today.

Thank you for your support and such nice words. This is the first forum I have ever joined. I needed to discuss and feel I am not alone. I am tired of pretending to world I am just as strong as others. My life is better when I admit I am made different and my challenges include health too.

Just wanted you to know you are not alone. It seems it is so hard to get good health care with a knowledgeable doctor these days. I gotta say, it is scary when I think about all the "bad" doctors I have seen this past 13 years. Many things I was misdiagnosed with that I actually did not even have(Lupus, Scleroderma, Barrett's esophagus, etc..). I had to always follow up with two three opinions before getting answers and even then I was unsure. Then I have the doctors who kind of just fluff things off. I went to a TOP hospital here is Chicago and saw the professor of Gastroenterology years back. DO you know what he told me? He told me my problems were because I was a woman and that women make mountains out of mole hills all the time!!! Mind you, this was during a time when I was sick and had lost 35 lbs in less than 2 months! ( Found out later on my own that I could not tolerate Gluten). All those doctors and not one helped me. I ended up doing the research and decided to go gluten free for good and within 4 months I was 95% better( at least in my upper gut). Sadly I still had the other health issues ( Interstitial Cystitis, Fibromyalgia, Chemical sensitivities, skin issues, and IBS supposedly). It seems the more health issue you have, the more doctors are apt to just dismiss your symptoms. At least it has been that way for me.

I hope you get some answers and more importantly, some help and relief. Hang in there..
Well thank you, and I am glad if I was able to help at all. I realize we are not in the best situations, but we have to keep going and keep looking for answers. And YES, I totally know what you mean about doctors liking to blame things on stress. Don't get me wrong, stress can cause all sorts of stuff to be worse, that is true. Stress in itself however does not cause any given illness. It can open the door to a problem that is already festering, but it would not cause the illness.

I will say that stress can lower your immune system and lets say you already have something underlying going on, then it can trigger it. Back in March of 2002 my mom got diagnosed with terminal cancer. She passed away that August.I was 28 yrs old at the time. It devastated me and the grief was awful. I am sure that lowered my immune system going through all this. Well then in 2003 I got a flu shot and my health just spiraled downhill from then on. So I think losing my mom with all the grief and devastation just wore my immune system down, then when I got that Flu shot, it was the trigger that did me in. So yes, stress can lower your immune system allowing underlying things to get a hold. I was already standing on a precipice at the edge when things blew up for me in terms of my health.

Glad the suppository helped you to be able to go to the bathroom without awful pain, that is great. I am hoping to ask my GI for something to help me when I see him. If he cannot help, I will ask him about a colon-rectal doctor/surgeon. I think they know all about the anus, better than a GI doc would. It is so annoying having to deal with all this. I mean I feel like I am going to have to beg my doctor to look at my butt, is that not sad?? I mean I want to know what is going on! I do not get embarrassed anymore, that is probably because I have been through so much crap in the past 13 years and poked and prodded in every single orifice I have Lol! My Modesty flew out the window long ago! I just want to feel better, that is all I care about.

Don't give up hope. Always keep it in the back of your mind that YOU know your body better than anyone else. If any doctor tells you your issues are "in your head" or it is mental, you walk straight out of there and do not go back. I honestly can say a lot of the doctors I have seen in the past did me a disservice by demeaning me and disregarding my concerns when I first got sick. It was not a nice journey. I mean I went to the doctor thinking they were so smart and would definitely be able to help me. I learned really fast that it does not work that way most of the time. I learned I had to do the leg work and the research on my own. You are your best advocate.

With your urinary issue, do you get pain in your bladder or just urine leakage? I have Interstitial Cystitis of the bladder. It is painful. You get chronic sores, sometimes ulcers and inflammation in the bladder. I will admit it is one of the most painful things I have had to deal with so far. It really complicates things for me. I mean I also am prone to UTI's because of this so I have to be very careful and super clean. So now with my having all this anal pain and such, my GI doc is telling me to take sitz baths, yet my urologist says NO way, only showers. She said sitting in a bath will cause bacteria to migrate up into the urethra and cause a UTI, which is true. So one illness is complicating the other. It really sucks. I am also allergic to many medications so when I do get a UTI, I am not really able to take most antibiotics( I am either resistant to them and they no longer work, or I get severe adverse reactions and cannot take them), so I have to be super careful when trying to prevent UTI's and infections. Not a good situation to be in. I just developed an abscess on my labia last month. Had to get it lanced and drained by the dermatologist who said it was likely an infected hair follicle or gland. It has been a month and the area still will get little bumps and irritation around it at times and it kind of feels sore inside.

Anyhow, sorry for rambling on. We just have to keep chugging along and just keep looking for answers.

I am amazed at how our situation match too much. I am 28 and have been in this self inflicted torture. Sometimes I want to just give it up and wait for sudden death to avoid the humilation and disappountment I have to go through by these doctors

Despite being in undecided state myself, i would still advice you to not give up. I am sorry to hear what you had to go through. How do you feel now? I really want to appreciate your strength for not giving up. I will follow your example.

I have only seen better days in my life after i made friends with google. It has halped me undertand myself better which lead me to decide the course of action.

Sometimes I have to put words in the mouth of doctors. The easiest way to escape a difficult patient is to blame his mental state. And that I have been blamed for 15 years now. And the easy diagnosis for disturbed bowel is IBS. Doctors can blame IBS as its less dangerous a disease then others and then blame your stress for flaring it up. I only ask, who on earth is not stressed these days? Everyone one is. So why M I going through this.

I have also developed urine incontince from last year and seeing your comment somewhere I also feel I have some kind of an abscess that disturbs my bladder.

From december last year I have pain in the appendice area too. Sometimes it goes legs too. I am in constant fear that I may someday wake up to appendice pain.

My doctor had inserted a lubricated gloved finger while examining me for hemorroid and it had hurt for so long. She suggested neo- healor suppository to heal and ointment i cannot live without. I tried the suppository last night. It hurt it even more. But ironically i had the most pain free bowel.movement today.

Thank you for your support and such nice words. This is the first forum I have ever joined. I needed to discuss and feel I am not alone. I am tired of pretending to world I am just as strong as others. My life is better when I admit I am made different and my challenges include health too.
I am sorry to hear about your mother. I went through some really tough and depressing times in life and I can remember thats when I started loosing Immunity. I can now undertand the connection.

By a blaming doctor I mean doctor that treats you like an idiot. Honestly there is no other explaination of there expression other then you are an idiot and its all in your head. Did you read about the story of a woman who died because doctors kept saying it was im her head.

I get excrutiating pains in chest too. But the cardiologist i went to was a nice lady. She did all the relevant tests that didnt cost me a.dime and concluded that I didnt have any heart problem. Yet she gave me meds for angina pain releief. And it did help. She was different and I wish all doc were like that too.

Yes it is sad that you have to beg to the doctors but trust me you are way brave than normal people. No you have your modesty intact but it only reflects your bravery, respinsibility and commitment towards getting healthy. I really appreciate your struggle. I agree with your decision to visit an anrectal surgeon , its on my list now too ( if things dont workout here).

I get tons of UTI an year. Last year, i got 3 in a month. It was like the antibiotic was not working and then my gp suggested me a urologist. I went, got a urine culture and other tests done but it turned out i didnt have any bacteria . So it wss negtive. He gave me dutrisol and a mild antibiotic u take for a month. The incontinence is on and off but i cannot empty my bladder in a single time. I have to stand walk around sometimes and then sit back to welcome another half of the urine. I feel unsatisfied, even after that. And i have to convince my self i peed.

No my bladder doesnt hurt much now. But my periods kill me. I have a general weakness and heavy ness in that area like i am sitting in something. When my Urologist said okay I never went back cause I already had too much to deal with.

Tell me how you get this interstitail cystitis diagnosed? I have had hundereds of ultrasounds, stating m all okay. Is ultrasound enough? Also could my bladder be effected because of bowel too?

About the labia thing you said. I have a whole bunch of bumps around it. I lived with it for years feeling shy to open legs to a doctor. Last year I did, and she says she cant see anything. Everything is normal there. But i can feel the bumps that were not always there. Could it also be a sign of abscess. I think i should mention it to my GI too.

Thank you for taking out time to read and reply. I really appreciate it. You r right we need answers

Well thank you, and I am glad if I was able to help at all. I realize we are not in the best situations, but we have to keep going and keep looking for answers. And YES, I totally know what you mean about doctors liking to blame things on stress. Don't get me wrong, stress can cause all sorts of stuff to be worse, that is true. Stress in itself however does not cause any given illness. It can open the door to a problem that is already festering, but it would not cause the illness.

I will say that stress can lower your immune system and lets say you already have something underlying going on, then it can trigger it. Back in March of 2002 my mom got diagnosed with terminal cancer. She passed away that August.I was 28 yrs old at the time. It devastated me and the grief was awful. I am sure that lowered my immune system going through all this. Well then in 2003 I got a flu shot and my health just spiraled downhill from then on. So I think losing my mom with all the grief and devastation just wore my immune system down, then when I got that Flu shot, it was the trigger that did me in. So yes, stress can lower your immune system allowing underlying things to get a hold. I was already standing on a precipice at the edge when things blew up for me in terms of my health.

