Thank you again for your kind words and support. I had a really nice GI doctor a few years ago but he moved out of state

. I liked him because he was so honest. I remember back years when I was having issues and saw that horrible gasteroenterologist, I found this GI and instantly liked him. On my first appointment I reluctantly told him about my experience with the previous GI doc I just had seen and how badly I was treated. He told me, and these were his words " that doctor sounds like an idiot!". He told me that sadly lots of doctors have ego issues and would rather tell you it is in your head or just pass you off instead of admitting they just do not know. He said it is all ego. At the time I was having issues with my bladder and he was trying to help me more than the urologist I was seeing and he was not even a urologist! He told me Gastroenterology is 30 years behind and urology is 30 years behind gastroenterology when it comes to things. He said they have ways to go. They know some things, but so much they still do not know. He was not a huge believer in tests. I mean he said some tests are good, like colonoscopy and endoscopy can tell you a lot since you are looking directly at the source through a camera. He just said a lot of function tests are not always reliable since the body changes from moment to moment. I was devastated when he moved away. But yeah, I can see why you loved your Cardiologist, she sounded like she cared and wanted you to feel better. That is how my old GI doc was.
As far as the Interstitial Cystitis, that was diagnosed through a cystoscopy( they look inside the bladder with a camera similar to a colonoscopy except they put the camera into the urethra and look at the bladder. Not a fun test, but you can insist on being knocked out. Then it is okay because you wont feel anything. Actually my IC was able to be seen through a cystoscopy, but some people with IC have to have a Hydrodistension of the bladder where they put you to sleep and they fill the bladder( basically over extend it) and look for lesions on the bladder wall. I refused to do this procedure though because after researching I found it was not very reliable and could cause my pain to get worse. Luckily the urogynecologist I saw was able to see the inflammation with just doing a plain cystoscopy.
You know, I have lots of pain when I have my period too. My gynecologist says I have uterine Fibroids. That was diagnosed through Vaginal Ultrasound. She said she suspects endometriosis as well, but I would have to have a Lapracopic surgery in order to diagnose it and she said she did not think I should go there yet. I get horrible pains at times. Do you a lot more pain in your abdomen when you have your period? I am literally praying for menopause! It is funny, most women dread menopause and i am like " bring it on"!!
It sounds like you might have pelvic floor dysfunction. I know some ladies who have this have that issue with peeing and then having to sit back down and finish peeing again. Ugh, I am sorry you have that. When my IC is at it's worst My bladder feels like it has about 1000 canker sores inside with lemon juice being poured on top. It is absolutely awful. I cannot even begin to describe the pain. I did not honestly know something could be so painful. Ugh, I am sorry you are dealing with UTI's. For me they are absolute misery, probably because my bladder is already messed up so add a UTI on top and forget it, my pain goes through the roof. I will say yes, that your bladder could be aggravated when your Bowels are upset. I know at times my bladder gets worse when my Bowels are upset. I think because there are so many nerves in that area that things can overlap and irritate one another. Like right now, my anal area is super irritated and it does at times make my bladder feel more irritated so yes, it can do that.
Believe me, I totally understand your fear about doing a colonoscopy and being afraid it will make your butt hurt worse. When I had to have my colonoscopy three years ago I was petrified to do it because I was so afraid all the watery diarrhea would give me a UTI and make my bladder worse. Everything revolves around my bladder. I cannot explain it, but the pain it causes me puts the fear of God in me when it comes to something that "may" make it worse. Well, I ended up doing the colonoscopy and my bladder was okay( well at first anyhow). I did end up getting a vaginal infection which then caused me a UTI! But yes, it really aggravated my anal area and aggravated my hemorrhoids. However, I did not prepare myself. This time if I have to have another one, I will stock up on that Zinc oxide paste and vaseline or whatever and use a lot of it before I start drinking that stuff and in-between as well! I would ask your doctor who is doing the colonoscopy about this and see what he/she suggests. Tell the doctor you are afraid because things are already extremely painful and inflamed down there as it is. Maybe they will suggest something better even. I still will have to worry about my bladder though. I Hate the Interstitial Cystitis. I was considering bladder removal but it is a seriously complex surgery. They have to literally do a bowel resection as well in order to form a conduit to let the urine out. That would be last resort for me. I pray it wont come to that.
You are a strong person too! You have made it this far and you will get to the bottom of all this, we both will. It sucks that these things take so much time and it seems hard to get answers and help. We just have to keep chuggin along.