guess im on my own on this one , any one wanting a good idear of there fiber intake see below.
Food Portion Calories Fiber (grams)
slivered 1 tbsp 14 0.6
sliced 1/4 cup 56 2.4
raw 1 small 55-60 3.0
raw 1 med 70 4.0
raw 1 large 80-100 4.5
baked 1 large 100 5.0
applesauce 2/3 cup 182 3.6
raw 1 whole 17 0.8
dried 2 halves 36 1.7
can in syrup 3 halves 86 2.5
cooked l large 30-44 4.5
canned 4 small 24 4.5
small spears 1/2 cup 17 1.7
diced 1/4 cup 97 1.7
sliced 2 slices 50 0.9
whole 1/2 avg.size 170 2.8
crisps small pack 32 1 - 3
Baked beans
in sauce 1 tin 180 16.0
with pork 1 tin 200-260 16.0
Baked potato (see Potatoes)
Banana 1 med 8" 96 3.0
black 1 cup 190 19.4
broad beans 3/4 cup 30 3.0
Grt Northern 1 cup 160 16.0
kidney bean can 94 9.7
kidney bean 1 cup 188 19.4
butter beans 1/2 cup 118 3.7
lima, dried 1/2 cup 150 5.8
pinto, dried
before cooking 1/2 cup 155 18.8
can or cooked 1 cup 155 18.8
white, dried
before cooking 1/2 cup 160 16.0
can or cooked 1/2 cup 80 8.0
Bean sprouts 1/4 cup 7 0.8
Beets 1/2 cup 33 2.5
whole 3 sm. 48 3.7
Blackberries 1/2 cup 27 4.4
canned, 1/2 cup 54 5.0
jam, with seeds 1 tbsp 60 0.7
Bran meal 3 tbsp 28 6.0
1 tbsp 9 2.0
Brazil nuts 2 48 2.5
brown 2 slices 100 4.0
wheat 2 slices 120 3.6
high-bran 2 slices 120-160 7.0
white 2 slices 160 1.9
whole grain 2 slices 108 5.8
pumpernickel 2 slices 116 4.0
seven-grain 2 slices 111-140 6.5
whole wheat 2 slices 120 6.0
whole + raisin 2 slices 140 6.5
Bread crumbs 1 tbsp 22 2.5
raw 1/2 cup 20 4.0
frozen 4 spears 20 5.0
fresh, cooked 3/4 cup 30 7.0
Brussel sprouts 3/4 cup 36 3.0
Bulgur, cooked 1 cup 160 9.6
Cabbage, white or red
raw 1/2 cup 8 1.5
cooked 2/3 cup 15 3.0
Cantaloupe 1/4 38 1.0
raw, slivered 1/4 cup 10 1.7
cooked 1/2 cup 20 3.4
raw 3 tiny buds 10 1.2
cooked 7/8 cup 16 2.3
Celery raw 1/4 cup 5 2.0
chopped 2 tbsp 3 1.0
cooked 1/2 cup 9 3.0
All-Bran 3 tbsp 35 5.0
1/2 cup 90 10.4
Bran Buds 3 tbsp 35 5.0
1/2 cup 90 10.4
Bran Flakes 1cup 90 5.0
with raisins 1 cup 110 6.0
Cornflakes 3/4 cup 70 2.6
Cracklin' Bran 1/2 cup 110 4.0
most cereals 1 cup 200 8.0
oatmeal 3/4 cup 212 7.7
Nabisco Bran 1/2 cup 105 4.0
Puffed wheat 1 cup 43 3.3
Raisin Bran 1 cup 195 5.0
Wheatena 2/3 cup 101 2.2
Wheaties 1 cup 104 2.0
Cherries raw 10 28 1.2
Chestnuts 2 lg 29 1.9
Chickpeas can 1/2 cup 86 6.0
cooked 1 cup 172 12.0
Coconut, dried 1 tbsp 46 3.4
Corn on cob 1 med 64-70 5.0