Glad the suppository helped you to be able to go to the bathroom without awful pain, that is great. I am hoping to ask my GI for something to help me when I see him. If he cannot help, I will ask him about a colon-rectal doctor/surgeon. I think they know all about the anus, better than a GI doc would. It is so annoying having to deal with all this. I mean I feel like I am going to have to beg my doctor to look at my butt, is that not sad?? I mean I want to know what is going on! I do not get embarrassed anymore, that is probably because I have been through so much crap in the past 13 years and poked and prodded in every single orifice I have Lol! My Modesty flew out the window long ago! I just want to feel better, that is all I care about.

Don't give up hope. Always keep it in the back of your mind that YOU know your body better than anyone else. If any doctor tells you your issues are "in your head" or it is mental, you walk straight out of there and do not go back. I honestly can say a lot of the doctors I have seen in the past did me a disservice by demeaning me and disregarding my concerns when I first got sick. It was not a nice journey. I mean I went to the doctor thinking they were so smart and would definitely be able to help me. I learned really fast that it does not work that way most of the time. I learned I had to do the leg work and the research on my own. You are your best advocate.

With your urinary issue, do you get pain in your bladder or just urine leakage? I have Interstitial Cystitis of the bladder. It is painful. You get chronic sores, sometimes ulcers and inflammation in the bladder. I will admit it is one of the most painful things I have had to deal with so far. It really complicates things for me. I mean I also am prone to UTI's because of this so I have to be very careful and super clean. So now with my having all this anal pain and such, my GI doc is telling me to take sitz baths, yet my urologist says NO way, only showers. She said sitting in a bath will cause bacteria to migrate up into the urethra and cause a UTI, which is true. So one illness is complicating the other. It really sucks. I am also allergic to many medications so when I do get a UTI, I am not really able to take most antibiotics( I am either resistant to them and they no longer work, or I get severe adverse reactions and cannot take them), so I have to be super careful when trying to prevent UTI's and infections. Not a good situation to be in. I just developed an abscess on my labia last month. Had to get it lanced and drained by the dermatologist who said it was likely an infected hair follicle or gland. It has been a month and the area still will get little bumps and irritation around it at times and it kind of feels sore inside.

Anyhow, sorry for rambling on. We just have to keep chugging along and just keep looking for answers.
Thank you again for your kind words and support. I had a really nice GI doctor a few years ago but he moved out of state :(. I liked him because he was so honest. I remember back years when I was having issues and saw that horrible gasteroenterologist, I found this GI and instantly liked him. On my first appointment I reluctantly told him about my experience with the previous GI doc I just had seen and how badly I was treated. He told me, and these were his words " that doctor sounds like an idiot!". He told me that sadly lots of doctors have ego issues and would rather tell you it is in your head or just pass you off instead of admitting they just do not know. He said it is all ego. At the time I was having issues with my bladder and he was trying to help me more than the urologist I was seeing and he was not even a urologist! He told me Gastroenterology is 30 years behind and urology is 30 years behind gastroenterology when it comes to things. He said they have ways to go. They know some things, but so much they still do not know. He was not a huge believer in tests. I mean he said some tests are good, like colonoscopy and endoscopy can tell you a lot since you are looking directly at the source through a camera. He just said a lot of function tests are not always reliable since the body changes from moment to moment. I was devastated when he moved away. But yeah, I can see why you loved your Cardiologist, she sounded like she cared and wanted you to feel better. That is how my old GI doc was.

As far as the Interstitial Cystitis, that was diagnosed through a cystoscopy( they look inside the bladder with a camera similar to a colonoscopy except they put the camera into the urethra and look at the bladder. Not a fun test, but you can insist on being knocked out. Then it is okay because you wont feel anything. Actually my IC was able to be seen through a cystoscopy, but some people with IC have to have a Hydrodistension of the bladder where they put you to sleep and they fill the bladder( basically over extend it) and look for lesions on the bladder wall. I refused to do this procedure though because after researching I found it was not very reliable and could cause my pain to get worse. Luckily the urogynecologist I saw was able to see the inflammation with just doing a plain cystoscopy.

You know, I have lots of pain when I have my period too. My gynecologist says I have uterine Fibroids. That was diagnosed through Vaginal Ultrasound. She said she suspects endometriosis as well, but I would have to have a Lapracopic surgery in order to diagnose it and she said she did not think I should go there yet. I get horrible pains at times. Do you a lot more pain in your abdomen when you have your period? I am literally praying for menopause! It is funny, most women dread menopause and i am like " bring it on"!!

It sounds like you might have pelvic floor dysfunction. I know some ladies who have this have that issue with peeing and then having to sit back down and finish peeing again. Ugh, I am sorry you have that. When my IC is at it's worst My bladder feels like it has about 1000 canker sores inside with lemon juice being poured on top. It is absolutely awful. I cannot even begin to describe the pain. I did not honestly know something could be so painful. Ugh, I am sorry you are dealing with UTI's. For me they are absolute misery, probably because my bladder is already messed up so add a UTI on top and forget it, my pain goes through the roof. I will say yes, that your bladder could be aggravated when your Bowels are upset. I know at times my bladder gets worse when my Bowels are upset. I think because there are so many nerves in that area that things can overlap and irritate one another. Like right now, my anal area is super irritated and it does at times make my bladder feel more irritated so yes, it can do that.

Believe me, I totally understand your fear about doing a colonoscopy and being afraid it will make your butt hurt worse. When I had to have my colonoscopy three years ago I was petrified to do it because I was so afraid all the watery diarrhea would give me a UTI and make my bladder worse. Everything revolves around my bladder. I cannot explain it, but the pain it causes me puts the fear of God in me when it comes to something that "may" make it worse. Well, I ended up doing the colonoscopy and my bladder was okay( well at first anyhow). I did end up getting a vaginal infection which then caused me a UTI! But yes, it really aggravated my anal area and aggravated my hemorrhoids. However, I did not prepare myself. This time if I have to have another one, I will stock up on that Zinc oxide paste and vaseline or whatever and use a lot of it before I start drinking that stuff and in-between as well! I would ask your doctor who is doing the colonoscopy about this and see what he/she suggests. Tell the doctor you are afraid because things are already extremely painful and inflamed down there as it is. Maybe they will suggest something better even. I still will have to worry about my bladder though. I Hate the Interstitial Cystitis. I was considering bladder removal but it is a seriously complex surgery. They have to literally do a bowel resection as well in order to form a conduit to let the urine out. That would be last resort for me. I pray it wont come to that.

You are a strong person too! You have made it this far and you will get to the bottom of all this, we both will. It sucks that these things take so much time and it seems hard to get answers and help. We just have to keep chuggin along.

I am sorry to hear about your mother. I went through some really tough and depressing times in life and I can remember thats when I started loosing Immunity. I can now undertand the connection.

By a blaming doctor I mean doctor that treats you like an idiot. Honestly there is no other explaination of there expression other then you are an idiot and its all in your head. Did you read about the story of a woman who died because doctors kept saying it was im her head.

I get excrutiating pains in chest too. But the cardiologist i went to was a nice lady. She did all the relevant tests that didnt cost me a.dime and concluded that I didnt have any heart problem. Yet she gave me meds for angina pain releief. And it did help. She was different and I wish all doc were like that too.

Yes it is sad that you have to beg to the doctors but trust me you are way brave than normal people. No you have your modesty intact but it only reflects your bravery, respinsibility and commitment towards getting healthy. I really appreciate your struggle. I agree with your decision to visit an anrectal surgeon , its on my list now too ( if things dont workout here).

I get tons of UTI an year. Last year, i got 3 in a month. It was like the antibiotic was not working and then my gp suggested me a urologist. I went, got a urine culture and other tests done but it turned out i didnt have any bacteria . So it wss negtive. He gave me dutrisol and a mild antibiotic u take for a month. The incontinence is on and off but i cannot empty my bladder in a single time. I have to stand walk around sometimes and then sit back to welcome another half of the urine. I feel unsatisfied, even after that. And i have to convince my self i peed.

No my bladder doesnt hurt much now. But my periods kill me. I have a general weakness and heavy ness in that area like i am sitting in something. When my Urologist said okay I never went back cause I already had too much to deal with.

Tell me how you get this interstitail cystitis diagnosed? I have had hundereds of ultrasounds, stating m all okay. Is ultrasound enough? Also could my bladder be effected because of bowel too?

About the labia thing you said. I have a whole bunch of bumps around it. I lived with it for years feeling shy to open legs to a doctor. Last year I did, and she says she cant see anything. Everything is normal there. But i can feel the bumps that were not always there. Could it also be a sign of abscess. I think i should mention it to my GI too.

Thank you for taking out time to read and reply. I really appreciate it. You r right we need answers
I am so sorry you have to go through this everyday. Seeing your pain only makes me more grateful for the pains i dont have. I wish I could be of any help to you.

