Do You Pay ($) To The Use The Toilet?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Do you have to pay to use a public toilet where you live?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • No

    Votes: 32 91.4%

  • Total voters


Super Moderator
May 8, 2010
In Australia, well as far as I am aware, all public toilets are free. I've never had to pay to use the loo.

Dusty. :)
I've never had to pay to use any restroom. I've been to about 23 states, Canada, and Mexico. Maybe I got lucky and happened to be in places that didn't charge.
If ya out in the sticks they do...

Oh yeah, and some of rest areas on the country highways have them...:stinks:

Dusty. :)
well here in Europe if you are in a really fancy resteraunt or there is a really clean and fancy bathroom sometimes you do have to pay, but its only few far and between that i have been to where you have to pay;)
The slang work for toilet is dunny. Dustykat u would know this of course, but did you know it originated from scotland. Found it out whilst watching a documentary the other night and couldnt believe what I was hearing. I thought it was ours. Just a bit of useless info I thought you might be interested in. So cool to see another aussie on here. Dustykat do you know of any Aussie forums that have more than 5 members? Most of the ones I look at only have a couple of members and it just doesnt quite seem right to join. Im so glad to have joined this forum as there are more people to listen and learn from and a heap more advice. Take care. U do have to pay for some loos in the city here.
I've been to some nasty places in Mexico that charged $$$ to use their bathrooms. and believe me, they should have paid ME to use it!
I was at a mall in Paris and that's the only time I've ever paid. The line was SUPER long too. No disabled person line either.

Here in California businesses would prefer if you bought something but I've never been refused without buying. The restrooms in malls and at parks don't charge though.
Ive been charged a few times in France. Theres a few places in UK that do charge (doncaster bus station was one that comes to mind, and cleethorpes amusements). Not sure why as they didnt look any better than your usual public toilets
The only time I ever paid to use a toilet was in London at a train station tha I don't recall the name of. It was a big one near the BBC building.
The slang work for toilet is dunny. Dustykat u would know this of course, but did you know it originated from scotland. Found it out whilst watching a documentary the other night and couldnt believe what I was hearing. I thought it was ours. Just a bit of useless info I thought you might be interested in. So cool to see another aussie on here. Dustykat do you know of any Aussie forums that have more than 5 members? Most of the ones I look at only have a couple of members and it just doesnt quite seem right to join. Im so glad to have joined this forum as there are more people to listen and learn from and a heap more advice. Take care. U do have to pay for some loos in the city here.

Hey Snookums,

When I was little tike you had to pay for the loo's at train stations in the city but that stopped forever ago.

Then when I was in the UK & Europe in the 1980's I got caught out quite a few times! Do they still have women sitting in the loo's at tourist sites with a plate expecting a tip? I wonder. That was never a problem 'cause I could always out run them! :ylol:

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IBD Support Australia

Dusty. xxx
In the context of this thread...were you hangin' your arse over a cliff Trev!??
No Dex a long drop is a deep hole in that ground, you put lime into it to stop the smell, but it doesnt work very well. used to have a good look for redbacks before sitting down in the dark and doing your business. im covinced a redheads bite is worse than the redbacks.
Aha Trev, what we'd call an outhouse!! I wouldn't bet against the redhead either but what is a redback?? One of Oz's myriad deadly creatures no doubt!!
redback spider, nasty things, havent you heard the song, there was a redback on the toilet seat last nite? ask dusty about them
In England where I live there are some toilets that you pay for, some you don't. Usually the easiest toilets to get to that are there when you need them cost. Or if you go into London to the train or tube stations, the toilets cost.
But I use toilets in cafes and restaurants because they're free, and usually they don't mind.

When I was in Italy, I had the rubbish time of having to go to the toilet in holes in the floor. There weren't proper toilets. Very unusual too. They were free luckily!!

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