Crohn's and Disability

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Oct 1, 2008
Just wondering,

Is Crohn's a condition that you can get disability for? I'm 20 and starting school later this month and I have not been able to hold a job because I keep flaring every other month it seems. Anyone have any experience with how to go about it or anything I should know before I apply? I really appreciate all this forum has done for me in the past...YOU GUYS/GALS ROCK!!! \m/
I've been really busy...tons of things have been going on lately. Thanks for the links! I'll do some reading :D

How have you been holding up?
ThatGuy2006 said:
I've been really busy...tons of things have been going on lately. Thanks for the links! I'll do some reading :D

How have you been holding up?

Well, other than feeling like my intestines are falling out and other things I won't post b/c it's too gross, I've been great! Thanks for asking! LOL :D

In the US, Crohns disease is listed as an acceptable disability under social security. I've never gone through the process of applying, but I found this link on the SSI website. Its a "starter kit" that may answer your questions about requirements and applications.

My general understanding is that you have to present evidence, including doctors notes, that you are unable to get work and that your condition is expected to last more than one year. If you're a full-time student, I think that would probably disqualify you. I think there may also be some requirements that you have had jobs in the past where you've made a certain amount...

However...I am faaaaaaar from an expert, so hopefully someone else on here knows more. Otherwise, there are some lawyers who will give you a free initial consultation to see if you have any chance of successfully applying for disability.

Hopefully someone
Thanks for the info Mike!

I was just asking because it seems like as soon as i get well, have a job, and start school...everything falls to sh*t (pardon the pun).

@Santos - Hope you get some relief soon. I hate hearing fellow crohnies doing badly :(
I'm in Canada, it's SO easy to get disability insurance for Crohn's here, but nearly impossible to get life insurance. I've been waiting on my life insurance policy since March!

most jobs up here come standard with paid disability from work provided you can make it past the 3 month probationary period. It pays 75% of your wages, tax free.
Should I Move?????

daisy_dueller said:
I'm in Canada, it's SO easy to get disability insurance for Crohn's here, but nearly impossible to get life insurance. I've been waiting on my life insurance policy since March!

most jobs up here come standard with paid disability from work provided you can make it past the 3 month probationary period. It pays 75% of your wages, tax free.

hey TG
jw, are you gonna be away at school or living at home? and part time or full time?

i made all plans for college, but so far havent made it there, BUT going thru the process theres some stuff out there to help you. find your school disability center or services and talk to someone about it and get information. YES crohns is enough to get you priveledges at SCHOOL. i have no clue about the work/legal end of things...but under the schools policy, crohns is considered a disability.
you can get things like testing in a private area so you have a bathroom accesible, you can specify what housing would help you (if youll be on campus). i applied and recieved a single room, which i seriously needed due to sleeping at odd hours, NEEDing rest, having drugs laying around, privacy issues, etc. they can even work to get you a room near the bathroom!
you have to give them "documentation" stuff, stuff from your doc that supports your wishes for what your asking for, saying that you DO need a room by yourself, you DO need private testing, etc.
he just needs to verify that your not making stuff up.
the school should provide all these forms to give to your doc, so really the easiest thing is to go and talk to someone. since my school was hours awawy, my parents and i went up mid-summer last year and got all the meetings and stuff done then, so that you dont have to worry about it the first week you know? you shouldnt have to be running around sending papers to your dr that week lol.

ALSO. as far as insurance stuff, be careful about the cutoff from your parents insurance. my dads company cuts the kids off at age 19, UNLESS they are a full time student. so, basically, you have to either be a full time student, or have a full time job to get your own insurance. or pay for cobra or something i guess.
maybe youve already dealt with all this cause youre already 20 but just in case lol.

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