Yes my abdominal pain during periods is worst. Not only that I am so out of control that it leaks and I am just stained everywhere. I am also amazed evry time i have periods at how much blood my body makes despite bad health. But fortunately I am not bleeding a lot this year. But still the pains are there. Not just that, the periods are preceeded my diarrhea. I always have 2 to 3 loose stools that drain me out and just when I collapse period says hi!

Like you I have also waited for my period to end ever since it started. Infact the day they kicked it in I am on a rollercoaster ride of unresolved health issues. Unlike you, I am not that strong and become a little more dependent on family. They do not complain but they defenitely need answers for this health state of mine. I even dont see my self becoming a mother one day. With a pelvic floor so weak and fistula and all that pain in the a** i can not see a good future ahead. Atlease not a future with companionship and family of my own.

You are right, i have a weak pelvic floor. I do keigel exercises when i get incontinence. I have a good body but a round bear belly and big butt. If I had been fat all over the bady, it wouldn't look odd. But now it does.

Though I am not in a position to suggest, but I would still recommend you to take aspaghula hask and lots of ointment for the anal pain. Take rest too and avoid sitting a lot. I do not know if its my medicines or the illness but I am really sleepy all the time and when I am awake I have headache at the right side. So i would suggest you too to tak rest and lie down as much as possible. When sitting is unavoidable dont sit straight on the butt rather tilt a little relieving the pressure on anus and wear pure cotton fabric.

Also for your fibroids, is there any problem in removing them? I have heard they can become cancer. Let me knoe more about them and why you have to endure them. My mother had 2 and when they removed her uterus they found the third one too and it had also damaged her ovaries but it was nit visible in the tests and they only found out during the they took our consent and removed one of it too. My mother has a differenr life now. She is happy and more active after this operation. Period or not these fibroids can suck your life away and make it hell lot of more miserable. Maybe you should take a second opinion about them too. Our lives revolve our uterus as a women.

Also have you tried the alternative medicines for your problems too? I had a few other problems that went away with ayurvedic medicine and cupping too and they never came back. But, I only used them for less serious issues.

Also, please if I may suggest, include honey in your diet. You could drink 2 tablespoons of it with cold water half an hour before breakfast and It will start doing wonders for your bladder. My UTIs were controlled by honey. Give it a try. It might work. You will start noticing a change very soon.

I hope you dont have to go through bladder removal and you get healthy miraculously. It would look stupid but still, tell your body you love it and ask it to calm down. I can not feel what you do and it is easier for me to suggest you things. Only you can feel your pain but I pray one day you cheat all these pains and diseases and live a well controlled healthy life full of success. Ameen

Thank you again for your kind words and support. I had a really nice GI doctor a few years ago but he moved out of state :(. I liked him because he was so honest. I remember back years when I was having issues and saw that horrible gasteroenterologist, I found this GI and instantly liked him. On my first appointment I reluctantly told him about my experience with the previous GI doc I just had seen and how badly I was treated. He told me, and these were his words " that doctor sounds like an idiot!". He told me that sadly lots of doctors have ego issues and would rather tell you it is in your head or just pass you off instead of admitting they just do not know. He said it is all ego. At the time I was having issues with my bladder and he was trying to help me more than the urologist I was seeing and he was not even a urologist! He told me Gastroenterology is 30 years behind and urology is 30 years behind gastroenterology when it comes to things. He said they have ways to go. They know some things, but so much they still do not know. He was not a huge believer in tests. I mean he said some tests are good, like colonoscopy and endoscopy can tell you a lot since you are looking directly at the source through a camera. He just said a lot of function tests are not always reliable since the body changes from moment to moment. I was devastated when he moved away. But yeah, I can see why you loved your Cardiologist, she sounded like she cared and wanted you to feel better. That is how my old GI doc was.

As far as the Interstitial Cystitis, that was diagnosed through a cystoscopy( they look inside the bladder with a camera similar to a colonoscopy except they put the camera into the urethra and look at the bladder. Not a fun test, but you can insist on being knocked out. Then it is okay because you wont feel anything. Actually my IC was able to be seen through a cystoscopy, but some people with IC have to have a Hydrodistension of the bladder where they put you to sleep and they fill the bladder( basically over extend it) and look for lesions on the bladder wall. I refused to do this procedure though because after researching I found it was not very reliable and could cause my pain to get worse. Luckily the urogynecologist I saw was able to see the inflammation with just doing a plain cystoscopy.

You know, I have lots of pain when I have my period too. My gynecologist says I have uterine Fibroids. That was diagnosed through Vaginal Ultrasound. She said she suspects endometriosis as well, but I would have to have a Lapracopic surgery in order to diagnose it and she said she did not think I should go there yet. I get horrible pains at times. Do you a lot more pain in your abdomen when you have your period? I am literally praying for menopause! It is funny, most women dread menopause and i am like " bring it on"!!

It sounds like you might have pelvic floor dysfunction. I know some ladies who have this have that issue with peeing and then having to sit back down and finish peeing again. Ugh, I am sorry you have that. When my IC is at it's worst My bladder feels like it has about 1000 canker sores inside with lemon juice being poured on top. It is absolutely awful. I cannot even begin to describe the pain. I did not honestly know something could be so painful. Ugh, I am sorry you are dealing with UTI's. For me they are absolute misery, probably because my bladder is already messed up so add a UTI on top and forget it, my pain goes through the roof. I will say yes, that your bladder could be aggravated when your Bowels are upset. I know at times my bladder gets worse when my Bowels are upset. I think because there are so many nerves in that area that things can overlap and irritate one another. Like right now, my anal area is super irritated and it does at times make my bladder feel more irritated so yes, it can do that.

Believe me, I totally understand your fear about doing a colonoscopy and being afraid it will make your butt hurt worse. When I had to have my colonoscopy three years ago I was petrified to do it because I was so afraid all the watery diarrhea would give me a UTI and make my bladder worse. Everything revolves around my bladder. I cannot explain it, but the pain it causes me puts the fear of God in me when it comes to something that "may" make it worse. Well, I ended up doing the colonoscopy and my bladder was okay( well at first anyhow). I did end up getting a vaginal infection which then caused me a UTI! But yes, it really aggravated my anal area and aggravated my hemorrhoids. However, I did not prepare myself. This time if I have to have another one, I will stock up on that Zinc oxide paste and vaseline or whatever and use a lot of it before I start drinking that stuff and in-between as well! I would ask your doctor who is doing the colonoscopy about this and see what he/she suggests. Tell the doctor you are afraid because things are already extremely painful and inflamed down there as it is. Maybe they will suggest something better even. I still will have to worry about my bladder though. I Hate the Interstitial Cystitis. I was considering bladder removal but it is a seriously complex surgery. They have to literally do a bowel resection as well in order to form a conduit to let the urine out. That would be last resort for me. I pray it wont come to that.

You are a strong person too! You have made it this far and you will get to the bottom of all this, we both will. It sucks that these things take so much time and it seems hard to get answers and help. We just have to keep chuggin along.
Thanks so much for your kind words and suggestions. Where can I get aspaghula hask? I am interested in trying this for my anal pain. Thank you as well for the suggestions for the fibroids. The gynecologist says they are small so should not be causing me issues. However I have read even small ones can cause issues for some women depending on where they are. I have to get Ultrasounds every 6 months to every year to check on them to see if they are growing. They have been growing a little every time I have a Ultrasound. I have to keep an eye on it because if they keep getting bigger I will have to insist they do something. I know if they get to big then to remove them they would have to do an open abdominal surgery. I do NOT want that. If they are still small enough they can remove things through laproscopic surgery which I think would be better. I would probably just do a hysterectomy at that point though ( they can do it lapracopically) if fibroid and uterus are not to enlarged. I really do not want to have any surgeries down there though because of my IC of the bladder. I am terrified of making that worse! Also I worry about the whole catheter thing. When you have surgery you have to have a catheter. Catheters Always cause me UTI's. When I first got diagnosed with IC I had to do these bladder instillations where they inject medicine into the bladder using a catheter. I got lots of infections at that time. One infection I had lasted like over two months, it would not go away. I ended up on antibiotics for a weeks to get rid of it. So all these things scare me. I am glad the surgery helped your mom, that is great!

Awe, you are a very strong person, do not ever think you are not. Anyone who is going through pain with any chronic illness has to be a strong person. I guess we are forced to. Believe me, there are many a nights I cry myself to sleep as I am so tired of it all. I also rely a lot on my family. My husband is very understanding thank God. I also rely on my dad too, he helps me out a lot, I do not know what I would do without him. I have a brother who is Not very compassionate at all. He would say things like " oh, you just need to have a drink and relax and your issues would get better"!! I am severely limited with my diet ( I also am gluten free). During holidays my brother and his wife will invite us over and not once would they ever try and have something I could eat. So now we just do our thing here at home. My brother does not understand that I cannot eat certain things. He will roll his eyes at me and act like I am nuts.

Thanks for the honey idea. I use to get this honey called Manuka honey and it is supposed to be healing. I am going to try it again.

