Dexky Fan Club

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Sep 12, 2010
At Dusty's request, I have been asked to open up this fan club, for one amazing daddy!

St Dusty of Oz will be responsible for all admin, and issuing of membership cards and packs....:ylol:
Me, me, me I'm in! He's a lovely Dad and such a friendly and reassuring voice around the forum :)
Helen xxx
Dammit Helen, you beat me to it! I wanted my membership card to have the elusive 1 on it!

Oh yeah, if I'm issuing the cards I'll give me number 1!

Dusty. :)
Ahahaha, sounds like a plan to me! Should we have the bib and brace overalls as well??
Hmm, could get interesting in the urgent toilet trip department. Altho we could have some of them baby type ones with the press studs in the crutch? Lol!
Ahahaha, sounds like a plan to me! Should we have the bib and brace overalls as well??

If it's my party, kick off ya shoes and break out the banjos...this is Kentucky after all!!

....and Welshy, this ain't funny!!!
I'm going to have to resurrect that old limericks thread...let' see what rhymes with Welshy?? Your dead meat mate!!!
There once was a Welshy named And,
Who spent all her time in the can.
I know it's not funny,
But she's so bright and sunny,
I'm sure that she'll understand!
Dexky, a forum dad
Is sometimes a little bit bad
He'll tease some of the gals
But really they're pals
And all just a little bit mad!
Hey has this become my fault. I was merly following St Dusty's orders!

Anyhow, you're ho down party sounds just what I need right now, and it looks that Dusty and Grumbletum are providing the entertainment- Can't wait for thir rendition of 'Come on Eileen'! Now just for a couple of bottles of Jack, will probably help with the entertainment offered!

Good effort with the poem- though I doubt Shakespear is shaking in his boots right now!!

For now- it's all Dusty's. She's now in charge. So all questions, fees, etc should be routed to her!

And xx
Ok sign me up!! :) I love talking to Dexky on here. He's so level headed. Men are so good at looking at things so logical and calm. And looking at 'today' and being so positive. Thanks for all!
this is so funny !

But hey go ahead and send me my membership card !! :lol2::lol2:

Wtg Dex...u da man! :ylol:


oops... forgot one thing....


let the ho-down begin....


... can I have my card laminated please? (you are a great dad Dex!)
Ahahahahaha!!!!! Wendy!! How'd you get that pic from my family reunion? Or was it my big, fat redneck wedding....ahhh, I can't remember for sure!! to my level-headedness, yeah, well I can't overemphasize the fact that EJ has never relapsed since his initial flare so don't give me too much credit! I do not handle it well when any of my children are me!!

I think T and W have captured the gist of this thread quite well!! Welshy has been manipulated by the master!! Yeah, yeah Welshy, I know it's not your fault!!
Oh Dex HOW DID I MISS THIS??? I'll bring the banjo and the sausage gravy. :)

Hang on a mo this Dexky geezer
Who are ya?
and what have you done with Marky?
Hmmm, I'm not so sure about this whole thing. Dusty got her own fan club and immediately got a major promotion to Super Moderator. Mark's got his own fan club now too, does that mean he's also going to become a superhero/admin of some type??? Do we trust him with that amount of power??

Ha ha, just kidding of course. Even if Mark became a moderator, he'd just defer all questions and issues to Dusty anyway! ;)
Haha, Cat!! You got me pegged!! This isn't a fan club!!! This is Dusty manipulating Welshy into a feeble effort to get even for my sincere attempt to show my appreciation and embarrass the **** out of her(Dusty)!! Doh, should have known better!!!! I'll never win!!!
Oi, I didn't twist anyones arm! Welshy thought this up all bt herself. So don't you go turning your thread into another avenue to pick on me Dex!!!!

@cat, I wouldn't trust him as far as could I throw him! And that ain't far!

Dusty. :)

PS. Oh yeah, you never will win Dex, that is the only true thing has that passed your lips this whole thread!
This tread gave me a good laugh. I love it and the idea. Dexky is great! Even though he loves to pick on dustykat every chance he gets..
Hey T, thanks!! My, ahem, kids got me a NOOK!

