Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

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It probably wouldn't cost you anything to just consult with a law firm to see if they would take your case. I have not had surgery either. According to my law firm,medical records were the key to winning a case. I had been seeing A LOT of different doctors at the time that I filed again and I signed medical releases for all of them ( physical health doctors and psychiatric doctors/hospitals ). I have Ulcerative Colitis, but as we all know that this disease just does not affect one part of our body - - if effects every part of our body and every day of our life ( physically AND mentally ). Don't give up. Lot's of folks here have some great advice and insight. PS: I have fatigue, anxiety, depression and joint pain too. I have seen ten different kinds of doctors since March 2014. I haven't worked since 2009.

I first applied for SSD online all by myself. I was denied shortly after that. Then I gave
up and did not appeal. I figured that was the end of it. I gave up.

Then in 2011 I applied again, but through a law firm.
I knew I was sick, I knew I couldn't work any longer.
When I did apply for SSD through a law firm, they collected tons of medical records from all of my doctors. It took me 21 months to get a hearing in front of a judge ( although some folks here on this site never even had a hearing and they got approved ). The judge decided in my favor right in the courtroom. Not only that, but I received back-dated benefits and I qualified for Medicare right away. I started collecting benefits in January 2013. Everyone has a different story with different results.

Don't give up.

It probably wouldn't cost you anything to just consult with a law firm to see if they would take your case. I have not had surgery either. According to my law firm,medical records were the key to winning a case. I had been seeing A LOT of different doctors at the time that I filed again and I signed medical releases for all of them ( physical health doctors and psychiatric doctors/hospitals ). I have Ulcerative Colitis, but as we all know that this disease just does not affect one part of our body - - if effects every part of our body and every day of our life ( physically AND mentally ). Don't give up. Lot's of folks here have some great advice and insight. PS: I have fatigue, anxiety, depression and joint pain too. I have seen ten different kinds of doctors since March 2014. I haven't worked since 2009.

I first applied for SSD online all by myself. I was denied shortly after that. Then I gave
up and did not appeal. I figured that was the end of it. I gave up.

Then in 2011 I applied again, but through a law firm.
I knew I was sick, I knew I couldn't work any longer.
When I did apply for SSD through a law firm, they collected tons of medical records from all of my doctors. It took me 21 months to get a hearing in front of a judge ( although some folks here on this site never even had a hearing and they got approved ). The judge decided in my favor right in the courtroom. Not only that, but I received back-dated benefits and I qualified for Medicare right away. I started collecting benefits in January 2013. Everyone has a different story with different results.

Don't give up.

Thank you Ann, this gave me a lot of hope. I've decided to consult with a lawyer before I do anything else.
I'm SO relieved. I applied for state disability (CA) last week, and it's already been approved! My doctor put me off work until December, although hopefully I can return to my job before then. I was not expecting this to go through so quickly.. I'm beyond thankful. :)
question for people in the U.S. who have applied for disability or social security benefits I have my medical evaluation in a week what exactly should i expect from seeing this doctor? most of the diagnosis is internal and if meds are working and I have my humira shot the day before does that mean blood work will come back normal? obviously that wouldn't help my case any advice or personal experiences would help thanks
question for people in the U.S. who have applied for disability or social security benefits I have my medical evaluation in a week what exactly should i expect from seeing this doctor? most of the diagnosis is internal and if meds are working and I have my humira shot the day before does that mean blood work will come back normal? obviously that wouldn't help my case any advice or personal experiences would help thanks

You mean the evaluation done by a state doctor ? Stress to him or her how you feel and do on your worse days, and then rate how you feel on this particular day that you are seeing him/her. Thats really all you can do during the state exam, sounds sadistic, but hope you are having a bad day on the day of your exam. :p
question for people in the U.S. who have applied for disability or social security benefits I have my medical evaluation in a week what exactly should i expect from seeing this doctor? most of the diagnosis is internal and if meds are working and I have my humira shot the day before does that mean blood work will come back normal? obviously that wouldn't help my case any advice or personal experiences would help thanks

My advice would be to never lie. You just have to be

careful about how you answer the questions. A few

years back my physical exam took about 15 minutes.

How can they come to a conclusion about anything in

that amount of time ? I also have mental health issues

and THAT evaluation took all day long ! I don't get it.

I also had another evaluation done, recommended but not

required by my attorney, by a "private" doctor that works

with my attorney. Basically he was a somewhat retired,

doctor that spent an acceptable amount of time on my

evaluation and he seemed to be asking me all of the

right questions ( for my physical and mental health issues ).

I DID pay him a good amount of money. I am not sure

how much his contribution made to the judges decision

but it was my decision to spend the money just in case

his evaluation DID have some leverage. The most important

part is that I won my case.
Sarah: I believe what won my case were all of the medical records that my attorney collected from ALL of my doctors. I mean ALL of my doctors. All of my doctors treating me for physical illnesses and mental health issues too ( I suffer from Major Depressive Disorder ). They also obtained hospital records. I think they only went back three years, they did not care about the records that were older than that.
Hi all...

I have had Colitis/Crohns since a teenager (now 61). I was on Pentasa for years and years and occassional prednisone. Diagnosed with colon cancer large intestine in 2011 and a wonderful dr at Brigham Womens did the surgery with no need for external ostomy bag.

I had to leave high paying, high stress jobs, and relocated to MA from CA at the same time.

After working and earning very little money, and having restrictions on how far I could be from bathroom etc, I finally stopped working and went on UE and finally am qualified for Disability in MA. They dont pay for first 5 months but now am on it, have MassHealth (medicaid), and yes, did apply for MA version of food stamps. I am not working, but getting treatment now for Crohns and also am limited to no roughage, no dairy, gluten free etc.

tapering off Entocort and starting Remicade in November. But after paying $500 a month for Cobra for two years, the Disability Insurance has been a blessing as well as Mass Health for saving that money and not drawing on my dwindling cash reserves.

The doctors have to all send in data and you cant hardly ever get your case worker via phone, but if you have patience, apparently it works.

UPDATE: Insurance changed to Humira which I started in December. Tummy feels a lot better.
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Hubby just got approved I checked our bank account this morning and his back pay was deposited in today. We have not received his letter but I did go on to SSA.gov and printed his benefit letter. I did everything myself no lawyer I just documented everything made sure the Dr. wrote down everything that my hubby said. I also sent in a copy of my FMLA papers to the SSD examiner to show how I have to leave to take car of him and sometimes work from home when his flares are really bad.

I'm new to this group and need some guidance, encouragement, etc.

I'm 52, female, and live in East Texas. I was finally diagnosed in 2011 with Crohn's disease and had a bowel resection in 2012. I couldn't work for 3 months, but did go back to work.

In addition to Crohn's, I have several other illnesses/conditions, including severe osteoarthritis in my knees, back and feet/ankles.