I have done lots of natural things. I drink cornsilk and Marshmallow root tea for my bladder. It helps a little. I also take this stuff called Dmannose powder to help prevent UTI's. I like to do as much natural as I can because i am so super sensitive to medications.

Oh, I meant to ask you, what soap do you use when you shower? I am trying to find a soap that I can use down there that I not irritating. I have been using this one that is just a non-fragrant one made with Glycerin. I wonder if it is aggravating me. I am trying to find a different one. I figure I would ask you since you have so much irritation down there too and wondered what you were using to clean?

Don't say you will never have a family, you never know. Maybe you will get better and healed to where you feel well and you will meet that special someone. Never say never. God works in mysterious ways and things happen when you least expect it.

We just have to keep having faith that we will get to where we need to be.

I am so sorry you have to go through this every Seeing your pain only makes me more grateful for the pains i dont have. I wish I could be of any help to you.

Yes my abdominal pain during periods is worst. Not only that I am so out of control that it leaks and I am just stained everywhere. I am also amazed evry time i have periods at how much blood my body makes despite bad health. But fortunately I am not bleeding a lot this year. But still the pains are there. Not just that, the periods are preceeded my diarrhea. I always have 2 to 3 loose stools that drain me out and just when I collapse period says hi!

Like you I have also waited for my period to end ever since it started. Infact the day they kicked it in I am on a rollercoaster ride of unresolved health issues. Unlike you, I am not that strong and become a little more dependent on family. They do not complain but they defenitely need answers for this health state of mine. I even dont see my self becoming a mother one day. With a pelvic floor so weak and fistula and all that pain in the a** i can not see a good future ahead. Atlease not a future with companionship and family of my own.

You are right, i have a weak pelvic floor. I do keigel exercises when i get incontinence. I have a good body but a round bear belly and big butt. If I had been fat all over the bady, it wouldn't look odd. But now it does.

Though I am not in a position to suggest, but I would still recommend you to take aspaghula hask and lots of ointment for the anal pain. Take rest too and avoid sitting a lot. I do not know if its my medicines or the illness but I am really sleepy all the time and when I am awake I have headache at the right side. So i would suggest you too to tak rest and lie down as much as possible. When sitting is unavoidable dont sit straight on the butt rather tilt a little relieving the pressure on anus and wear pure cotton fabric.

Also for your fibroids, is there any problem in removing them? I have heard they can become cancer. Let me knoe more about them and why you have to endure them. My mother had 2 and when they removed her uterus they found the third one too and it had also damaged her ovaries but it was nit visible in the tests and they only found out during the they took our consent and removed one of it too. My mother has a differenr life now. She is happy and more active after this operation. Period or not these fibroids can suck your life away and make it hell lot of more miserable. Maybe you should take a second opinion about them too. Our lives revolve our uterus as a women.

Also have you tried the alternative medicines for your problems too? I had a few other problems that went away with ayurvedic medicine and cupping too and they never came back. But, I only used them for less serious issues.

Also, please if I may suggest, include honey in your diet. You could drink 2 tablespoons of it with cold water half an hour before breakfast and It will start doing wonders for your bladder. My UTIs were controlled by honey. Give it a try. It might work. You will start noticing a change very soon.

I hope you dont have to go through bladder removal and you get healthy miraculously. It would look stupid but still, tell your body you love it and ask it to calm down. I can not feel what you do and it is easier for me to suggest you things. Only you can feel your pain but I pray one day you cheat all these pains and diseases and live a well controlled healthy life full of success. Ameen
You are very welcomed. Asbaghol husk is also known as psylium husk. I am sure you must have heard ir someewhere. They are not laxative and yet they politely push the stool out in the jelly form. They are alsi gluten free and used in many cooking recipies too you might wanna try.

For your UTI, basil seeds do wonders. In times of heat too they cool down the heat and make a wonderful drink. You can google it find how people are amazed with it. It swells up in water just like husk. I drink one teaspoon full basil seeds (already soaked in water a night before) and add 2 tablespoons of honey in it and drink before breakfast.

Also, yougurt is a natural probiotic so you could keep a small bowl size serving to be consumed in a day that might help you in fighting infections. Another herb is chia seeds. Now chia and psyliym husk are the same. Its just chia are seeds and psylium is husk made from the seed. But for me i have seen chiaa more better. They make you feel fuller too and have a cooling effect. You can use it before going to sleep. Just stir a teaspoon full in water and drink. You can use juice or any non frizsy drink to drink with it. Husk is good too but it sticks to mouth. So better not.more then a minute. So it becomes a paste and dont add too.much water in it.

For the anal area today I also gave it ice pack. It wss a little embarrassing but the result was so amazing i instantly felt better. You might wanna try it. It should be used four times in 3 days to see a considerable difference. It reduces the inflammation.

I believe these are the things that have saved me from other serious diseases. Had they not been there i would have had many resections already. All these help in making soft and most importantly slippery stool. It becomes effortless and reduces fhe intestinal inflammation.

Sorry to hear about the two month antibiotic thing. I can not begin to undertand how it felt to you to continue antibioitics for so long. Its hard for me to continue then for 5 or 7 days. 2 months must have been devastating.

For your period pain, have you tried chamimille tea? Excuse me for the spelling. But the tea is hearbal im nature and helps on period cramping. Imfact it is so good for stress. People take it before sleep to sleep well. And for periods it works if you dont have diarrhea or uti. Try it if it doesnt help you, it wouldnt do any harm either.

I am sorry to hear about your brother being uncompassionate. I can relate. Many people in my relatives have suggested my parents to treat me like an ordinary child so i would be tough. Like i make this all up in my mind. For many years, they believed them too. I have been to family gatherings despite begging to let me stay home and then spending whole night in bathrooms due to heavily bloody disentry.

Whenevrr i had exams my condition would flare up and everyone would say i am trying to find an excuse to not studdy. Luckily, the anxiety and stress did good to me academically. Althiugh m physically shattered but did good in studies.

I am glad my parents and family have learnt to listen to me. And there is nothing more i can ask. I usually go ti the doctor alone. But this time my mom went too and I saw a considerable difference in the doctors behaviour. She started taking me more seriously. My sister suggested that all my siblings and mom wkuld accompany me next time. Trust me it works. It tells doctors how much you are important to someone and you are no practice material.

As for the soap, i dont use soap or wipes. Rather i have a small hand shower near the toilet seat. I wash up front to back after relieving myself. So i am usually clean. I had read on internet that our vagina has a self cleaning machanism. When we use soap we kill the natural healthy bacteria that is there to fight with infection causing bacteria.
I am.sorry i cant suggest anything.. If youd want you could give this method a try. I wash every time i pee and also after every Bm.

Thank you again, for every word you have written ti me. It means a lot. at this point in life may be i can not see a future but i hope i.will have my spirit back soon. Thank you.. you will be in my prayers..
Thanks for all the advice and ideas, I really appreciate it.

It really sucks because I have so many allergies. It makes it so hard to take anything. Every medication I Have taken I end up eventually getting allergic to it or having a nasty reaction. It makes it so hard.

Yes, I have heard that soap can be irritating to the skin down there. I am using one that only has Gyycerin and coconut oils in it. There is no fragrance at all. I was told by my urologist to use a mild soap especially around the anal area after having a BM to make sure to clear all the fecal matter and bacteria away. Now my bladder is not happy either and this is making things miserable. I hope by putting all the creams down there it wont cause a UTI, like cause bacteria to easily be able to migrate up to the vagina and urethra. I have no choice though, i have to put something on the area with it being so irritated. I am just using the Zinc oxide paste down there. It is like a super thick white paste( similar to diaper rash cream used on babies). It helps some with the irritation on the outside.

I called my GI doctors office to see if I can get in to see him before Next Friday. i am just waiting for the nurse to call me back. That can take sometimes 2 days!! It is ridiculous really, I mean I would think they should be able to get back to their patients the same day at least. I hope I can get in before Next Friday.

Thanks again for all the help and support. I will also keep you in my prayers.
I can undertand. Whenever you feel you are ready to test them do try. As they are simple food ingredients here in asia so not really medicines. I hope they wont hurt you.

You are right the creams can make bacteria migrate to ut through vagina. I hope your doctor suggests you something better. Something like a healing suppository that can ease the tension and itching. I hope you get a call back soon. Do update whenevrer you can or whenever you feel like. Either here or pm me. I will be glad to know if you got better.

I have an appoitnment on sunday. I hope our prayers get answered.
Thanks. I just heard back from the GI doctor's office. They say I can come in tomorrow at 8:45 in the morning. I hope he will be able to look down there and see what is going on and more importantly, offer some help!

Yes, I am going to try some of the things you suggested, I really appreciate the advice.

Geez, Hope I don't get a UTI. I am trying to be as clean as I can be.

Wow, I did not realize you are from Asia. Such a far distance. I would love to take a vacation over there. I had a friend who visited over there and said it was beautiful! No way I could handle that long of a flight at this point. Maybe one day though.

