Did you have a sensitive stomach your whole life?

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Did you have a sensitive stomach your whole life even before gettin Crohn's?

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Aug 28, 2011
Did you have a sensitive stomach for your whole life even before you got Crohns?

Check all that apply.

For those who have always had regular problems, what kind of problems did you have?
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Great poll! Yes! As far back as being a little kid (30 now, 90% diagnosed 2 months ago). My whole life breakfast has given me problems. I also found that in the last 4 years, meals away from home made me particularly sick. Such as camping, weekends at the cabin, days on the boat. Anything away from the ordinary and eating anything would make me sick. Just about identical to the "sick" I feel now all the time.
Nerves have always gone straight to my tum. As a child, I'd throw up in my sleep the night before exams etc.
Great thread and Yes from memory had tummy troubles from a young age and nerves always before exams/interviews etc made me feel unwell!
I asked my mum this question about when I was a baby and she told me that when I was weaned on to cows milk I would vomit the whole bottle back up everytime. As a toddler she said certain foods would give me a nice nappy for her! so yes I think I had a sensitive stomach from a young age onwards. Bevx
Hindsight is great!!
Never thought I had...but now I see things in a different light and a lot of things seem to make sense now..
Probably had an above average sensitive belly...:)
I never had any stomach issues. when i go to foreign countries i am still the only one not to have any issues. i can count one hand the amount of stomach issues before crohn's. That's what makes me so irrated with it is I am so not use to the concept of a stomach ache.
Akcat, glad to hear I'm not the only one who has issues with breakfast! I usually get really nauseous if I try to eat anything before 10 or 11 AM. I've been that way my whole life. And yes, I've had a fairly sensitive stomach for as long as I can remember, and I've only had this IBD for the past 2 years (I'm 31).
Cast iron here too. Never had any problems, even on my pregnancies. I puked twice during my whole first pregnancy and a handfull of times during my second and only on the first semester.

I used to LOVE spicy food, especially HOT food. No problems whatsoever.
My son never had stomach problems. However, for the most part, he has always preferred 'plainer' foods. Although he likes spicy foods, he's never liked foods with lots of ingredients or toppings, i.e. plain meat and potatoes type of meals rather than stews, stirfries, etc.

An interesting side note, my daughter has always eaten and liked almost everything (as exotic as you can imagine! LOL), but had a distaste for some very common things that surprised me (i.e., melons, corn). It turned out that she has slight sensitivies/allergies to these foods. Her allergist suggested that, even as a young child, she may not have felt 'well' after eating these foods and instinctively avoided them.

Makes me wonder if that same instinctive mechanism is what developed my son's preferences for 'plainer' foods??? Perhaps, there were foods that bothered his stomach that he just avoided???

Just a thought...
Always knew I was sensitive to fibre as my mom's bran muffins would do a number on my stomach. Was lactose intolerant for years (my GP said it was anxiety...ha, nope, milk), which was at the root of many of the problems, but even after figuring out the lactose intolerance and giving up milk etc. I continued to have stomach problems to the point that I didn't realize everyone did not have the occasional fissure, or regular bouts of D, etc.
Kelly, me too! I was lactose intolerant for years and also got recurrent fissures for years but just thought that was "normal" or not worth worrying about.
I was told I was lactose intolerant when I was a baby- I believe this was done through elimination or trial and error. Excessive lactose would result in an upset stomach with bloating, gas and diarrhoea. I also had fairly frequent stomach aches (maybe a couple of times a year, always triggered by eating) that were bad enough I would be barely able to walk and would just have to curl up in bed with a hot water bottle till it was over (usually only a couple of hours).

I don't think my parents realised how bad they were, and I grew up thinking this was normal. But those stomach aches were as bad as the ones that finally landed me in hospital- it was only when I had them everyday and they weren't going after a couple of hours that I got worried!

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