I started feeling nauseous every morning a few months after the bowel resection, and none of the tests the doctors ordered showed that anything was wrong; all came back as "normal"...I had to start using a wheelchair to get around at work in September 2013.

By March of this year, 2014, I just couldn't force myself to go to work any more; I just felt too sick. My employer was also trying to find a way to fire me, and I felt like they forced my hand, so to speak.

I was on Short Term Disability until early June 2014, and when my FMLA was exhausted, the company that administers the STD at my job denied my STD claim. They had been approving it and paying it almost 3 months, and nothing about my conditions had changed; I was actually feeling worse.

So I've had no income since June, and had to sell my house and move in with my sister who lives in the small East TX town I grew up in.

I had knee replacement surgery 8/19/14 and am still recovering from that, plus I still have daily nausea that is extremely debilitating. I filed for Social Security Disability in March, right after I went out on STD. I got a letter from SS denying my claim last week. The letter says my conditions are not severe enough to keep me from performing my daily work duties.

My employer terminated me 9/16/14 because I couldn't go back to work. I contacted an attorney for help with the SS Disability denial and asked if I should file for unemployment, and he said yes. I filed for unemployment. One of the questions asked when an unemployed person requests unemployment is "do you certify you are mentally and physically able to work?" I answered "yes" because I didn't know what else to do; I have no money and no income, and am too sick to work.

A TEC employee called me Friday to tell me my unemployment compensation request would not be considered until my doctor sent a fax to them releasing me to work. It's a Catch-22 situation...

I don't know what to do? What do I do for money while I appeal the SS Disability denial? I'm going to lose my car because I don't have the money to pay the monthly payment! My sister is providing me with a roof over my head, but I don't know what I'm going to do for healthcare, because COBRA is $655/month!

I need help -- does anyone in this group have any suggestions about what I can do for healthcare? I have several maintenance medications I take daily, and I can't just stop taking them!

I can see how people become homeless and lose their minds -- it shouldn't be this way; this is America!

I would really appreciate any and all comments, suggestions, information, etc. I'm feeling really hopeless about my situation...

Thank you,

Dana in Lufkin, TX
Sorry darubo....

The system is so hard. I too struggled with this work vs disability after years of colitis/crohns and a colon cancer surgery in 2011. But earlier this year I took a new job that was high stress and long hours. I could not properly have time to eat/ go to bathroom/ relax enough to go to bathroom in a shared bathroom, etc that it stressed me out. I had a huge anxiety attack that made me dizzy and gave me horrible headaches on top of tummy woes.

I applied for unemployment immediately and then was convinced I should apply for long term disability --I put the claim in for stress/colon cancer and bathroom needs and variety of other physical issues.

Technically you cant apply for unemployment and disability at the same time.. one says you are okay to work and one says you arent. But I did cause like you, I needed income.

It took 5 months to get disability to approve me. I also went on Mass Health's version of medicaid vs my $500 month cobra. And I should start getting my disability payments end of October.

I had all of my doctors send in reports of medical issues they were treating me for, and I went to a therapist and emphasized the stress and the lack of control of bathroom needs.

And I was persistent. It worked. I would suggest you try again with a lawyer and in the mean time apply for medicaid health benefits and food stamps...and tell your doctor that you need a note saying you cannot work full time, and have physical disabilities that require you to have time and access for bathroom functions....

Check with the state, they must have financial resources like welfare.

So sorry you are going thru this.
jazzy: My job was a high stress job too. I have not worked since 2009. I also had the Cobra Insurance after being let go from my job in 2009 due to "workforce reduction" because of the poor economy. I did not pay as much as $500.00, but the cost was a lot for me to pay.
Hubby just got approved I checked our bank account this morning and his back pay was deposited in today. We have not received his letter but I did go on to SSA.gov and printed his benefit letter. I did everything myself no lawyer I just documented everything made sure the Dr. wrote down everything that my hubby said. I also sent in a copy of my FMLA papers to the SSD examiner to show how I have to leave to take car of him and sometimes work from home when his flares are really bad.

I am so happy for you and your husband ! Good Job ! It was smart of you to print out his benefit letter. I actually carry my letter around in my purse. I have a copy of the letter at home. I received a letter in the mail.
darubo: I have gone through so many of the same things that you are going through now ! The Cobra Insurance. The Unemployment Benefits. Short Term Disability at my job. Applying for SSD on my own the first time around and I got denied, I did not appeal and I gave up. Finally I tried again and I got an attorney and I won my case. I got let go from my job due to "workforce reduction" in 2009 because the economy was bad. But I did have physical and mental health issues at that time that were severely affecting my job performance. Of course they picked me to get let go, I was the "sick one". After my Severance and Retirement money was gone, I applied for Unemployment Benefits and after the initial Benefits ran out I got an extension. So, it was 2012 and I had no Unemployment Benefits and no Health Insurance. I was still waiting for my SSD hearing before a judge at this time. I thought I was going to be homeless. Since I had no health insurance I had to discontinue taking my psychiatric medications ( I had several prescriptions ). I only kept taking the bare essentials as far as medications. My sister saved me from being homeless. She paid all of my bills ( the bare minimum ) for probably nine months. She gave me the money, I did not have to pay it back. It took me 21 months to get my SSD hearing and I won. I started to collect SSD in January 2013. I started to get Medicare right away because I got backdated settlement pay. But I screwed up and I did not apply for the Medicare Prescription Insurance in 2013. So, I had to pay full price for all of my prescriptions. How stupid of me, but I did not know how the "system" worked. I now have AARP Medicare Complete insured through United Health Care and I DO have prescription insurance. Since I did not take my psychiatric medications for a year, of course I ended up in the psychiatric hospital one year after going off of my medications. I had been isolated for an entire year and severely depressed. When I applied for Unemployment I actually felt like I could somehow qualify for some kind of job somewhere, but not the same type of job that I was let go from. I thought I may find something easier and less stressful, but I didn't. Jobs were hard to find, and most jobs wanted a person to multi-task and to be able to use every Microsoft program ever made. My advice is to get a reputable attorney. Since I won my case I DID have to pay the law firm a fee. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2006 but I had had symptoms since 1997. I also have many other illnesses other than the Ulcerative Colitis. Some are physical problems and some are mental problems. I had no health insurance for the entire year of 2012. I was also on Short Term Disability from my job in 2007 for five months. I don't know what kind of services that your city or state could provide for you. Jazzy has some great advice and some great insight. There ARE services out there, it is just hard to find them. Take Care and Keep Writing.
Jazzy: I used to have panic attacks at work all of the time before I had a breakdown and ended up in the hospital in 2007. I did not know what a panic attack was at all at the time. I just felt "icky" and I had migraines and my balance felt "off". One time my boss even called the fire department people to come to check me out at work ! How embarrassing. They checked me out and I was okay, of course, physically. I was a "frequent flier" at the Emergency Room because of the panic attacks.
Ann do you know when your CDR is scheduled? We still have not received hubby benefit packet from what I read the his CDR date she be in that packet I also read that it could take 1-2 weeks after the back has been deposited to receive the packet.
dear pink&green: I received some very basic information from the Social Security

Disability people after my case was won. Somewhere in this information I believe I read

that some of the cases are reviewed every three years and some are reviewed every

seven years. I believe it said my case was going to be reviewed every three years

because there could be a possibility that I could return to work at some kind

of a job. I did not save that SSD booklet or the pamphlet ( stupid me ! ).