Thanks again for the support. I will let you know how my appointment goes tomorrow. I pray your appointment goes well on Sunday. That is great your able to have an appointment on Sunday. Over here you can never get in to see a doctor on a Sunday, they are all closed!
Rooms: Well I went to see my GI today. He looked down there and did not see much so then he did the finger exam. He felt around and I specifically asked him to pay attention to the left side as that is where my pain is. I told him for the last two times I had a BM I felt like a sharp type pain in that area. He said he thinks I likely have a fissure inside the anal canal. Not sure how he can tell by just feeling though. He prescribed me a lidocaine gel or soemthing like that which is supposed to numb the pain in there. I asked him about the nitroglycerin stuff that some people use to help heal fissures. He gave me a script for it, but he warned me if can cause side effects, especially Bad headaches in 50% of people who use it. I will start with the Lidocaine first. I just would like to know how I got a fissure when I have not been constipated at all? He said it just happens sometimes. Ugh, just not feeling to good. Between my anus killing me and my bladder killing me, I am not happy :(.

Just wanted to update you. Hope you are doing okay.
Ihurt, Rooms. Oh boy I know how you feel. My backside is a disaster area most of the time. I have a fistula in my rectum that fortunately isn't infected or abscessing & fissures-I've had so many. The reason he can tell whilst doing the finger exam is how your sphincter reacts, the muscular spasm down there when he gets to the very painful area is a sure sign.
The ointment nitroglycerin is called GTN over here in UK. Its typically used on angina patients to rub into their chests to help widen blood vessels. Yes the headaches are severe & I've heard of people unable to drive because of it. But it does work in healing. The trick is the delivery to the area affected & I found rather than use a finger I go for one of those plastic tubes you typically get in hemmorroid ointments, smear the GTN all over it. Whenever I've used a finger it usually comes out bloody because I just manage to open the fissure up again. Finally if you want instant relief then sitz bathing is a must. You can buy the small bowl off ebay that fits over your toilet seat or basin & put in Epsom salts & water that's very warm. The relief is unreal & it aids healing as well. Please give it a go.
The very best of luck to both of you, I hope you get some relief very soon.
Best Wishes
Thanks Grant for the suggestions. Have you ever used lidocaine gel in the anal area? The GI doc said to use that first and see if it helps. Was the headache really severe from the nitro ointment? Meaning was it severe enough for you to stop it? They call the Nitro ointment here Rectiv ointment. I also worry because I do have already low blood pressure and I read it can cause the BP to lower. I have issues with Urinary tract infections so my urologist does not want me to submerge in any water, she said only showers. I have been using a heating pad though set on medium and placing it against my anus. Would that be equivalent to a warm sitz bath? My fissure is inside so water would not even touch it really.

Thanks for the idea on how to get the nitro ointment up there. When you had your fissures, were they also inside the anal canal? How long did it take them to heal? I have pain all the time ( more so when I am sitting) but always there is an ache in there in that area. I always thought it only hurt when you have a Bowel movement.

I am sorry you have all these issues down there too. I mean it is the worst place to have an ouchie! I have other issues which are horribly painful as well( I have IC which is Interstitial Cystitis of the bladder). With IC you can get ulcers and inflammation in the bladder and it can bleed. This really sucks! I wonder what people did back in the day before we had medication and doctors were scarce. I mean what did people do that came down with these things and how did they treat them?

anyhow thanks again for the support.

the muscular spasm down there when he gets to the very painful area is a sure sign.
The ointment nitroglycerin is called GTN over here in UK. Its typically used on angina patients to rub into their chests to help widen blood vessels. Yes the headaches are severe & I've heard of people unable to drive because of it. But it does work in healing. The trick is the delivery to the area affected & I found rather than use a finger I go for one of those plastic tubes you typically get in hemmorroid ointments, smear the GTN all over it. Whenever I've used a finger it usually comes out bloody because I just manage to open the fissure up again. Finally if you want instant relief then sitz bathing is a must. You can buy the small bowl off ebay that fits over your toilet seat or basin & put in Epsom salts & water that's very warm. The relief is unreal & it aids healing as well. Please give it a go.
The very best of luck to both of you, I hope you get some relief very soon.
Best Wishes
ihurt, yes I've used it but my thoughts are only rely on it for pain relief. It wont aid healing imo.
The headaches are bad & like you I suffer with low bp. So if you use it don't bend down to do stuff because you're liable to get a bad dizzy spell. I take 2 paracetamol when I use it & it appears to take the edge off the headaches.
Sorry to hear you cant sitz bath, that's a blow.
Healing wise using GTN I usually notice the pain subsiding within 5 days or so along with cessation of bleeding. But you need to use the ointment a lot, especially if you're having multiple BM's a day.
Best Wishes
Okay. Yeah, on the tube it says to only use twice a day. Luckily I am only having one BM a day and sometimes once every other day. I am confused as to how I got this. I dont have constipation at all, in fact my stools are always on the softer side usually.

So you do not think that the nitro really helps much with aiding in healing, but rather for the pain? Ugh, not looking foward to a nasty headache. I wont be able to take much to help with it if I get one. I cannot take any types of pain relievers due to getting side effects from them even! I would have to live through the headaches. That is why I was wondering how bad they are and it sounds like they are bad enough to cause significant pain :(.

Did you get them on the inside on the anal canal where you cannot even see it? It is hard to even know if I put stuff up there if it is hitting the area. This sucks. Do you think I should use like other stuff like hemorrhoid ointments or vaseline to squirt it up there to help heal it? My GI did not offer any suggestions. He just said to use the lidocaine gel to help with the pain that other ointments are not going to help. What do you think?

ihurt, yes I've used it but my thoughts are only rely on it for pain relief. It wont aid healing imo.
The headaches are bad & like you I suffer with low bp. So if you use it don't bend down to do stuff because you're liable to get a bad dizzy spell. I take 2 paracetamol when I use it & it appears to take the edge off the headaches.
Sorry to hear you cant sitz bath, that's a blow.
Healing wise using GTN I usually notice the pain subsiding within 5 days or so along with cessation of bleeding. But you need to use the ointment a lot, especially if you're having multiple BM's a day.
Best Wishes
Its the lidocaine that is really for pain relief iirc. The nitro/gtn definitely aids healing. Yes they are nearly always in the anal canal & impossible to see from the outside, that's why a gastroenterologist will use a finger examination. Very painful, excruciating even. The other ointments I've found will only help so much. The GTN for all its horrible headaches does heal things up.
Good luck
Thank you for the support and suggestions. I am going to try it. When he examined me it was not super painful, but it did hurt more after he examined me. one last question is how long did you usually have to use the Nitro ointment? I want to try it but am a little scared about the side effects.

Its the lidocaine that is really for pain relief iirc. The nitro/gtn definitely aids healing. Yes they are nearly always in the anal canal & impossible to see from the outside, that's why a gastroenterologist will use a finger examination. Very painful, excruciating even. The other ointments I've found will only help so much. The GTN for all its horrible headaches does heal things up.
Good luck
I usually find the bleeding stops after a few days & the pain starts to die down after about 4 days. But I find that I need to keep going for a period of about a week to 10 days, if I stop using it before then the fissure comes back.
Okay, thanks. I so far have not had any bleeding( at least not that I can see). My GI doc was reluctant to give me the nitro ointment at first due to the side effects. He claimed the fissure would heal on it's own anyhow in time. He finally gave me the script for it though after I asked. I just worry about the fissure getting infected. I mean lets face it, a wound in the anus is not the best place hygiene wise. If it were outside I think it would at least be easier to keep clean.
The nitro works by stopping the sphincter muscle from spasming too much which is what causes the fissure. I've had them for years on and off and they never infect so try not to worry about that.

I also have low blood pressure and the first time I used the nitro I really noticed it, a drop in bp and a headache. But you get used to it really quickly and the side effects stop altogether! Start by using only a little and see how you go. Don't be put off by the side effects too much and persevere, I only has issues the first few times and now have none. Also use gloves to avoid getting any anywhere than where you want it.
I also use lidocaine to help with the pain but not at the same time.

Hey Ihurt! You r welcomed. I am sorry I dont know why i didnt recieve any notification for your comment i would have replied there and then. I was infact waiting for your news.

I dont kmow how my profile shows m from turkey. Might be by mistake. I am currently in Saudi Arabia. My parents are expats so I live here with them. Friday are off and saturdays are half workinf days. So mostly sunday is the first full workind day here.

I would be glad when u visit it. I heard the news that the government is opening visit visas soon. And whites are more then welcomed and respected here. So u will love it here.

Yes, I am going to try some of the things you suggested, I really appreciate the advice.

Wow, I did not realize you are from Asia. Such a far distance. I would love to take a vacation over there. I had a friend who visited over there and said it was beautiful! No way I could handle that long of a flight at this point. Maybe one day though.

Thanks again for the support. I will let you know how my appointment goes tomorrow. I pray your appointment goes well on Sunday. That is great your able to have an appointment on Sunday. Over here you can never get in to see a doctor on a Sunday, they are all closed!
I am glad you could stand this exam. Kudus to you for this bravery!

