Crohn's and depression

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Mar 30, 2010
i had a bowel resection 5 years ago and now my disease seems to be back. it is really bringing me down. i've started pentasa and entocort. (Hadnt been on anything for all that time.)
Im not scared or worried, but it's really depressing when I can't eat right. I love to workout and maintain a healthy lifestyle and I enjoy eating to gain muscle and build a physique. It's really depressing watching that hard work wither away.
To top it off, attending college and working a job at the same time is rough.

I don't know, I just needed somewhere to turn to. :(
We all feel down sometimes. I'm sorry to hear that you're going out of remission. I had my resection 10 years ago and am still doing fine. I have problems off and on but nothing like how I was before my surgery. It'll be ok. You'll go back into remission. Crohns does have its ups and downs that's for sure.
Hey Youman,
I know how you feel. Before my surgery in Oct 2008, I was at my strongest. I had never worked my legs much, but decided to start squating, leg pressing, and calf work. My bench was also at all time highs at age 41. I've been dealing with Crohn's for 23 years so the "strong" times definately come and go.

I remember being in the hospital and one of the nurses commenting on my thighs (I suppose from all that squatting).

Anyway, since then it's all been down hill. :( I have another surgery scheduled soon and hope I come back strong after that one. At least I'll try to keep my spirits high.

Anyway, try to keep a positive mindset. Hopfully your flare will subside and you'll be back!
Welcome to the forum Youman.. it is a trying time when you start to flare. I too had a resection and had relief for about 7 years. However I was on Entocort the whole time. Most doctors put you on something to keep your Crohn's at bay. You have a lot on your plate, stress can cause so much even to a healthy person. Hopefully the Pentasa and Entocort will work for you, if not you could always try a biologic, some people do well on them.

Hang in there, lots of great information here and help from the rest of us!
Hi Youman and welcome -

This disease does seem to take away more than it gives, especially when you can't do the things that you like to do.

I find keeping a food journal really helpful. It has helped me identify a few things I need to stay away from.

Hopefully you can still stay active, but maybe modify your workouts until you feel a bit better.

Hang in there. - Amy

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