Of course I also received my letter from the Social Security Disability

people about my case being

won and the settlement amount and more details like that. I keep this letter in my purse

just in case someone may ask for a copy of it.

I know so little about how the system works. I wish I would have saved my booklet

and my pamphlet. I suffer from anxiety, so I am always worried that they will

review my case and say I can go back to work at a job. My previous job included

dealing with millions of dollars, dealing with daily mandatory deadlines,

internal accounting-type responsibilities, cross-training, multi-tasking, rotating

job duties. I worked there for 24 years.

Keep In Touch so that we know what is going on.
I get ssd,applied for ssi also.i was told i earn $20 too much to qualify for both!my son turns 18 soon,so less $ for me.i got a notice from ssd stating i am 145% below poverty level.i am deeply concerned about my future.as it is now,i can't even afford co pays or dr visits anymore.
I feel helpless
My SSD case is supposed to be reviewed every three years. I just started collecting regular monthly SSD benefits in January 2013, but I received some back-dated settlement pay also ( a lump sum ). So, will my case be reviewed three years from January 2013 or will my case be reviewed based on the date of the back-dated settlement pay ? I have some mental health issues that were included in my case, so my case alone was not won based on JUST the Ulcerative Colitis chronic diarrhea issues. Well, I recently saw a new GI doctor and had a colonoscopy, the colonoscopy came back normal. I am afraid that the reviewers will see the new colonoscopy results and will come to the conclusion that I am "cured". I had terrible diarrhea for 17 years until May of this year when I started to get bad constipation. Without my Questran I would not be able to leave my apartment. I am still taking the Questran, but I am taking one packet a day instead of two. And I am still taking the rest of my Lialda pills. I already have terrible anxiety and I worry so much about them taking my benefits away. This may sound terrible, but I would rather be dead than be homeless. I don't want to be homeless.

Thanks for listening.
I'm trying to keep my pride and not file for disability but it's too long and I'm not healthier.

How does the SSA define date of disability? Is it from the day I apply, the day I'm accepted? I've had crohns for years but really bad in the last 4 so not sure how to file. Also, can I list multiple conditions?
I would suggest finding a local SSDI Attorney. It is a nightmare to file, along with lots of paperwork and as you know most are denied initially. The whole process causes lots of stress. I'm not positive but I think the date of disability is the date after your last date worked, I think that is what my attorney said. Yes, all disabling conditions are listed.

Good luck and hopefully you can get approved quickly!!!!!
I'm trying to keep my pride and not file for disability but it's too long and I'm not healthier.

How does the SSA define date of disability? Is it from the day I apply, the day I'm accepted? I've had crohns for years but really bad in the last 4 so not sure how to file. Also, can I list multiple conditions?

Hi all... I applied for disability and they approve you (if they approve you) with payments to start coverage (may be retroactive) 5 months after filing. Then the first payment was a month later ... so they determined my benefits start in October, with payment being November 26th and 26th of the months following....

I listed major stress that created havoc with my med schedule, my stomach, inability to wait when urge strikes, panic attacks that disabled me physically at my job and lack of adequate time to use the restroom in the high stress job. Also past injuries with my back ,shoulder, knee that prevented me from a lot of jobs...( list any and all that you have, and provide a list of doctors, they do check w each doctor to verify your condition/diagnosis/therapy).

I am in MA and qualfiied prior to disability for MASS HEALTH which waived copays, had $3.25 prescriptions , etc. Not sure if there is anything like that in other states.


Hi Noguts:
I would recommend getting an attorney, that is what worked for me. Although I have heard about people applying on their own and winning their case the first time around. But also have heard of other folks that had to appeal more than once.
I'm trying to keep my pride and not file for disability but it's too long and I'm not healthier.

How does the SSA define date of disability? Is it from the day I apply, the day I'm accepted? I've had crohns for years but really bad in the last 4 so not sure how to file. Also, can I list multiple conditions?

The day you apply. I'd apply as soon as possible if you're thinking about it because it can take a very long time to get approved. You can always stop the process if you're able to work without difficulty again. Yes you can list multiple conditions.
Ok I'm gonna do it. I haven't been able to work in a long time and I'm not getting better. I feel like what life will I have if I accept this and I'm on disability but I need to work within my means.

Am I forced to accept medicaid until I get medicare or can I keep my insurance that my parents are helping pay for? I want to keep my insurance if possible.
Just thought I'd repost these two posts I made here as it probably would have been better to post them in this thread in the first place:

I've read a lot of unhappy stories about people having to fight to get approved for various disability benefits. I'm not sure this will apply to many on this forum, as IBD was not the reason for my application and I wouldn't have thought many would qualify for this with IBD alone, but I recently got reassessed for PIP (in the UK, it's non-means-tested payment for those who need help getting around and/or help with personal care).

The nurse who assessed me could not have been lovlier. The complete opposite of the horror stories you hear - she literally told me I was downplaying my condition and that I should say I need more help (I didn't think I was downplaying anything, just trying to be honest - I think I'm more capable than my medical records suggest, so she thought I must be downplaying things). She's not the one making the decision though, and I won't know the result for a while yet, but since it's natural that people go online to vent about bad experiences, where assessors give them a hard time or don't seem to understand people's difficulties, I thought I'd share something a bit more encouraging.

Well I got approved for the full amount, so being honest paid off.

Btw, if anyone in Britain on this forum thinks they may be entitled to PIP, I'm happy to answer questions about it, having just gone through it, I know a bit about what qualifies, what the assessments involve, etc. If you're relying on other people due to health issues - to help you travel, get shopping, at work, around the house, with dressing and washing, etc. for an extended period of time (so not just for a few weeks while you recover from surgery or something, but for months), or if you require equipment - e.g. aids to help you walk or supports to get you in and out of the shower - you may be entitled. It includes psychological issues too, such as needing support to go out because of bad anxiety.
NoGuts--- doctors are not bothered by disability certification
- they have staff that work on that - take care of your disability claim start and furnish dr names and contact info
Thanks I will, I just want to make sure I can keep my insurance and not go on medicaid or Medicare.

When my wife has been on disability we were able to keep her on my insurance through my work. She was also on Medicare as a secondary insurance. I don't think your case would be any different. You could call them and ask.
Should I list every doctor I visited since becoming disabled? I'm afraid if I put too many it will delay the process since they will need records from all of them. I'm only listing ones related to my issues.