When my doctor tried i screamed soo hard she jumped and backed off. I assume she didnt even see the area around to find any fistula opening. So its her guess work.

My doctor had there and then suspected a fistula. I wish she had seen properly down there. I saw on internet how doctors usually examine such patients. If she had been a little slow i might have survived it. But she was stabbing . Lol

Anyways, i am glad he gave u this ointment. And i just went to see my oitnment too. There is no nitrogen in it. Its has aloe vera and pommade written on it. But i am wondering if it also has something that gives me headaaches too.

I dont know if its the proton pump inhibitor or daflon or oitment that is making my head so numb. I have headaches since i started using these meds.

Doctors can feel the fistula through fingers they are trained for it.fistulas can be clearly felt with fingers in anus.

Dont worry and relax your body. You are already going through a lot. I am sure these meds will releive you.. try an icapack compress too. It might amaze yoi reducing the swelling and inflammation..I am praying for you.. and I am "sure" and I believe this year would be better then the previous ones for you..

Rooms: Well I went to see my GI today. He looked down there and did not see much so then he did the finger exam. He felt around and I specifically asked him to pay attention to the left side as that is where my pain is. I told him for the last two times I had a BM I felt like a sharp type pain in that area. He said he thinks I likely have a fissure inside the anal canal. Not sure how he can tell by just feeling though. He prescribed me a lidocaine gel or soemthing like that which is supposed to numb the pain in there. I asked him about the nitroglycerin stuff that some people use to help heal fissures. He gave me a script for it, but he warned me if can cause side effects, especially Bad headaches in 50% of people who use it. I will start with the Lidocaine first. I just would like to know how I got a fissure when I have not been constipated at all? He said it just happens sometimes. Ugh, just not feeling to good. Between my anus killing me and my bladder killing me, I am not happy :(.

Just wanted to update you. Hope you are doing okay.
Thank you Grant. I am really thinking about the sitz bath thing you said right now. What stops me everytime is the fear of UTI. My doctors have always suggested showers instead of baths so i wouldnt get infected. I am not sure if that would be good or bad in bad my case.

And as for your experience with fistulas and fissures? Do they always need surgery?and if you hadnt had one, hows your life been. Does it bare you from daily routine? Or yoh could manage it?

I am just asking so i know what to expect. I dont feel like sitting anymore. I feel a tearing feeling in the butt even on the toilet seat.

Also,I never noticed blood. No blood was seen in stool or stool occult too. But I wonder sometimes if I bleed. Cause it hurts like I bled. Do all fistulas bleed?

Thank you for you wishes Grant. All the best in life

Ihurt, Rooms. Oh boy I know how you feel. My backside is a disaster area most of the time. I have a fistula in my rectum that fortunately isn't infected or abscessing & fissures-I've had so many. The reason he can tell whilst doing the finger exam is how your sphincter reacts, the muscular spasm down there when he gets to the very painful area is a sure sign.
The ointment nitroglycerin is called GTN over here in UK. Its typically used on angina patients to rub into their chests to help widen blood vessels. Yes the headaches are severe & I've heard of people unable to drive because of it. But it does work in healing. The trick is the delivery to the area affected & I found rather than use a finger I go for one of those plastic tubes you typically get in hemmorroid ointments, smear the GTN all over it. Whenever I've used a finger it usually comes out bloody because I just manage to open the fissure up again. Finally if you want instant relief then sitz bathing is a must. You can buy the small bowl off ebay that fits over your toilet seat or basin & put in Epsom salts & water that's very warm. The relief is unreal & it aids healing as well. Please give it a go.
The very best of luck to both of you, I hope you get some relief very soon.
Best Wishes
I hope you are doing good with medicines. I think you can get fissures because of IBD. And as you say you havent been constipated, did you have a diarrohea recently?

I asked the same question for hemorroids too and my doctor said too much pressure during bowel movement can cause it. I had a malt bevergae before the last diarroea episode and it has a laxative effect too. So thats how it all began with me.

I couldn't go to see my doctor today. I missed my appointment due to severe diarrohea that started before dawn. It was so crampy i could fall from the toilet seat. My right side, hurt me so much i compressed it with a pillow. I have an exploding feeling in the stomach. Unfortunately, my doctor couldnt be reached on phone so i stayed home. My diarroea is like this. It doesnt rest until its completely gone. I have have atleast 6 visits in a day, only then i get peace.

I am going to get another appointment. I couldnt go in such a situation especially when i had no body to accompany me today.

I am so so so glad you saw your doctor and its fissure not fistula.although i know both hurt like hell, but atleast you wpuldnt have to go through surgery. That would be too much for you. Your bladder would be hurting you more now. But it would be because of the injured anas. As soon as it heals, the bladder will be relieved.

Thank you for updating me on your news. Are the meds making any difference?

Best wishes

Rooms: Well I went to see my GI today. He looked down there and did not see much so then he did the finger exam. He felt around and I specifically asked him to pay attention to the left side as that is where my pain is. I told him for the last two times I had a BM I felt like a sharp type pain in that area. He said he thinks I likely have a fissure inside the anal canal. Not sure how he can tell by just feeling though. He prescribed me a lidocaine gel or soemthing like that which is supposed to numb the pain in there. I asked him about the nitroglycerin stuff that some people use to help heal fissures. He gave me a script for it, but he warned me if can cause side effects, especially Bad headaches in 50% of people who use it. I will start with the Lidocaine first. I just would like to know how I got a fissure when I have not been constipated at all? He said it just happens sometimes. Ugh, just not feeling to good. Between my anus killing me and my bladder killing me, I am not happy :(.

Just wanted to update you. Hope you are doing okay.
Oh no, I am so sorry you could not make it to your appointment today. Ugh, sounds like you had a pretty rough day, I am so sorry.

My GI doc thinks all my issues are IBS related. He made it seem like getting fissures is very common and that a lot of people get them. I just do not remember doing anything that would cause one, I mean I did not have any constipation or diarrhea before the pain started. So I am not sure what to think.

Oh okay, wow Saudi Arabia, that is quite a bits away from here too. It would be nice to travel there.

So far I have used the lidocaine gel up there and it seems to help some with the pain. Thanks for the idea on the ice pack, I may try that. I also have been using a heating pad and placing it on there since I cannot do the sitz baths. My bladder feels a little better. I am hoping things will calm down. It sucks when things down there all get inflammed. Too many nerves down there and when on thing hurts then everything starts hurting.

I pray you start feeling better really soon. Did you make another appointment with your doctor?

I hope you are doing good with medicines. I think you can get fissures because of IBD. And as you say you havent been constipated, did you have a diarrohea recently?

I asked the same question for hemorroids too and my doctor said too much pressure during bowel movement can cause it. I had a malt bevergae before the last diarroea episode and it has a laxative effect too. So thats how it all began with me.

I couldn't go to see my doctor today. I missed my appointment due to severe diarrohea that started before dawn. It was so crampy i could fall from the toilet seat. My right side, hurt me so much i compressed it with a pillow. I have an exploding feeling in the stomach. Unfortunately, my doctor couldnt be reached on phone so i stayed home. My diarroea is like this. It doesnt rest until its completely gone. I have have atleast 6 visits in a day, only then i get peace.

I am going to get another appointment. I couldnt go in such a situation especially when i had no body to accompany me today.

I am so so so glad you saw your doctor and its fissure not fistula.although i know both hurt like hell, but atleast you wpuldnt have to go through surgery. That would be too much for you. Your bladder would be hurting you more now. But it would be because of the injured anas. As soon as it heals, the bladder will be relieved.

Thank you for updating me on your news. Are the meds making any difference?

Best wishes
Thank you IHurt. I have an appoitnment tomorrow so will update you about it here. I am glad the gel is helping you. It will help you more if you could squirt it up in the anas too once you are a little better.

Suppositories have helped me A LOT! I can feel the difference. The diarroea had madr it worst. And now that its gone i feel much much improved.

I think i can let my doctor examine me with finger too now, i think so.

Your doctor is right. Crohns might be a bit more serious disease but trust me IBS itself is no joke. Its monster in stomach so if u hadnt had diarroea or constipation, it doesnt matter. IBS is enough to cause this mischeive.

I hope you get speedy recovery from this meds. I am gonna goto the doctor tomorrow. Smiling. Will update u here. Best wishes

Oh no, I am so sorry you could not make it to your appointment today. Ugh, sounds like you had a pretty rough day, I am so sorry.

My GI doc thinks all my issues are IBS related. He made it seem like getting fissures is very common and that a lot of people get them. I just do not remember doing anything that would cause one, I mean I did not have any constipation or diarrhea before the pain started. So I am not sure what to think.

Oh okay, wow Saudi Arabia, that is quite a bits away from here too. It would be nice to travel there.

So far I have used the lidocaine gel up there and it seems to help some with the pain. Thanks for the idea on the ice pack, I may try that. I also have been using a heating pad and placing it on there since I cannot do the sitz baths. My bladder feels a little better. I am hoping things will calm down. It sucks when things down there all get inflammed. Too many nerves down there and when on thing hurts then everything starts hurting.

