Diet for c diff

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Nov 19, 2016
Sorry if this has already been covered, I had a look but couldn't see anything.

Friday night/Saturday morning I started getting pain very high up in my abdomen (my crohns pain is usually LRQ as it is in TI). Shortly after I started vomiting and had diarrheah and the pain got so bad I couldn't move. I went to A and E, they kept me in overnight and think it is reoccurance of c diff I got last year. Or just a big standard tummy bug. I feel a lot better today nausea wise and diarrheah has decreased massively. Kept breakfast down ok too.

Doctor said I could eat anything but wanted to know if I'm better off keeping to a plainer diet for a while. I don't have any trigger foods usually except veg skins and broccoli type veg.

Thanks in advance
I had c-diff a few weeks back, my GI told me to eat what my body felt like, but high protein and high fat might slow the D down. I pretty much ate meat, any kind really. Was helpful to eat small amounts every 2 hrs or so. Drink a ton of water or Gatorade C-diff is miserable! It hit in the middle of my flair. Good luck...
Thanks, feeling better today just exhausted so having a day on the sofa! Had some crackers last night and some spaghetti today. So far so good. Just going to eat a little when I fancy it. Also drinking loads of water and lucozade sport which I think is similar to Gatorade?! Will see how I go. Got an appointment with consultant tomorrow with plan to start azathioprine. Don't know if that will still go ahead or not. On prednisolone and pentasa at the moment. Hoping this c diff doesn't set crohns off any further. It 'seemed' to have settled down a bit last few weeks. Fingers crossed! And thanks for your replies
I had c-diff a few weeks back, my GI told me to eat what my body felt like, but high protein and high fat might slow the D down. I pretty much ate meat, any kind really. Was helpful to eat small amounts every 2 hrs or so. Drink a ton of water or Gatorade C-diff is miserable! It hit in the middle of my flair. Good luck...

Sorry woops! I thought I'd ask you as you had c diff. I've started throwing up a bit but not had any movements at all. Lots of rumbling and wind though. Is this normal as I haven't had much to eat. Not normal for me so wondered if you experienced similar?
I did have periods of nausea, mostly while sitting on potty. Rumblings I had a lot off. I would maybe call your GI and let them know. Might be that things are clearing up, but I'm always cautious about getting a blockage due to swelling. Can't hurt to just call and touch base. My c-diff 30+ times a day D, kept going even after the 10 day antibiotics and negative stool tests into a massive flair where I ended up 6 days in hospital. I wish I had off called my GI and kept in better contact, might have avoided a lot.
Thanks, I'm actually in hospital and they they think there might be a partial blockage due to inflammation in small bowel. Had an MRI and there is also a fluid collection so being treated with IV antibiotics for that. Fortunately I happened to have a consultants appointment yesterday and got admitted (about 12 hours later!). Hopefully won't be in too long. Again thanks for your input