Do I list every condition and symptom? For example I have migraines but never went to a dr for it.
Should I list every doctor I visited since becoming disabled? I'm afraid if I put too many it will delay the process since they will need records from all of them. I'm only listing ones related to my issues.

Do I list every condition and symptom? For example I have migraines but never went to a dr for it.

This is why it is sometimes a good idea to seek representation from an attorney when applying for diability benefits. I did not have to do anything except provide my law firm with the name, address, phone number of all of my doctors that I had seen during the the past three years ( any doctor that was treating me for ANY of my symptoms related to my Ulcerative Colitis and my Major Depressive Disorder. I had seen MANY doctors during those three years. ) The judge determined that I would not be able to work at a job ( equivalent to the one I had been let go from due to "workforce reduction.)

My case gets reviewed next year. I am very scared they will take my benefits away. I went to a new GI and had a colonoscopy and he said it was "normal". He even said to discontinue my colon medication. He is an idiot. I DID have some major changes in my UC in 2014, I had constipation instead of diarrhea during part of 2014. Well, now my diarrhea is back 100%, but I have no documentation of the changes. I have had a hospitalization for my mental illness since I won my case, so I think the documentation for my mental health is complete. Thanks for listening.
My case gets reviewed next year. I am very scared they will take my benefits away. I went to a new GI and had a colonoscopy and he said it was "normal". He even said to discontinue my colon medication. He is an idiot. I DID have some major changes in my UC in 2014, I had constipation instead of diarrhea during part of 2014. Well, now my diarrhea is back 100%, but I have no documentation of the changes. I have had a hospitalization for my mental illness since I won my case, so I think the documentation for my mental health is complete. Thanks for listening.

What was the medication your doctor wanted you to stop? If tests showed no sign of UC, he wouldn't have been able to keep you on UC medication, as he'd be putting you at risk of the side effects, which with many meds can even be quite dangerous, without being able to claim the potential benefits of the med outweighed them. If he'd done adequate tests and found nothing that could justify prescribing you the medication, his hands would have been tied. Did he look for other causes of diarrhoea after the colonoscopy?
I'm not seeking a lawyer at this time.

Do I have to send complete records from every dr I listed or can I just send what I find is vital?

Do I just mail it to SSA, do I include some cover letter stating it's partial records?

This process is so confusing and stressful.
I just wondered if there was anyone from the UK who had experience of what someone with Crohns might be entitled to, if anything, to help?

I am having to take a 50% cut to my wage at the minute, every day I am absent my monthly wage packet is taking a serious hit and after 50 days that will then go down to 0% pay if I am still absent. I am getting very worried about mortgage payments whilst I wait for my operation and during recovery time. I'm desperate to get back into work but at the minute I can't be running out of the classroom mid-lesson to go to the toilet 😞
I'm not seeking a lawyer at this time.

Do I have to send complete records from every dr I listed or can I just send what I find is vital?

Do I just mail it to SSA, do I include some cover letter stating it's partial records?

This process is so confusing and stressful.


Do you have the packet from Social Security with all the forms that need to be filled out? I am not sure where you are at in the process. You can start your disability claim at http://www.ssa.gov/dibplan/dapply.htm.

Once you apply, Social Security will send you a packet with the forms that need to be completed. In those forms are copies of releases you can fill out for each doctor. You send the releases to Social Security and they will request medical records from your doctors, clinics, hospitals, etc.. That is how it worked when my wife was approved. I would send a release form for every doctor, clinic, etc.. you have been seen by for the time period they are asking for. The more documentation supporting your disability the better off you will be.

We have been through this twice with my wife. I also have a brother with Ausberger's Syndrome whom I helped apply for disability. I have been through the application process a couple of times with those two. I am willing to give advice if needed.
Thanks Doug. I applied online a few days ago. I didn't know I was getting a packet so that's helpful.

I thought my e-signature was permission for them to seek medical records from doctors.

I'm debating whether to ask doctors to write letters on my behalf or maybe I'll only do that if I need to appeal.
Have them write the letters. Social Security weighs letters from doctors very heavily in these determinations.
I'm not seeking a lawyer at this time.

Do I have to send complete records from every dr I listed or can I just send what I find is vital?

Do I just mail it to SSA, do I include some cover letter stating it's partial records?

This process is so confusing and stressful.

They think they know what is best to look at, and complain about withholding stuff if you don't just give them access to your records. A lawyer usually won't charge you unless you win. The process is then so much easier. But, I tried twice without one, and didn't get anything. Then with one it went through really fast.

So, you send them everything, and then they want to be able to talk to your doctors anyway. But it is all part of the frustrating process they put people thru. They claim too many people are abusing it, but I don't know how that would be possible when it would be easier for me to try and find a door to a parallel universe.

And yes, if it is partial, say so. They will drill you over and over with trick questions. And try like the dickens to make you look like a lazy complainer. It is horrifying. I finally started asking to speak to a supervisor. Asked them why they were calling me when they had everything they needed? There shouldn't be any questions at this point. They may have you go to court. The problems with Crohn's, are that the rule book says 6 continuous months where you cannot work due to your disabiliity. Flares can last that long, and we go to work so we can pay the rent, no matter how much pain we are in, or how much torture it is. If you do, you are disqualified. If you don't, you go broke and end up on the street waiting for social security to pull it's head out of the sand and be real about it.
I, for one, would dismantle social security the way it is today. We are sharing the social security money with people who come from other countries and never have participated, like it is some sort of welfare for everyone. I think we need separate piles of money to deal with the costs of things that they keep throwing into the social security pile. In addition, I don't think Social Security should be able to second guess our doctors. If more than three doctors say I'm sick and can't work, it should be done, and fly through. The people on the other end are not even doctors until maybe the 4th or 5th stage. In the beginning, it is simply people checking to see if you meet all of the qualifications, and that all of the paperwork is together, and that you are who you say you are, and that you have worked in the jobs you worked in, and if any of those jobs can be done from the seat of the toilet.. it is insane.
And to top it all off, once you do qualify, they give you less than half of the known bottom of the poverty income, and can still deduct from that for medical bills owed and other government things. So you can be left with $700/month for everything. HUD housing is 2 to 5 years waiting list almost everywhere, so you try and figure out how to survive until cheaper rent kicks in. If you have anything of value, none of the help agencies will assist you until that is gone or sold. I can't see why anyone would want to try really hard to get into social security, unless it is the last resort, like in my case. At least something to try and survive on. But it doesn't work, front to back I have to ask people for help to get by.
Anyway, good luck with the application. Let me know if you run into snags I can help you with.
The doctor's don't like to write the letters, but they do, and it is no charge. There are also forms for them to fill out, best if you do it with them or it may never get done.
By the way, the more ER visits you have in the last year, the better. The more incapable you are of performing tasks that have to do with your last jobs, the better. They will try to force that issue if at all possible. I got a "back to work" ticket in the mail before I got my social security. A plan where you can work and it is somehow ok... so they contradict what the requirements are... Government... I figure the back to work is a scam to entrap people,
And, btw, to make it through the SS flaming hoops, I had rheumatology, gastro, psychiatry, immunology and VA, with primary care, physical therapy, home nursing, and pharmacist letters, all explaining how impossible it is for me to maintain any regular employment in my condition. My uncle died a month after he was accepted. It took years with cancer, finally at stage 4 they said yes. So if and when I ever meet the policy and procedure person, I will probably be arrested for my actions.
It's really tragic how hard it can be and sick people need to work so hard to get what they deserve. There are people abusing the system with stupid things like saying high blood pressure. Yeah, that's a problem but high blood pressure never stopped anyone from working. Shutting yourself and being to weak to sit up is a problem.
this disability process is making me so anxious but I think the rest is out of my hands. I provided the info, sent my records and the rest will come from docs and hospitals. Now I just need to relax and hope for a positive outcome.
And, btw, to make it through the SS flaming hoops, I had rheumatology, gastro, psychiatry, immunology and VA, with primary care, physical therapy, home nursing, and pharmacist letters, all explaining how impossible it is for me to maintain any regular employment in my condition. My uncle died a month after he was accepted. It took years with cancer, finally at stage 4 they said yes. So if and when I ever meet the policy and procedure person, I will probably be arrested for my actions.