I've got 7 lbs of baby back ribs on the smoker, my parents and my sisters are coming over, and I've got some nice beverages in the fridge:)! Yeah, it's going to be a good day!!

Hope all your hubs etc. also have a great father's day...if they deserve it!
ha ha Helen, too funny!

Nook? as in cranny? What the?

I had to Google it!

Hope you have a fab day Marky! xxxxxxxx

Woohoo Dex! There wouldn't be too many kids that would buy their Dad a "nook" for Fathers Day! Or any other day for that matter! :rof:

Awww, have a fab day bro and spoil those kids for being so good to you! They obviously love ya to bits. :wub:

Love ya, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Dex I hope you had a Fab Fathers Day! Your plans for the day brought back lots of good memories of years gone by! Thank You!
Aww, thanks guys!! In spite of the stormy start, it was a great day:)! My ribs were a smashing success! I have a great secret recipe for a dry rub....mmmmm, and I have plenty of leftovers!!
That would be D's specialty Dusty!! I....ain't goin' there! I refuse to engage in your childish antics especially in such a serious thread!
Did our Dex take a nice, long, luxury cruise vacation with the family?
I hope everything is ok, and all are healthy :)
You are missed around here !
Did our Dex take a nice, long, luxury cruise vacation with the family?

Something like that T!! Deb and I went to DC w/o the kids and now we have to pay the piper! Wednesday thru Fri. we're taking them to Kings Island in Cincy...ohhhh, good times:)!!
It's not my club, it's Welshy and Dusty's club! You'll have to lob your complaints at them! Now, I gotta get over to your thread and see how you're faring.....
Awesome Dex !
So glad you and the wife got to get away for a bit !!
Enjoy the make it up to the kiddos time too ! :)
Oh my Dex, modesty does not become you! Of course we are well aware of the lobbying that went on behind the scenes to establish your own fan club. Welshy and I were merely your pawns, your play things that were bribed and threatened to do your bidding. I am still suffering the effects of your evil doings I am crouched in the corner, silently rocking as I pluck my eye lashes out one by one. Oh the torture and treachery, you promised us so much and delivered nothing!

Dusty. :voodoo:

reduce your stress Dusty... you'll apparently end up with Crohns if you dont...ha
Oh hell!!!

I hereby tender my resignation as President of the Dexky Fan Club. I do this in the interests of my own health and that of my eye lashes!


Oh, with all the Dusty posts, I thought this was one of those stupid games!!

I didn't get a shirt either Wendy!! But I have seen the logo:voodoo:
Hi Dex. I was a fan before, but today (I think) I read you did that you did the SCD diet with your son for 6 months? (Did I get that right?) My hats off to you! Danny did SCD for 5 weeks ... but none of us did it with him ... or even thought about doing it with him.
I did Jeanne!! And should I ever need to lose weight again, that's the first thing I'll try!!

I think ours was a modified version based on the advice of a naturo though, so not sure if it was the same thing as others on here.
Now, since I didn't start this thread, as much as Welshy alludes to the fact that I did, it truly is the real deal, no tongue in cheek at all. :)

Dexky is a wonderful asset to this forum. He is so kind and compassionate and shows no fear in the face of female dominated forum. His opinions and insight are always a joy to read and his support of others is unwavering.

Dexky, if ever you file for divorce will you marry me?

Dusty. :heart:
What he isn't telling you is that when you fill out the aPplication for your marriage license in KY, it asks if you are RELATED! And there is a space to explain how as well.

Sorry Dex but it's true.

Love, your fellow Kentuckian.
What he isn't telling you is that when you fill out the aPplication for your marriage license in KY, it asks if you are RELATED! And there is a space to explain how as well.

Sorry Dex but it's true.

Love, your fellow Kentuckian.

I knew there was a reason my wife wanted to get married in South Carolina!!! Damn, the luck!!

