Did you all wait this long for Humira?

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Apr 7, 2010
I am just trying to understand if this is normal or if I should be a little more pushy with my insurance or MD.

Bad flair, started the dreaded pred on May 2nd. MD visit on the 10th and decided on Humira. Now I know my insurance needs to approve it and it comes in the mail, but I have been wating what feels like a long time now. The pred dose is decreasing and I feel that I am going back to living in the bathroom. MD office told me paperwork was sent last week. I called my Ins and medication insursnce and they don't know anything about it!! Did you all wait this long? I am usually a very patient person, but it's hard to stay that way when I know this med could make me feel better. I have been waiting for about 22 days.... Just wondering if this is the norm?
I wish I could be of any help regarding that... Here, when it's paid by the public system... it takes quite a while, like up to 6 weeks... I think I would try another round of pressure both on the MD Office... in case they were not sent properly or at the least have them resent and call the insurance right after. It seems so easy to get some paper lost in the process.
Good luck!
It took me about 4 weeks to get it. What insurance company is it? Sounds like the paperwork was in the doctor's office for a while, too.

If you have a co-pay, there is a nice coupon from the manufacturer, Abbot.
I have BCBS, I don't mind wating, but it just feels like forever. When my MD told me on May 10th that he would order it he told me it would take about a week and 1/2. I really like my MD and the nurses at his office, and don't want to become the patient that they don't want to anwser the phone too. I guess it's just hard knowing that this med may help me and right now I don't feel good. I am down to 10mg pred, and at this point I can tell that when I stop taking it I will be right back at the beginning again. Just frustrating. Thanks for your help.
BCBS is pretty good - it won't be long. I don't know which city you're in, but I was serviced out of Fredericksburg.

Do you have a nurse case manager? They assigned me one shortly after I was diagnosed. They can help get you what you need.
I'd call the doctor office or even the insurance company an ask them what the status is of the order. That is what I would do. Especially if you are feeling really bad, sometimes keeping tabs on them will make them more accountable if it is being delayed for some stupid reason.