I got a lawyer the second time I applied. The first time I applied was online and got denied. I, also, had many, many doctors I was seeing, so my attorneys had me fill out a WHOLE BUNCH of medical release forms for ALL the doctors I was seeing. Medical records are the key to winning your case. I was also going to the ER and in the hospital. I went to court with my lawyer. I did not talk a lot or babble. I answered the questions very honestly but with very short replies. I kept myself composed during my hearing. Unfortunately my life had to go down the toilet by the time I got a hearing and got approved....at that time I was broke, my sister was paying my bills and I had no health insurance. 4 years before all of this I had a good job at a bank for 24 years. My case , I believe, was strongly based on my Ulcerative Colitis and my Major Depressive Disorder. This psychiatric disorder is like being in a prison I can't get out of.

Good Luck to everyone here.
this disability process is making me so anxious but I think the rest is out of my hands. I provided the info, sent my records and the rest will come from docs and hospitals. Now I just need to relax and hope for a positive outcome.

It IS a very stressful process. I hate to say this, but, it took me 21 months before I got a hearing before an SSD judge with my attorney and I. I almost went totally crazy when my hearing was scheduled in September 2012 and then the day before my court date I got notified that the judge was sick or somethIng. My new hearing date was in January 2013, 4 months later. I still cannot believe I was psychologically strong enough to get through this. I was not on any psychiatric medications because I was broke with no health insurance. I was very unstable.

I sobbed all the way home in my cab after I got approved in the courtroom by the judge AND my lawyer said I was getting 2 years back-pay and also that I qualified to get Medicare right away. It took so long, but I was seriously blessed by the end of the process.
During the decision making process, does SSDI ever call and ask questions? I just want to be prepared on how to answer. Not sure if they do this kind of thing.
I'm not seeking a lawyer at this time.

Do I have to send complete records from every dr I listed or can I just send what I find is vital?

Do I just mail it to SSA, do I include some cover letter stating it's partial records?

This process is so confusing and stressful.

For my disability claim, I listed all doctors and medical conditions. Figured the more disabled the better. But stress/nerves/uncontrollable bowel movements, stomach pain, need to access bathrooms were primary. Job I had most recently at that time was in an old building, in a room with no air circulation, one person bathrooms... 2 on the floor.... pressure to work and not take breaks..

My 3 year SSD review will be next year. Had a new Gastroenterologist last year. Colonoscopy came back NORMAL. Now I worry that SSD will see a NORMAL colonoscopy and want to take away my benefits. I HATE the 2014 Gastroenterologist and will not return to him because he is an idiot and basically just makes his money ( I believe) by doing a lot of colonoscopies. So, if SSD sees those test results it will appear that I am "cured" ? I DID have some unusual severe constipation issues last summer, but now I am back to my diarrhea ( that I have had since 1997). All the courts care about is the facts as they are on paper. I am going to have to find a new Gastroenterologist THIS year. In the meantime, I am going to see my old Gastroenterologist for just one appointment ( I am paying cash, he is NOT on my new health insurance plan). I trust my old doctor. I don't know if it is unethical to go to old doctor to get his opinion of what is going on with my Ulcerative Colitis after I have seen a NEW doctor. My old doctor is the one who finally properly diagnosed me with Ulcerative Colitis in 2006, after I had already been having terrible colon issues for 9 years! A few years previous to seeing him I had seen an Internal medicine doctor who just did a Lower GI and a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy, but NEVER a colonoscopy.

I also have some mental health issues that were part of the SSD decision in January 2013 when I started to receive my benefits. I have had ER visits and hospitalization for my Major Depressive Disorder/Anxiety since the SSD decision in January 2013. I think my mental health records alone would probably prove in my favor during a review next year ? Maybe the review people will forget about me ? Of course, because I am an obsessive worrier, I have worried about my three year review since the day I started receiving SSD benefits !

So much to worry about ! No wonder my jaw is clenched up right now ! I don't want to be broke and homeless !

Thank you for listening.
Even if your bowel symptoms are one reason why you need benefits, if all recent tests on your digestive system are normal, couldn't you still get the benefits just on your mental health diagnoses? No objective tests to worry about there. Do you have a good psychiatrist who can support your claim? Maybe a psychiatrist could write a letter saying that even though your test results don't show active colitis anymore, you are still getting bowel symptoms that contribute to your depression. Switch the emphasis onto the psychological impact rather than the physical test results, plus the psychiatric issues you have that are unrelated to UC.
How hard is it to get disability started? Will your doctor help you? It's got difficult to hold up for 8 hours a day now. Thanks!
Well, I guess I'm here now, too.

I just officially started the process to file for disability in the US.

I had to leave my latest job because it was only part time, I had no benefits, no leave, and I was racking up too many absences due to dr's visits. I was going to get fired. So I left.

I have letters stating that I needed more frequent bathroom breaks, etc.

I started the process over the phone. I am going to go in to the local office here in a bit with a bunch of paperwork, including my latest w2 and paystub, because I barely have enough work credits.

This is rough on the self esteem
Last week my dr had the "not working" talk with me...AGAIN. My job has been great-they dropped me down to part time, I make my own hours-the only requirement is that I am never alone(seizures).

I came home today in tears. I am so tired!! I have been sick and still working-last week I missed 3 days and this week I am going to miss one. We don't have the money for me to not work and wait for disability.
I'm sorry to hear that, Wildmtnhoney. I hope the process goes smoothly for you.

cantthinkstr8t - do you mean your doctor thinks you should be able to work?
I'm sorry to hear that, Wildmtnhoney. I hope the process goes smoothly for you.

cantthinkstr8t - do you mean your doctor thinks you should be able to work?