I pray you start feeling better really soon. Did you make another appointment with your doctor?
Oh good, I hope all goes well with your appointment! Please let me know how it goes.

What kind of suppositories did your doctor give you that has helped?

Yeah, IBS can be very debilitating for some who have it, that is true. I just am unsure what is going on with me.

I hope your doctor will be able to get a better look and be able to maybe feel down there to see what is going on and that it wont be so painful. Hope it all goes well. Please keep me posted.

Thank you IHurt. I have an appoitnment tomorrow so will update you about it here. I am glad the gel is helping you. It will help you more if you could squirt it up in the anas too once you are a little better.

Suppositories have helped me A LOT! I can feel the difference. The diarroea had madr it worst. And now that its gone i feel much much improved.

I think i can let my doctor examine me with finger too now, i think so.

Your doctor is right. Crohns might be a bit more serious disease but trust me IBS itself is no joke. Its monster in stomach so if u hadnt had diarroea or constipation, it doesnt matter. IBS is enough to cause this mischeive.

I hope you get speedy recovery from this meds. I am gonna goto the doctor tomorrow. Smiling. Will update u here. Best wishes
Hey Ihurt! I went to the doctor. She insists that I go for colonoscopy. First she suggested sigmoidoscopy( i think she ws thinking out loud) then aftsr examining my tummu she suggested colonoscopy. And this time she was very sure about what she was saying.

To tell you the truth. M not a single bit satisfied. I am stressed. But I know there is something wrong this time. Something that doctor knows and I dont thats why she is insisting on it. But I just tryina avoid it for the fear of pain. I trust her.. but I dont want to..

I had to get the prep for it but I came home. I am expecting my period any day. Tomorrow or day after tomorrow. I know the prep will hurt my ass and It would make my periods worst cause i wear sanitary pads. So I am going to wait for a week until it ends. I can take this risk.

I recovered a lot. But now suddenly i have got lots of diarroea. Maybe this was the reason she is adamant on her choice of colonoscopy. I am reading about SIBO too just as you had posted. I am thinking about atleast experimenting with diet for it. If it responds, it might be this. And I am a little convinced it is SIBO. my diarroea only gets better with antibiotics. Only antibiotics can make the crampy diarroea go away for me. And thr days after antibiotics are beautifully calm for my tummy.. so I am thinking over it.

I am going to see my GP tomorrow. Will talk to her about everything. She might say something that will take my worries away. I will also ask her to examine my hemorroids too. She might be able to see my fistula. She is better with communication then my GI.

Here is the link for my neo-healar suppository and gel. Had it not been for this diarroea, i am 100% sure my hemorroid or if there is any fissure, would have been gone.

Please update me how you are feeling now. Have your medicines made any difference. Mine have made but all the recovery is reversed. I am still hopefull i will get a grip over it soon.

Thank you so much IHurt.

Oh good, I hope all goes well with your appointment! Please let me know how it goes.

What kind of suppositories did your doctor give you that has helped?

Yeah, IBS can be very debilitating for some who have it, that is true. I just am unsure what is going on with me.

I hope your doctor will be able to get a better look and be able to maybe feel down there to see what is going on and that it wont be so painful. Hope it all goes well. Please keep me posted.
Also just a quick question, do you know anything about vaginal flatulance. I read about it. And i didnt read good stuff . My GI made it sound like a normal thing. Do u think its normal? Its happening with me too often now.
Hey Rooms,

Glad you made it to your appointment. If you had to choose between a colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy, I would do the colonoscopy. Why go through the sigmoidoscopy when that will only be able to see a small portion of the intestines when a colonoscopy can see the whole thing. besides you would still have to take some sort of laxative either way. I totally understand your fear with the colonoscopy. I am the same way and would feel as anxious as you do. I guess though it is the only way she will be able to see what is going on. Did you ask her what you were should do in order to protect your anal area for when you are drinking the stuff that will clear you out? My thought is, maybe you could get like a squeezable tube of Vaseline or something on that order and use one of the attachments they give you in Preparation H stuff for hemorrhoids that you screw onto the tube so you can squirt the stuff into the anal canal. Well you could use the attachment and use it on the Vaseline tube so you can put it in the anal area .It is just a thought. I am also thinking I may have to do something like this if I Have to do another colonoscopy.

I have had it where I had air come out of my vagina before. I think it can happen if air gets trapped in the vagina. Sorry if this sounds graphic, but like for example, you know how the vagina lips are, well they open and close depending on how you are sitting or the different positions you are in ( standing, sitting, etc..) , air can get caught in there and it has to come out. So technically it can happen. Do you have any pain in the vaginal area as well?

Thanks for the link on the neo-healer suppository.

That is good you are seeing your GP tomorrow, you know to get a second opinion and see what she says.

I am still having pain in the left side of my anal canal. Not sure what is going on. I also have developed some pain and soreness on my vulva too which really sucks.

Oh, yes if I were you I would definitely wait until your period is over before you do the colonoscopy. That would be too much down there with the bleeding and drinking that stuff that will have you running to the toilet. Oh, another thing I was thinking you could do. I did this last time I had a colonoscopy. I kind of went on a very soft to liquid diet like 2 days before my colonoscopy. I know they tell you to only do it the day before, but I did it for 2 days. My thought was less in less out. It is just a thought.

I had to drink this stuff called Suprep. They were 2 small bottles. I had to drink one the evening before my procedure and then down a bunch of water right afterwards. Then they wanted me to drink the second bottle 6 hours before my procedure. Well I knew that would not work out that I would need to be done drinking that crap at least 9 to 10 hours before my procedure. I drank the second bottle at like 10:30 pm. I had to leave my house at like 6 am to go to the hospital to do the procedure. Good thing I did because I had to use the toilet for the last time at like 5:30 am! So you want to be sure you get everything out before you have to leave to go for the test. Not sure which drink they are giving you, but I just wanted to share my experience in case you have the same thing to drink.

I would see what your Primary care thinks. I get your scared, I would be too. But you also need to figure out what is going on. They will sedate you for the test right?
@Rooms, I was really scared when I had my colonoscopy, I know it is easier said than done, but you have to trust your doctor to be careful. I had 2 setons at the time and was worried that it may pull and dislocate the setons and cause more problems. It did not. The doctors were really careful and because I was sedated, I did not feel a thing during and after the procedure. When I woke up all is done. It did not aggravate my fistulas, and the setons were fine. I also went on a soft/liquid diet 2 days prior to the colonoscopy date and it helped, also, I put coconut oil to my anus before and after going to the toilet to give it a bit of protection. After bowel movements, since it is watery, I don't even bother to wipe with toilet paper, I wash with water and pat dry, so it is less irritated. Good luck on your colonoscopy. It is a necessary procedure, do the prep right the first time so you do not have to come back and do it again. I have a friend who did the prep, but was not clean enough the doctor could not see properly so the procedure was stopped and she had to reschedule and do it again.
Hey Ihurt!

Okay now I know the difference betweent the two and colonoscopy seems better. I will have to take endoscopy after a few days too she says. Cause I have a lot of pain in upper abdomen.

Yes I ask her about protecting the anal area and what I can do and she said continue with the suppository and gel now. Use the gel more often and use suppository maybe 3 times a day before the test prep day.

Your Idea seems fantastic. I have an applicator with the tube too. So i will use it that way. I will also try to find that sqeezable tube for vaseline as yoi suggested. I never knew it comes in that kind of packing too.

My vaginal flatulence is like air passing through the rectum and then coming from vagina. This, is considered a sign of a crack in rectum. That leaks gas. A little bit of vaginal flatulence ok and specially for women after chilbirth. But I havent had any. So lets see. I hope I am wrong. Yes, my vagina is irritated all the time. There has been an uneasyness ever sincd I grew up. Even showers can make irritate.

I am sorry to hear that you still have pain? Have you tried the nitrogen gel yet? Maybe its time? If your ledocaine gel is not working. Did you apply it with the applicator? Fissures are usually inside so applying it inside should help you. Did he give any oral medicines with it too? What happened to the vulva? I saw ur another post. I am so sorry you have to go through all this at the same time. Has the cream you mentioned made any difference?

Thank you for the liquid food advice. I wish I had known it earlier. No one had told me that previously and not even now. I would definetly go on a liquid diet two days before the prep. Thanks for the idea.

When I had my first i had 20 to 30 bthroom visits. Dont want to exaggerate but i can remeber somewhere between 20 and 30. And they all finished at night. I just refused to go to bthroom again when In my last visit i fell on the barhroom floor ( luckily i was coming back all dressed). My family had to lift me and carry me to bed. I finished at night. Began at almost about 1 or 2 pm in the day and finished at night. Didnt go again in the morning. They sedated me when I reached the hospital and i hadnr woken up when they pushed me out of the theator. I remeber i fell on the nurse hugging her when i couldnt manage to walk. And my mother had to find help with nurse staff and a wheelchair. We took a cab and the cab driver was so kind he carried me to my bedroom when we reached home. quite a disaster.So this sedating thing is frightening me too. Once the procedure is done they through you out like an animal. Dont know how they do it here.
I dont know about the prep. Bexause i had the previous one back in my country. Now i Dont know what thry do here. I will ask and see when i book for the test. I also dont know of they will sedate me or not. I havent heard otherwise? Do they do it without sedating too? Scary!
Polar bear Oh my god thank you thank you Thank you.

