Crushing feeling in stomach/chest and dark urine?

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May 27, 2012
I am currently on Pentasa and entrocot for 7/8 weeks now. I developed and abscess and docs put me on cipro, flagyl and hyoscyamine (that for spasms as I continued to have stomach pain) . I started those three - 3 days ago.

Anyway I stated having nausea, dry mouth and dizzyness right away on the first pill. Day 2 I started having this crushing and tearing feeling in my stomach and chest. To be honest not sure if its from my stomach or my chest but it does go to my back. I also have noticed dark and I mean dark brown/yellow/red urine.

Have you experienced any of this and should I be concerned? :sign0085:
The only thing I am unsure about is the crushing tearing feeling which is a bit suspect to me. Other than that, flagyl is notorious for side effects, nausea (I need ginger or gravol to tag along with that medication), dry mouth and/or quite onset of thrush is common for me. Dizzyness, not so much but I usually feel light headed on these. It does cause the urine to darken, this is normal with flagyl. Now that Im thinking again, I have a tendancy to get pancreatitis symptom from the flagyl. Anytime I take it I have some sort of incomfort in the stomach area and we ended up concluding it was probably caused by the flagyl (I had blood test that were showing high amylase and lipase).

I re-read you post and yeah, for the pancreatitis like symptoms, I think it may sound like it. If it is a possibility to get a hold of your GI or your GP to maybe get some blood test to rule out the drug-induced pancreatitis it could be a good idea. You may want to check with your pharmacist too, maybe they can have some ideas that differs from the one I brought up.

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