Sorry, no. He mentioned it briefly last year. We compromised and I went to part time. Now, he is back to not thinking I can/should work at all. He thinks it is too much for me and my body.
Sorry, no. He mentioned it briefly last year. We compromised and I went to part time. Now, he is back to not thinking I can/should work at all. He thinks it is too much for me and my body.

That is good for getting disability, that means he is on your side.
Last week my dr had the "not working" talk with me...AGAIN. My job has been great-they dropped me down to part time, I make my own hours-the only requirement is that I am never alone(seizures).

I came home today in tears. I am so tired!! I have been sick and still working-last week I missed 3 days and this week I am going to miss one. We don't have the money for me to not work and wait for disability.

I want you to know that I know EXACTLY how you feel. A lot of unexpected things have happened in my life during the past ten years. I have been trying my best physically and emotionally and mentally to handle these changes, but it has been a hard road to travel.

I was at my lowest in 2012. I had no job. I had no health insurance. My unemployment benefits were all used up. I have mental health issues and I could not afford my medication ( which eventually landed me in the hospital in 2013). I was isolated for a year and never went anywhere or did anything. I had hired a law firm to handle my SSD application and to deal with the entire process. The worst day was September 10th, 2012. I was supposed to have my SSD hearing on September 11th, 2012 and it had been cancelled and rescheduled for January 2013! I had waited 21 months for my hearing by January 2013. Those were the longest 21 months of my life.

My sister was my life saver. She supported me financially for several months until I had my SSD hearing. Without her I would be homeless. I still cry when I think about it. I did not have to pay her the money back. At first I felt guilty, but it was not actually a financial hardship for her to give me the money. My mom wouldn't let me live with her, so without my sister helping me where would I go ?

Don't give up. There are probably programs or assistance in your community that you may qualify for but you just don't know it. There must be someone in your city that you can contact about getting resources. Don't give up. :welcome:
What was the medication your doctor wanted you to stop? If tests showed no sign of UC, he wouldn't have been able to keep you on UC medication, as he'd be putting you at risk of the side effects, which with many meds can even be quite dangerous, without being able to claim the potential benefits of the med outweighed them. If he'd done adequate tests and found nothing that could justify prescribing you the medication, his hands would have been tied. Did he look for other causes of diarrhoea after the colonoscopy?

As of today I am taking one or two Questran packets a day and two Lialda pills a day.
I've never seen a doctor charge for that so I really don't know.

Certain doctors that I had been seeing wanted money to fill out some of the special forms that my Attorney had sent me. I went to three doctors to hand-carry the special forms to them. I believe only one doctor filled out the forms and returned them to my Attorney. I want to thank my wonderful Gastroenterologist for filling out those forms.:dusty:
They think they know what is best to look at, and complain about withholding stuff if you don't just give them access to your records. A lawyer usually won't charge you unless you win. The process is then so much easier. But, I tried twice without one, and didn't get anything. Then with one it went through really fast.

So, you send them everything, and then they want to be able to talk to your doctors anyway. But it is all part of the frustrating process they put people thru. They claim too many people are abusing it, but I don't know how that would be possible when it would be easier for me to try and find a door to a parallel universe.

And yes, if it is partial, say so. They will drill you over and over with trick questions. And try like the dickens to make you look like a lazy complainer. It is horrifying. I finally started asking to speak to a supervisor. Asked them why they were calling me when they had everything they needed? There shouldn't be any questions at this point. They may have you go to court. The problems with Crohn's, are that the rule book says 6 continuous months where you cannot work due to your disabiliity. Flares can last that long, and we go to work so we can pay the rent, no matter how much pain we are in, or how much torture it is. If you do, you are disqualified. If you don't, you go broke and end up on the street waiting for social security to pull it's head out of the sand and be real about it.
I, for one, would dismantle social security the way it is today. We are sharing the social security money with people who come from other countries and never have participated, like it is some sort of welfare for everyone. I think we need separate piles of money to deal with the costs of things that they keep throwing into the social security pile. In addition, I don't think Social Security should be able to second guess our doctors. If more than three doctors say I'm sick and can't work, it should be done, and fly through. The people on the other end are not even doctors until maybe the 4th or 5th stage. In the beginning, it is simply people checking to see if you meet all of the qualifications, and that all of the paperwork is together, and that you are who you say you are, and that you have worked in the jobs you worked in, and if any of those jobs can be done from the seat of the toilet.. it is insane.
And to top it all off, once you do qualify, they give you less than half of the known bottom of the poverty income, and can still deduct from that for medical bills owed and other government things. So you can be left with $700/month for everything. HUD housing is 2 to 5 years waiting list almost everywhere, so you try and figure out how to survive until cheaper rent kicks in. If you have anything of value, none of the help agencies will assist you until that is gone or sold. I can't see why anyone would want to try really hard to get into social security, unless it is the last resort, like in my case. At least something to try and survive on. But it doesn't work, front to back I have to ask people for help to get by.
Anyway, good luck with the application. Let me know if you run into snags I can help you with.

Wow, you sure know your stuff !
You are true in all that you say.
One of my neighbors just applied for HUD housing. I don't know how many people applied, but she is #268 on the list. She is so happy that she is on the list, even though she knows it may take a long time to go through the process. She receives a very small amount each month in benefits, I actually have no idea how she can afford the rent here without having any assistance. She utilizes every resource and assistance and program that she can. She does not own a vehicle. Everyone have a great week.:drink:
During the decision making process, does SSDI ever call and ask questions? I just want to be prepared on how to answer. Not sure if they do this kind of thing.

Always be honest when answering any questions, but don't ramble on and on and talk too much. Be focused and stay on point. Act smart and educated and confident ( even though you may be very, very, very nervous ). I had an Attorney at my hearing and that really helped me out. :study:
What kind of law firm did you use Ann Morgan? Was it one that's nation wide like Binder and Binder?
Sorry you have to stop working. I'm in the same boat. I think you should gather all your medical records and apply for disability. IBD is on the list of disabilities. Include in your application ANY deficit related to the disease. Before you discount SSD, really look into it. Haven't posted before, hope it works.
I used Binder and Binder. I am glad I did. I have mental health issues and I was not taking any psychiatric medications for a year due to having no health insurance. They did all the work and took care of things that I could never had done myself because of my Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety. Yes, they did get paid after I won my case, but it was worth it. Now I have the SSD benefits and I won't be homeless. I also qualify for programs now to help me with a free psychiatrist, free psychiatric medications and also programs to help me learn coping skills/socialize. Thanks for listening.
I'm so glad it worked out well for you.

I'm kinda worried about not going w/lawyers right now, but I can't justify it in my head for a first try. If/when I get denied I figure I'll need to get them for the 2nd attempt. Likely flawed logic there.

