Confused about pain

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Jan 3, 2012
confused about pain

i just been diagnosed with crohns last august 2011. I taught it was ulcer because of the abdominal pain and having some blood on my stool at least 3-4 times a day. so the doctor did an endoscopy and colonoscopy. He found out that i have crohns and not pud.He did a camera endoscopy and said that i have ulcers on my small intestines. put me on pentasa 1 gm 4x daily. been ok but still having some blood on my stool but i do have hemorrhoids too. Have missed a few capsules of pentasa for the past 5 days. started to have ulcer type of pain again plus pain on the lower abdomen, stomach feels bloated, feeling nauseated. I tried taking TUMS so that i can pass gas and ease the pain which would be fine before but not working now. I noticed that my stool is really very dark brown in color. But no diarrhea. I can barely feel that my stomach is moving. Is this the pain from of crohns or is this something else. Cant see my doctor until tom. deciding whether to go to er or just wait for the appt. just uncomfortable with the abdominal pain and bloatedness. Can the pain be the crohns pain that they are saying or is this something else?
The pain could be crohns related, this may be acting up a bit especially if you missed some doses of your medication. What is being done for the hemorrhoids? Have you been able to speak to you doc today?
My son takes prevacid for the acid in his stomach. Dr. prescribed, ask about it, it might help. Also, something I was not aware of even after my son was diagnosed, no advil for people with crohns. It will cause stomach ulcers.
Hi and welcome! I am a bit concerned about the dark stools you mentioned. Do you think it could be blood? When bleeding from high up in the GI tract (stomach or small intestine), but is no longer bright red (this is a sign of bleeding in the rectum or last part of colon). If it keeps up, I would surely reach out to your GI.

I hope you feel better soon.
the gi doctor said that the only way to check if i have bleeding is to do a scope which i really dont like. for now he advised me to take protonix and stick to a low residue diet. he also gave me vasculara to manage my hemorrhoids. hopefully these would help. for now my stomach is upset again because i ate some pineapples. my stool though is not as dark as before. hopefully protonix will do the trick.
Have you talked to your doctor? Perhaps you are having a reaction to the medication. The first med I took had the effect of making my symptoms worse, so they increased the dose. I finally figured out that it was the medication causing it. Doctor agreed after I got off it and got better.

Try sticking to low fiber foods while you have symptoms.