You were deifinitely in more serious situation then mine. I am grateful u share ur experience. If it can go smooth with seton. I am hopefull I will manage. Thanks for the coconut oil idea too. I will remind my doctors and staffa bout it too.

Yes I just heard about the liquid food diet. I beleive it will take half the trouble down. I hadnt known this in my previoous colonoscopy. I will take the prep properly. My instestines are usually more then ready to through everything out. With or without my consent so i am sure i will be clean before the test. Thank you again for sharing your experience

@Rooms, I was really scared when I had my colonoscopy, I know it is easier said than done, but you have to trust your doctor to be careful. I had 2 setons at the time and was worried that it may pull and dislocate the setons and cause more problems. It did not. The doctors were really careful and because I was sedated, I did not feel a thing during and after the procedure. When I woke up all is done. It did not aggravate my fistulas, and the setons were fine. I also went on a soft/liquid diet 2 days prior to the colonoscopy date and it helped, also, I put coconut oil to my anus before and after going to the toilet to give it a bit of protection. After bowel movements, since it is watery, I don't even bother to wipe with toilet paper, I wash with water and pat dry, so it is less irritated. Good luck on your colonoscopy. It is a necessary procedure, do the prep right the first time so you do not have to come back and do it again. I have a friend who did the prep, but was not clean enough the doctor could not see properly so the procedure was stopped and she had to reschedule and do it again.
Hey Rooms,

Well over here they usually sedate you. I think being sedated is a good thing. I remember before my last colonoscopy right before the procedure I told my doctor to make sure he drugged me as if I were drug addict Lol! I did not want to recollect any part of the procedure.

Oh they are the same way here, they basically throw you out as soon as your done. Not sure how it is over there by you, but over here they only care about making $$$$. They literally rape you with costs over here, it is kind of like they rob you without a gun. If you don't have insurance or money to pay for the tests or doctors, they wont even look at you. Last year I had to go to the ER due to having horrible pain in my lower left pelvic area. Well they ended up doing an ultrasound and just doing a pelvic exam. They charged my insurance over $10,000!! I did not even get to see a doctor, I only saw the nurse practitioner! This was in one of the top hospitals in and all around Chicago! Really sad. We have a deductible of $2,500 that we have to meet before our insurance will even cover up to 80%.

It sounds like your doctor gave you good advice. I would use the suppositories like she said the day before you do the prep. Also use the Vaseline to hopefully protect the skin.

I also have the vulva irritation. I definitely have sensitive skin. I am trying to use different soaps when I wash to see if I can find one that is okay with my skin. I only use No fragrance soaps. The one I was using was just Glycerin soap with No other ingredients but I am still irritated. I now am trying one that is made with olive oil and it also has no perfumes or fragrances in it. But yeah, I can certainly relate to the irritation down there.

I am going to try the nitro tomorrow if things do not settle down. I am waiting to do it tomorrow so that at least someone is home here with me in case I should have a reaction to it. I dont want to try it and be alone at home should I get some crazy reaction.

I agree with you, I would just keep an eye on the vaginal air for now. See how it goes. I mean if it keeps in happening or you notice any major discharge that looks different then have it looked into. I swear what we ladies have to put up with, it is not fair. I sometimes Hate being a woman!! I mean we have to deal with all this extra crap ( UTI's, female issues etc.) on top of everything else.

Hey Ihurt!

Okay now I know the difference betweent the two and colonoscopy seems better. I will have to take endoscopy after a few days too she says. Cause I have a lot of pain in upper abdomen.

Yes I ask her about protecting the anal area and what I can do and she said continue with the suppository and gel now. Use the gel more often and use suppository maybe 3 times a day before the test prep day.

Your Idea seems fantastic. I have an applicator with the tube too. So i will use it that way. I will also try to find that sqeezable tube for vaseline as yoi suggested. I never knew it comes in that kind of packing too.

My vaginal flatulence is like air passing through the rectum and then coming from vagina. This, is considered a sign of a crack in rectum. That leaks gas. A little bit of vaginal flatulence ok and specially for women after chilbirth. But I havent had any. So lets see. I hope I am wrong. Yes, my vagina is irritated all the time. There has been an uneasyness ever sincd I grew up. Even showers can make irritate.

I am sorry to hear that you still have pain? Have you tried the nitrogen gel yet? Maybe its time? If your ledocaine gel is not working. Did you apply it with the applicator? Fissures are usually inside so applying it inside should help you. Did he give any oral medicines with it too? What happened to the vulva? I saw ur another post. I am so sorry you have to go through all this at the same time. Has the cream you mentioned made any difference?

Thank you for the liquid food advice. I wish I had known it earlier. No one had told me that previously and not even now. I would definetly go on a liquid diet two days before the prep. Thanks for the idea.

When I had my first i had 20 to 30 bthroom visits. Dont want to exaggerate but i can remeber somewhere between 20 and 30. And they all finished at night. I just refused to go to bthroom again when In my last visit i fell on the barhroom floor ( luckily i was coming back all dressed). My family had to lift me and carry me to bed. I finished at night. Began at almost about 1 or 2 pm in the day and finished at night. Didnt go again in the morning. They sedated me when I reached the hospital and i hadnr woken up when they pushed me out of the theator. I remeber i fell on the nurse hugging her when i couldnt manage to walk. And my mother had to find help with nurse staff and a wheelchair. We took a cab and the cab driver was so kind he carried me to my bedroom when we reached home. quite a disaster.So this sedating thing is frightening me too. Once the procedure is done they through you out like an animal. Dont know how they do it here.
I dont know about the prep. Bexause i had the previous one back in my country. Now i Dont know what thry do here. I will ask and see when i book for the test. I also dont know of they will sedate me or not. I havent heard otherwise? Do they do it without sedating too? Scary!
Well here I am grateful we dont have to pay a dime usually. We are not left on nurses ever. And the most you need to pay over a visit plus any any tests is 25SAR. 1 $=3.75SAR. So you can imagen its cheap.

Also the salaries here are tax free. This is the reason this country attracts so many expats. Anyways good luck with the nitro cream. Its good that youll atleast have someone to look after you. So my prayers with you.

You spoke my heart. I dread the fact I am a woman. I hate it.
Hey Rooms,

Well over here they usually sedate you. I think being sedated is a good thing. I remember before my last colonoscopy right before the procedure I told my doctor to make sure he drugged me as if I were drug addict Lol! I did not want to recollect any part of the procedure.

Oh they are the same way here, they basically throw you out as soon as your done. Not sure how it is over there by you, but over here they only care about making $$$$. They literally rape you with costs over here, it is kind of like they rob you without a gun. If you don't have insurance or money to pay for the tests or doctors, they wont even look at you. Last year I had to go to the ER due to having horrible pain in my lower left pelvic area. Well they ended up doing an ultrasound and just doing a pelvic exam. They charged my insurance over $10,000!! I did not even get to see a doctor, I only saw the nurse practitioner! This was in one of the top hospitals in and all around Chicago! Really sad. We have a deductible of $2,500 that we have to meet before our insurance will even cover up to 80%.

It sounds like your doctor gave you good advice. I would use the suppositories like she said the day before you do the prep. Also use the Vaseline to hopefully protect the skin.

I also have the vulva irritation. I definitely have sensitive skin. I am trying to use different soaps when I wash to see if I can find one that is okay with my skin. I only use No fragrance soaps. The one I was using was just Glycerin soap with No other ingredients but I am still irritated. I now am trying one that is made with olive oil and it also has no perfumes or fragrances in it. But yeah, I can certainly relate to the irritation down there.

I am going to try the nitro tomorrow if things do not settle down. I am waiting to do it tomorrow so that at least someone is home here with me in case I should have a reaction to it. I dont want to try it and be alone at home should I get some crazy reaction.

I agree with you, I would just keep an eye on the vaginal air for now. See how it goes. I mean if it keeps in happening or you notice any major discharge that looks different then have it looked into. I swear what we ladies have to put up with, it is not fair. I sometimes Hate being a woman!! I mean we have to deal with all this extra crap ( UTI's, female issues etc.) on top of everything else.
Thanks Rooms! I appreciate the support and prayers. I also keep you in my prayers that you get to feeling way better soon.

And yes I am with you, I do not like being a woman! So much crap we have to deal with.

Please keep me posted on how things go with your primary care doctor appointment.

Well here I am grateful we dont have to pay a dime usually. We are not left on nurses ever. And the most you need to pay over a visit plus any any tests is 25SAR. 1 $=3.75SAR. So you can imagen its cheap.

Also the salaries here are tax free. This is the reason this country attracts so many expats. Anyways good luck with the nitro cream. Its good that youll atleast have someone to look after you. So my prayers with you.

You spoke my heart. I dread the fact I am a woman. I hate it.

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