I'm still reeling from the phone call this morning. It wasn't a big deal, but it was to me. I had applied online, so the rep from the office called me today to go over my work history over the phone, and verify some of my Dr's addresses. He was nice and calm. I felt bad, though. We were on the phone so long I had to put him down and run to the toilet!! :-O

I have mental health concerns as well. In fact, my date of onset is way back in '07. I haven't held a steady job since then :( I've just been too stubborn to file. But now, with everything I've got going on, and having failed a trial of work AGAIN...it was just too much. I had to do something.

We talked about my most recent attempts to work, from 07 to this last job that just ended in March. He asked how my performance was. I explained that it was "normal" when I was able to sit at the desk, but that my time sitting was limited by various conditions (bathroom breaks, walking breaks for bad viens, etc etc) and days off for other reasons, etc etc. He said that all works in my favor, and he was making notes as we talked.

He said he was sending my file off to the "medical determination" people today - is that fast, or normal, or what??
I used Binder and Binder. I am glad I did. I have mental health issues and I was not taking any psychiatric medications for a year due to having no health insurance. They did all the work and took care of things that I could never had done myself because of my Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety. Yes, they did get paid after I won my case, but it was worth it. Now I have the SSD benefits and I won't be homeless. I also qualify for programs now to help me with a free psychiatrist, free psychiatric medications and also programs to help me learn coping skills/socialize. Thanks for listening.

I've been hesitant about using them for my husband's case as another member hasn't had a good experience with them. They don't seem to be very proactive in some cases. If he's denied again then we'll look into using them. We should be getting a decision maybe this month.
I'm so glad it worked out well for you.

I'm kinda worried about not going w/lawyers right now, but I can't justify it in my head for a first try. If/when I get denied I figure I'll need to get them for the 2nd attempt. Likely flawed logic there.

I'm still reeling from the phone call this morning. It wasn't a big deal, but it was to me. I had applied online, so the rep from the office called me today to go over my work history over the phone, and verify some of my Dr's addresses. He was nice and calm. I felt bad, though. We were on the phone so long I had to put him down and run to the toilet!! :-O

I have mental health concerns as well. In fact, my date of onset is way back in '07. I haven't held a steady job since then :( I've just been too stubborn to file. But now, with everything I've got going on, and having failed a trial of work AGAIN...it was just too much. I had to do something.

We talked about my most recent attempts to work, from 07 to this last job that just ended in March. He asked how my performance was. I explained that it was "normal" when I was able to sit at the desk, but that my time sitting was limited by various conditions (bathroom breaks, walking breaks for bad viens, etc etc) and days off for other reasons, etc etc. He said that all works in my favor, and he was making notes as we talked.

He said he was sending my file off to the "medical determination" people today - is that fast, or normal, or what??

Wow, you are doing a GREAT job! I have heard MANY folks tell me that they won their case the first time they applied. It sounds like everything is going your way. I had to wait 21 months for a Hearing, it sounds like you won't even HAVE to have a Hearing at all ?

The first time I applied I did the application online and I was declined and so I gave up and did not appeal or reapply. I had no one to guide me or help me with the process. I was tired. I was not working. And I had mental illness issues in addition to my Ulcerative Colitis.

I got an Attorney the second time because of my inexperience with applying online the first time.

I had a bad mental breakdown in 2007 that has changed my entire life. I was laid off from my 24 year job at a bank in 2009 due to "workforce reduction".

I think I won my case because the judge/court determined that I could not work at a job like the one I previously worked at because of the Ulcerative Colitis ( running to the bathroom all day long, causing me to take a lot of time away from my work at my desk). And with having Major Depressive Disorder AND Anxiety I would have to take more breaks during the day for that too so that I could rest mentally.

I wish I would have appealed the first time around. After being laid off from my job due to the terrible economy in April 2009 : I spent my entire Severance Pay, and spent my entire Retirement Pay and used up all my Unemployment Insurance Benefits. THEN my sister had to support me for several months. I started to receive Social Security Benefits and Medicare and SSD back-pay in January 2013. THAN GOD !

I wish everyone here success !!!!!
My husband received his 2nd denial letter in the mail today. He does not have Crohn's but another illness that's not on the disability allowance list. Hard to prove what can't be seen. We're going to apply for a hearing with a judge after Easter. Hopefully we won't have to wait for too long because we're not financially stable. His state disability runs out in early May. I might get forced back into work myself.
Sorry to hear Jennifer. I also got my first denial which pisses me off given that ive had so many surgeries and procedures. They gave me the ******** excuse of insufficient evidence. I'm sorry but would they like jars with my old intestines in them?
It's very frustrating, not to mention the amount of work they make a sick person do. I understand people take advantage and they have to knock off the fakers but it's a very unfair system.
Sorry you guys got denied :( this process sucks. NGNG don't take it to personally, there are only very special circumstances that gets someone approved on the first time. It also really depends on who your case worker is and when you get to hearing, who your judge is. I found out that having a severe non repairable hernia IS considered a disability. They have a listing for it. I SHOULD of been declared disabled. I also found out that my judge put his own personal feelings about obesity in America into his decision. I was denied because I'm over weight and he doesn't like fat people. I am an intern for a social security lawyer, she has proof that he does this sort of thing. And it sucks even more that these judges are practically untouchable, unless they do something really bad. So it doesn't matter that they put there own personal feelings into the decision. They can do what they want. There is another judge in my district that doesn't believe in mental illness!

Long story short. Filing for disability is demeaning and awful.
That's absurd that anyone would discriminate based on someone's weight or mental health. For all the advances in society and awareness we sure are pretty backwards. It's very sad that people don't care about invisible disabilities.
It's very frustrating, not to mention the amount of work they make a sick person do. I understand people take advantage and they have to knock off the fakers but it's a very unfair system.

I understand what you are talking about.....

In 2007 I was on short term disability from my job due to mental health reasons and the headquarters for my employer wanted me to fill out paperwork and then deliver paperwork for doctors to fill out. That was a lot of work for me. I had just had a mental breakdown and couldn't think much at all.....I was sick. I do inderstand that paperwork is neccessary but I had no one to help me....no friend, family or advocate.

THEN the short term disability lady from my employers headquarters would call me on the phone CONSTANTLY to ask me when I was going to return to work !!!!! These calls made me very stressed. I WAS seeing a Psychiatrist. I told the lady to call my doctor to find out when I would be returning to work, after all it IS up to him to sign a release form for that says I am capable to return to my job.

THEN some Aetna Health Insurance lady ( a nurse or counselor ? ) would call me all the time wanting to talk. After two or three of her calls ( yes, I did talk to her) I told her I did not want to talk to her anymore. I had constantly been going to the hospital and emergency room prior to her calls due to my mental illness ( AND I had kidney surgery too. ) I honestly think my Health Insurance people were sick of paying for all my health insurance claims and wanted to know what was going on.

My Employer WAS paying me 100 percent pay for 5 months short term disability and I used it all, but THEY set up that policy not me. I had worked for them since 1984 so I surely earned the right to have the short term disability coverage.

