Complete exhaustion

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Jan 6, 2010
I have been extremely tired lately. I work 8-9 hr days, come home and have things to do, but just want to sleep. I have no energy. I wake up sick every morning, go to work very weak and tired, and then spend a few hours every night sick.I have persistent headaches, body aches (especially back pain), in addition to the normal Crohns symptoms. Besides sleeping, what do you do to try to regain energy? I just have been so exhausted that I don't want to do anything lately!
Oh man, chronic fatigue goes hand-in-hand with Crohns. It's terrible, I really feel for ya.
What meds are you on?
Daily jobs and household chores and family are tiring to any normally healthy person, let alone a disease that can cause fatigue. Your B12 should be checked and blood work. Stress is draining too. Take care of you! When do you see your doctor next? Hang in there!
If you are suffering from D then dehydration can quickly make u feel tired too
and even drinking plenty of water still won't help (well that's what I found)

I always keep some gastrolite or hydralite powder/tablets with me
jus mix in with a glass of water
not the best tasting but get used too it
the sodium and potassium in it tends too really help an allows me too keep going

also are you taking a multi vitamin? I found these really help too seein I can't eat lots diff foods I was missin out

good luck - fatigue is one the bad parts too cd
Also I keep a good supply of Epsom salts at home, when I get bad back aches etc I jua run a bath with Epsom salts an relax for a bit
relieves the achy muscles
I hear you! I have had Chronic Fatigue for years prior to dagnosis and it seems worse now. I'd actually be pretty happy if I could manage a 9 hour day! I am getting my iron looked at on Monday as have always been on the low side but Crohn's apparantly can make this worse, especially avoiding red meat and many of the other iron-rich stuff!

I'd say get your iron looked at. Good luck!
I feel for you, I'm always struggling with fatigue. B-12 sublingual liquid has helped alot, I also make myself take a power nap every day, even if it's just 15 minutes.
I dont know how you'd only manage 15mins Mountaingem. If i was to fall asleep i'd be out for at least 4hrs.
Apart from making sure you are getting all the necessary vitamins, I find doing a bit of exercise helps. A quick jog or walk in fresh air seems to wake me up a bit
I'm also going to jump on the B12 bandwagon, I started getting shots when it was found I hardly had any B12. Those shots helped a lot! I was then put on and I'm still taking a sublingual Folic Acid with Vitamin B's.

Also my Vitamin D levels were crap, and I was put on 2,000IU's of Vitamin D w/ Vitamin K.

Between those two things that helped my energy level a lot. I'm working full-time now and I can get by on 5 or 6 hours of sleep if I need to, which is great! I'm still young though (23).
rygon said:
I dont know how you'd only manage 15mins Mountaingem. If i was to fall asleep i'd be out for at least 4hrs.
Apart from making sure you are getting all the necessary vitamins, I find doing a bit of exercise helps. A quick jog or walk in fresh air seems to wake me up a bit
I hear you on that-if I'm flaring I just pass out and everyone at home knows I'm down for the count!
I can't powernap either...I'm with rygon..I'm down for the count if I can manage to nap at al!
Yea sleep hmmmm
when ya can get it that's it I'm out
no 15 mins for me it's either non or half a day etc
flare ups can be so cruel
like sleeping all day to only be wide wake at 2am
Yeah, I heard that-I'm flaring now and between that and the increase in dose of Methotrexate I have talk myself into getting up to go to the bathroom lol.
Lol mg

I got real lazy at the peek of my flare an jus slept on the loo

so uncomfortable. Yet so much easier lmao
Rob said:
Lol mg

I got real lazy at the peek of my flare an jus slept on the loo

so uncomfortable. Yet so much easier lmao
ROTFL! Yeah I'm making it comfy in there-magazines, pillow, aromatherapy candle-if I wasn't grossed out by food in the bathroom I'd never leave!:ylol2:
At the moment I am not flaring and am still exhausted to the point that from the moment I get up all I can think about is when I can get a chance to go back to bed :(
That's not good shazza
do you get enough vitamin B?
I found wen I was struggling that I drank hydralite the potasium etc on it helped heaps
Rob said:
That's not good shazza
do you get enough vitamin B?
I found wen I was struggling that I drank hydralite the potasium etc on it helped heaps
Yeah, shazz I was the same way when my potassium levels were extremely low. Dr. figured out my kidneys are leaching out too much potassium and calcium in my urine because of the Crohn's (is there anything this disease doesn't do?). They gave me a prescription of K-tabs and I felt 100% better.

Have you had your potassium and electrolytes checked lately?

I hope you feel better soon shazz!:Flower:
Just grab a bottle of gastrolite or hydralite an drink it
if ya feel better then good chance ya missin out on potassium an sodium etc

I now keep the fizzy tablet ones on me all the time jus incase
My electrolytes were fine last time but I had a test monday so will get results tomorrow. I am thinking I have an adrenal issue which may be complicating things? I have to find something, this is ridiculous, I can barely manage 4 hours of activity a day at the moment!!
how is everyones BP? Since the operation mine is back to over 100/xx and I feel a lot better. But the whole time I was sick it was 90/xx or lower and I was fainting when I tried to stand as well as feeling totally dead. I slept a minimum of 12 hours and often 14 during the night plus naps in the day for a few hours.

The hydration thing is a huge issue as well. I know that as soon as my pee turns a noticeable yellow I am slacking off on the water. Got to keep it barely colored throughout the day.
Hiya Purelife

I've moved you over to your own thread so that you won't be missed whilst stuckin this one!
Joan xxx
My exhaustion can differ from day to day and seems to have very little to do with how much or how little sleep I had the night before. Mostly I just push through it or sleep. I don't know what else to do?

I got a doctors note so that I am allowed to sleep at work twice a day (30 minutes each). I only use it if I absolutely have to, and if I do, 30 minutes usually isn't enough. I sleep on a couch in someone's cubicle and set an alarm. Unless I am completely incapable of it, I will force myself to get up when the alarm goes off. Within a half hour I may have some more energy, but if not I can either try to nap again or accept that I'm going to be tired and sick the rest of the day.

I've had various vitamin levels checked. My B and Potassium have always been ok, but my D sucks without daily supplementation.

If I'm really really nauseous I usually have exhaustion come with it.
I too struggle with tiredness/exhaustion. I try to sleep 10 hours a night and have gone down to working 24 hours a week. My job is a little physical and it take a lot out of me. Also I am anemic, which I think contributes. So get your iron checked. I agree this is another one of the frustrating factors of Crohn's. I tend to crave sugar when I am really tired, which doesn't help the weight.

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