Crohns problem

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Oct 22, 2013
Hi i have been having some strange symtoms lately, and i was doagnosed with crohns not so long ago, but are all these symtoms connected to my crohns?
-ulsers in my mouth
-loss of hair
-nails have alot of white on them
I am anemic and i am on mesalazine stuff i put up my bum before i go to bed, and i have iron medicine to take morning and night but are these symtoms normal?
My doctor said im low on zinc, but what food should i buy that has zinc in?
Sorry to be a pain im 14 and only just been diagnosed with crohns so im just nasking loads of auestions , sorry
The mouth ulcers can be a result of vitamin deficiencies or of the Crohn's itself.

You can look in our Diet/Fitness/supplement(<---click here) to see if you can glean any info about zinc and foods. You could also use the search bar at the top of the forum page and the key words "zinc and diet" to see if that pulled any relevant threads. There is also a zinc supplement.

Vitamin deficiencies can also cause brittle nails, loss of hair and headaches, along with fatigue and tingling, numbing or the extremities.

Did you have a full vitamin panel ran for B12, folic acid, magnesium, Vitamin D, zinc etc? I would discuss with your GI what he thought was related to your CD and what might be related to vitamin deficiency.

If you have inflammation in certain areas of your GI tract you could be dealing with malabsorption issues mess with your ability to absorb nutrients and vitamins, discuss this with your GI as well.

I hope you get some answers soon and some relief from the issues you are having!
I have crohns in my small intestine and the whole of my colon, but with my crohns i never get pain or belly ache, and my doctor said i have extreme flare ups?
Hiya Amie - welcome to the forum, but sorry you have to be here. Don't worry about asking too many questions - if I'd known about this place when I was first diagnosed I probably would've asked tons :)

One thing that stands out to me is the migraines. As mentioned lots of your symptoms can be put down to vitamin deficiencies but I had terrible migraines starting a few months ago. I'd get tons and they'd be terrible. I had an iron infusion a week or so ago, and I haven't had a headache since.

I agree you should ask your doctor more about vitamin deficiencies - loads of doctors don't seem to think much about them but when you have the right levels of all your vitamins and minerals it really does make a difference to your life!

Hope you're doing well :)

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