kernels, can 1/2 cup 64 5.0
succotash 1/2 cup 66 7.0
Cornbread 1 sq 2.5" 93 3.4
cream 2 50 0.4
graham 2 53 1.4
Ry-Krisp 3 64 2.3
Triscuits 2 50 2.0
Wheat Thins 6 58 2.2
Cranberries 1/4 cup 12 2.0
sauce 1/2 cup 245 4.0
cranberry relish 1 tbsp 56 0.5
Cucumber 10 thin sl 12 0.7
Dates, pitted 2 (1/2 oz.) 39 1.2
Eggplant 2 thick sl 42 4.0
Endive salad 10 leaves 10 0.6
Figs dried 3 120 10.5
fresh 1 30 2.0
fruit n fiber 1/2 cup 90 3.5
Grapefruit 1/2 (avg. size) 30 0.8
Grapes 20 75 1.0
Green beans 1/2 cup 10 2.1
GREENS collards, beet greens , dandelion, kale,
Swiss chard, turnip greens
1/2 cup 20 4.0
h/dew melon 3" slice 42 1.5
Lasagne (see Macaroni)
Lentils brown 1/3 cup 144 5.5
red 1/2 cup 192 6.4
Lettuce (Boston, leaf, iceberg)
shredded 1 cup 5 0.8
Macaroni 1 cup 200 5.7
English, 1 whole 125 3.7
bran, 2 136 4.6
Mushrooms 5 sm 4 1.4
Noodles 1 cup 200 5.7
Okra 1/2 cup 13 1.6
Olives 6 42 1.2
Onion raw 1 tbsp 4 0.2
cooked 1/2 cup 22 1.5
Orange 1 lg 70 2.4
1 sm 35 1.2
Parsley 2 tbsp 4 0.6
Parsnip 1 lg 76 2.8
1 sm 38 1.4
Peach 1 med 38 2.3
canned 2 halves 70 1.4
Peanut butter 1 tbsp 86 1.1
Pnuts dry roast 1 tbsp 52 1.1
Pear 1 med 88 4.0
peas 1/2 cup 60 9.1
black-eyed 1/2 cup 74 8.0
split peas dry 1/2 cup 63 6.7
cooked 1 cup 126 13.4
green raw 2 tbsp 4 0.3
green cooked 1/2 cup 13 1.2
red sweet 2 tbsp 9 1.0
red chili 1 tbsp 7 1.2
Pineapple 1/2 cup 41 0.8
Plums 2 or 3 sm 38-45 2.0
Popcorn 1 cup 20 1.0
baked 1 sm 120 4.2
1 med (7 oz) 140 5.0
white/russet 1 sm 60 2.2
boiled 1 med (5 oz) 100 3.5
mashed potato 1/2 cup 85 3.0
sweet potato 1 sm (5 oz) 146 4.0
Prunes pitted 3 122 1.9
Radishes 3 5 0.1
Raisins 1 tbsp 29 1.0
Raspberries 1/2 cup 20 4.6
Raspberry jam 1 tbsp 75 1.0
Rhubarb 1/2 cup 169 2.9
Rice white 1/2 cup 79 2.0
brown 1/2 cup 83 5.5
instant 1 serv 79 0.7
yellow turnip 1/2 cup 40 3.2
Sauerkraut 2/3 cup 15 3.1
Shredded wheat 1 piece 74 2.2
" SPOON SIZE 1 cup 168 4.4
Spaghetti 1 cup 200 5.6
with meat sauce 1 cup 396 5.6
with tomato " 1 cup 220 6.0
Spinach raw 1 cup 8 3.5
cooked 1/2 cup 26 7.0
Squash 1/2 cup 8 2.0
Strawberries 1 cup 45 3.0
Sunflower kernels 1 tbsp 65 0.5
Swt pickle relish 1 tbsp 60 0.5
Tomatoes raw 1 sm. 22 1.4
canned 1/2 cup 21 1.0
sauce 1/2 cup 20 0.5
Tortillas 2 140 4.0
Turnip 1/4 cup 8 1.2
cooked 1/2 cup 16 2.0
Walnuts 1 tbsp 49 1.1
Watercress raw 1/2 cup 4 1.0
Watermelon 1 thick slice 68 2.8
Yams 1 med (6oz) 156 6.8