Crohnies I need some advice with an embarrassing problem!!

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Sep 29, 2015
The worst gas possible! Starting within 20mins of eating a meal and going on for hours! All through the night all through the day lots of hot smelly gas!

I was diagnosed July last year and am on mercaptopurine chemo tablets, my symptoms have been very up and down but for the past 3 months terrible gas getting worse ever week!

I thought maybe I have developed an intolerance so I've tried cutting lactose and wheat... To no avail! I saw my GP today as I also suffer from anxiety and depression currently greatly exasperated but my smelly problem blush I asked to see a nutritionist to discuss possible dietary changes but GP thinks it's all to do with Crohns, I feel like I will be bugging my Crohns nurse if I call about this though. Please help! All advice welcome
Oh yes!!!! My gas was awful! It would linger and stink everything up!! My kids were so grosses out by me. The problem was if I didn't let it go I would be in so much pain from holding it in all day at work so once I got home I was not holding back. I tried to limit dairy and gluten and certain veggies but didn't help much. It did help some when I cut out all garlic, onions ( even spices with these ingredients in them), broccoli, spicey foods ( even super mild) . I would take GasX at may have helped a tad. For me I think cutting out the garlic is what helped most but we are all different. Cutting out carbonated drinks and greasy foods may help too. My problem was eliminated once I got my more stinky gas for me!!! I know it's embarrassing!!!
I get it when I'm flaring pretty badly.. But its such a relief to get it out.. I guess in my house everyone it pretty understanding. Work is tough because I don't want to gross anyone out so if I can leave the room I will. But yeah. It's tough. Thankfully the really stinky stuff is just when I'm in the bad part of a flare, and I usually catch my flares early enough.

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