Anyhow, I went back to work after 5 months even though I was NOT mentally stable at all, I still needed to be on the correct medication "cocktail" and I needed counseling. If I had not been suffering from mental illness at the time I may have realized that I could have tried to qualify for long term disability through my employer. Less than two years after my mental illness short term disability I was let go from my job due to "workforce reduction". What a roller-coaster ride.

I started receiving Social Security Disability benefits in January 2013.

Thanks for listening.
My regular health insurance company is now regularly making calls to me, finding out what I'm going through, offering services (free counseling, dietician -but don't know what diet as the ones I've tried have done nothing, 24 hour nurse line, etc) that are free for me through the EAP. I wonder if this is a good thing or bad (CAN THEY STOP COVERING ME - THESE CONVERSATIONS ARE SCARING ME - SHOULD I KEEP TALKING TO THEM? However I may take advantage of the 5 free counseling sessions.

I don't receive any income from Disability or SSI. I've had so many procedures they keep coming up with things that it might be and when I research them, some of them I would have bet my life on it that it was it. I have so many different pieces to many different diseases.

Long Term Disability (Cigna) denied me - even citing items that I had proven to them exist, I talked to a lawyer who has gone up against them - she said they are relentless and won't back down - denial 3 times - no more appeals. This was extremely upsetting, SSI has denied me twice - awaiting appeal in front of a judge. I have lost and continue to lose weight from the nausea, D, and pain. I'm tired of results coming back within the normal range or elevated but not enough to prove without a doubt - for me apparently they are not normal as they are causing illness. I have so much bile in my stomach (which could account for nausea/pain and BAD. Lots of mucos on severe D days. Some days I feel so defeated and just have a crying day - have GI appt this week to get results of last tests.

One big thing I have done is the Celiac Plexus Block - 1st time didn't help at all, last week another one but they injected on both sides of the spine - this one has helped with some of the pain (in the actual stomach) but the burning in the esophogus is extreme & I still have pain in the upper right quadrant - liver & kidney area. They do these shots sometimes in series - however we are just masking the problem which is why the Pain Dr has waited to do them (and I was petrified).

I have not received a single penny since I have been unable to work - I'm so greatful I have a husband who has a job obviously significantly altered our lifestyle & retirement plans. I do not get how they keep denying me when I had a great 30+ year career with nice money - without a final diagnosis with technical backup (I have lots of things going on that can be documented) - I don't know what else to do. I do have an SSI Attorney so we will see.

This whole process has disgusted me - I get they have to weed out but I read/hear about what has happened to others and angers me that those of us who are sick are reduced to playthings with government - it is sickening and I believe the stress of it makes us even more sick.

Good luck to all - thanks for letting me vent!!
My regular health insurance company is now regularly making calls to me, finding out what I'm going through, offering services (free counseling, dietician -but don't know what diet as the ones I've tried have done nothing, 24 hour nurse line, etc) that are free for me through the EAP. I wonder if this is a good thing or bad (CAN THEY STOP COVERING ME - THESE CONVERSATIONS ARE SCARING ME - SHOULD I KEEP TALKING TO THEM? However I may take advantage of the 5 free counseling sessions.


My insurance company is doing the same thing-they have even offered me my own NP to come to the house. I do not think they can drop you this year-when it comes time to sign up again, they might be able to. It still scares the crap out of me though. I have met my deductible and out of pocket already so I imagine they are not liking all my bills.
My insurance is constantly calling for this service. They have called me 30+ times over the past year. I'm sorry but I'm not signing up, they don't care about me it's got to be a way to cut costs by getting info and sending me to cheaper providers. I have a brain, if I have a question I'll ask my doctors or come here. I'm not calling the company that wants to decline anything that will cost them another Penny.
My insurance is constantly calling for this service. They have called me 30+ times over the past year. I'm sorry but I'm not signing up, they don't care about me it's got to be a way to cut costs by getting info and sending me to cheaper providers. I have a brain, if I have a question I'll ask my doctors or come here. I'm not calling the company that wants to decline anything that will cost them another Penny.

I agree.......why should I talk to a Health Insurance Company Nurse when I have a pretty decent Primary Care Physician and 7 Specialists that can surely answer all of my questions ( that is what they are there for.) I just started United HealthCare in January 2014, but have never had a Nurse call me or anything.

I see all of my Specialists when needed. My Endocrinologist twice a year. My Urologist twice a year. My Gynecologist once a year and a mammogram. My Rheumatologist and Orthopedist as needed. And my Gastroenterologist as needed. And my Psychiatrist is paid for by a program our County has here. And I saw a Podiatrist for a one time visit last year. What a list !

Well, this is enough chatting for me today. Have a good week.
Husband brought in yesterday's mail and social security had already sent the functional assessment! Just finished filling it out, he's putting it back in the mail, and I'm trying not to panic.
I had to stop working in 2004 after a 20+ year career in IT. I was diagnosed with Crohn's is 1975 at 13, and I always have to be on at least 5mg prednisone to keep Crohn's relatively well controlled. It was getting more and more difficult to work, and when I finally had surgeries in 2004 & 2005, that was it for my career. I was devastated at first, but once I started to reap the benefits of not practically killing myself by working and not having the energy to take the best care of myself, I began feeling much better about not working.

Anyway, just thought I'd say "hi" and offer any advice to those applying for SSDI. Because I had to go to court to get approved, I get reviewed every three years. I'm due for another review this year. Every review is a bit nerve wracking, but my docs support my disability status, and deep down I know I wouldn't be here if I hadn't finally given up working.

Hello, there. I am getting to the point that I think I need to give up my teaching job. After 4 plus years on Humira, it has stopped working. I'm now on Imuran and Entocort and still in pain. Hard to teach/prepare for a bunch of children each day. Hard to miss school for the many doctors' appointments. Exhausted everyday... I would like to apply for disability, but I don't know how to start. I am 59, soon to be 60, but I don't think I can do this much longer. I'm constantly getting infections from the children. If you have time, please tell me the best way to get started on all of this. Thank you.
I would speak with a lawyer peluchde, the fact that you are currently working means they are likely to immediately toss your claim. I know that isn't fair but they generally only give credence to claims for people who Fahrenheit been working for a significant amount of time due to disability.
Agreed with talking to a lawyer. The process without one can potentially take years whether you're currently working or not.
Husband says you can apply for unemployment online and that its faster that way.

I receive SSI for Crohn's and don't work. If anyone needs help with applying for SSI I can help answer questions. :)

How long is the typical amount of time to get approved for SSI. I finally after 9 months got approved for Medicade and my social worker said that would make it easier for my SSI to be accepted this time.
I was just fired today after spending a week in the hospital. I guess I will be applying sooner than planned.

So sorry to hear that! It is totally illegal, but I have had it happen 3-4 times depending on how you look at it. It isnt fair, but everything I have tried to do about it was shot down. Thinking of you

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