OK, OK...I wanted to let you down easy Dusty, but since you persist...I couldn't marry you cause you are way the hell and gone too old for me:)! I may be near fifty but I'm virile as a teenager and I just don't think you could keep up!!
LMFAO! If I choose I have merely to lay back and think of England! Very little energy required on my part. :ybiggrin:
Since I'm not married it would seem that you are the only that fits the description.
Formalities! In the states, you'd be common law married.

Who said we would be married in the states? Since our dollar is worth more than yours I think I will be the one dictating the terms.

Now you can take that whipping in either of two ways:

It could be that you will be forever at my beckoned call


Hubba Hubba.

But of course you will have to marry me to find out. :ybiggrin:
Y'all are too funny. I think we should have a crohn's parents retreat. You two could provide the entertainment, as well as the informational seminars.
Beach, you say? Count me in! (Although it is unseasonably snow free in NY in Jan this year, I am always up for a beach!) The entertainment here is stellar, and I vote we all chip in and spring for their vacation ;)
^^^^ I wish!

You're getting ahead of yourselves! He hasn't even proposed yet, and as for a diamond ring...I think I'll die waiting!

Hmph, you can run Dex...:runaway:...but you can't hide!
Oh my goodness...Welshy would be mortified that the saintly Sir Dex, for whom she toiled to create this fan club, is behaving in a manner unbecoming of his reputation and status...:yfrown:
Thirty days has September, April, June and November,
All the rest have thirty one,
Except February with twenty eight clear and twenty nine in a leap year!

OMG Dex! It's a leap year! So this will be my last chance for 4 years. How can I not ask!...

Will you marry me???
Uuummmm! I don't get it!...but that newest lmao is cool!

But NO, I'm gonna double my money and stay with the one I got!!
You ******* redneck!!!

The 29th February is when a woman gets to propose to the man!

Lucky Mrs. Dex...:shifty:
If I join the fan club do I get a Dexky t-shirt or signed picture or scratch and sniff sticker? I mean, I totally dig Dexky and all but, well, free stuff...
Can we just rename it "David's Fan Club"...please????

David, can't you make Dusty stop picking on me all the time??? Where do I report her?? Since she's so well connected, I just feel at a loss and completely unable to defend myself w/o offending her adoring masses!
Nope, I think this club suits you quite nicely. Did they tell you the Dexky Biography comes out next month?

As for Dusty, I can't touch her. She has me well blackmailed.
Right! I suppose she would have you by the balls too!! It's a game to her you know! Get out while you still can! As Glenn Beck would say, 'she's pure evil'!!
Well, hush my puppies and prune my magnolias Dex, I am mightly offended at your suggestions. Those being, I am evil :devil: and that I should marry Mr. Kat! :yfaint: Fiddle dee dee I will do no such thing!

Man oh man David, it was was supposed to be a surprise!...

DEXKY!: The mystery and mistique of a larger than life redneck SNAG!

(All proceeds will be donated to the Crohn's Forum)
Now that David's in the mix, y'all are having a scandalous triangle. I <3 it! :)

Ahahaha!! Where do you find that ****??? Really, where do you find the time between working 10 hrs/day and reading every single word that is posted on this forum every single day and taking care of your family and holding various hands around the world all the while rocking away in some corner surrounded by yarns and knitting supplies....I think Australian days are different than ours!!! Maybe 36 hours or 48!!!
Because I am wonder woman of course!

I note how you strategically left out any word of my prowess in the bedroom, or doesn't rocking and knitting fit that description? Remember Dex? I once told you what nimble hands knitting makes! Hubba, hubba.

Dusty. :ylol:
Ahahaha!! Where do you find that ****??? Really, where do you find the time between working 10 hrs/day and reading every single word that is posted on this forum every single day and taking care of your family and holding various hands around the world all the while rocking away in some corner surrounded by yarns and knitting supplies....I think Australian days are different than ours!!! Maybe 36 hours or 48!!!
You do realize DustyKat is nothing more than a team of forum posters I hired from India who post under a single account in order to create additional activity on this forum, right?
Thanks, David, for shooting down wonder woman...the rest of us were starting to feel like losers ;) Now we know it's just a front ... underpaid and overworked...that poor team!