Hello ladyslipper,
It is incredibly easy to get overwhelmed figuring all of this out especially since we all experience crohn's in different ways. No two people have all of the same symptoms and thus no one really follows the same treatment plan. The best way to begin addressing crohn's as it relates to your own situation is to ask these general questions that can lead your research in down the right path such as:
1) What is your specific diagnosis? meaning where exactly is your disease located in your digestive system?
2) Is your disease considered mild, moderate or severe?
3) What is your doctor's typcial approach for treating crohn's based on your condition (bottom-up or top-down method of medication treatment)?
4) What lifestyle changes would your doctor recommend to assist you in getting things under control? This includes diets and in your case diets that won't aggravate your symptoms but will help you re-gain some weight or keep you from losing any more.
5) Ask about your blood work. Have them check for any deficiencies. Iron levels, b12 levels, Vitamin D, c-reactive protein (indicator of inflammation within the body) and to look into any other vitamin deficiencies that you may have as these are commonly found alongside crohn's. Severe malabsorption of vitamins/minerals could be a cause for the continued weight loss/fatigue as well as cause other symptoms and complications unrelated to crohn's if not addressed.
5) Since you have been on steroids for a long while now and they can cause lots of stress to your bones, I would ask for a bone density test to make sure they haven't caused an onset of osteopenia or osteoperosis. Getting your calcium levels checked would be beneficial as well.
6) If he recommends certain medications, make sure you ask what to expect with regards to side effects, missed doses, and tapering plans (if there are any). Also if there is an idea of what plan B will be if this treatment does not work (that way you can start to prepare to the best of your ability if necessary).
7) and most importantly, if you don't understand something your doctor is saying, tell them you do not understand and ask them to explain further/better.
Bring a notepad and pen with your questions so you don't forget and extra paper to take notes if that makes you feel more comfortable doing so. And you always have the forum to help support you along the way