Sorry if this has already been covered, I had a look but couldn't see anything.
Friday night/Saturday morning I started getting pain very high up in my abdomen (my crohns pain is usually LRQ as it is in TI). Shortly after I started vomiting and had diarrheah and the pain got so bad I couldn't move. I went to A and E, they kept me in overnight and think it is reoccurance of c diff I got last year. Or just a big standard tummy bug. I feel a lot better today nausea wise and diarrheah has decreased massively. Kept breakfast down ok too.
Doctor said I could eat anything but wanted to know if I'm better off keeping to a plainer diet for a while. I don't have any trigger foods usually except veg skins and broccoli type veg.
Thanks in advance
Friday night/Saturday morning I started getting pain very high up in my abdomen (my crohns pain is usually LRQ as it is in TI). Shortly after I started vomiting and had diarrheah and the pain got so bad I couldn't move. I went to A and E, they kept me in overnight and think it is reoccurance of c diff I got last year. Or just a big standard tummy bug. I feel a lot better today nausea wise and diarrheah has decreased massively. Kept breakfast down ok too.
Doctor said I could eat anything but wanted to know if I'm better off keeping to a plainer diet for a while. I don't have any trigger foods usually except veg skins and broccoli type veg.
Thanks in advance