Crohns and Hemp (cannibis) oil

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 6, 2012
I saw this and thought it was really interesting and something you all might be interested in.
I'm actually going to start taking Hemp oil for my MS tonight...*fingers crossed*.
Anyway, here is a youtube video with a guy who is taking it for Crohns...very interesting.
Hi, I've taken mm for about 8 months now. I use it primarily for cramps and pain. I think anything that helps with inflamation should be considered. It works for cramps. I don't think it has done anything else though. Get one with high CBD. I use one called Point of no return. It has high cbd.
Hi JoyceF. My experience with the oil wasn't great. I guess I am sensitive with oils, any oils. It did not relieve any symptom I had, seemed to make things worse, but I may be the odd ball here. It did however help me sleep. Smoking it reduces my cramps and pain. Good luck though.
hi all , i made a tincture that i would drip a few drops under my tongue it was a oil based medicine, the one night i took a extra few drops and OMG i slept straight through woke up 7 hours later and still high as a kite i tripped out went back to sleep for an hour then woke up feeling fresh and perfect, then i ate bad food and ended up ill again lol I swear by Oils its just hard to get them round here

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