Dont know where to begin...

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Dec 14, 2011
dont know where to begin...

my son is currently in the hospital he needs an operation to correct his colon and bladder they have attached now bowel is going in his urine he has been in incredible pain that I never seen before...
They currently will not do any operations because of the fistula they want him to take 2 drugs one which is remicade and I currently dont remember the other one... My son has no insurance no medicaid and no assistance .. he needs these treatments now!!! can anyone please HELP
:welcome: to the forum, I am so sorry your son is going through this, but I can't help you as I dont live in the states, had a fistula or know of assisstance. Remicade is expensive, but I am sure someone here can help you more. Just wanted to let you know you are welcomed here and get some help. :hang:
He can apply at the hospital for assisstance. They keep a fund for people who need emergency healthcare but can't afford it.

He can also apply for a remicaid assistance. The company will help pay out a coupkle thousand yearly to help pay for the drug

He can try to apply for medicaid if he falls below the poverty line.
in texas they say he has to be single with child to get medicaid and I dont know where to begin for remicade assistance for him
ok i cannot keep my eyes open anymore been very long 3 weeks and I need some rest but if anyone can help please write thank you so much...
in texas they say he has to be single with child to get medicaid and I dont know where to begin for remicade assistance for him

Oh my O.O I didn;t know that, it seems odd that he can;t get medicaid because he doesn;t have a child, then again it could be like that in Ohio too. I posted a link in your other thread telling some places you may be able to apply for assisstance for remicade and some programes but it may be helpful here too.
accesstowellness It's a company that helps pay for remi when you don't have enough coverage for it. They may be able to give it to him for free or a discounted price.
enrollment form
Remistart pays $4,400 or 8 infusions, whichever comes first. He would be responsible for $50 per infusion. Though it also says he needs to have health insurance with an out of pocket expense of $50 or more. This lasts about 12 months.

Those are the only two companies I can really find to help pay for remicade
Hi prosperies and welcome. I am sorry to hear about your son's condition. Hopefully, Remicade will do wonders for him. As lookame listed, I would have your son apply for Remistart. I believe a few of our other members have taken advantage of the program.

I wish him luck!

I want to thank everyone that has posted and that is trying to help my son it is an honor to know people care and have knowledge of these things! My son is still currently in Galveston hospital they are trying to transport him to San Antonio which is where we live but they denied him over no insurance! I am checking into emergency Medicaid Monday morning and I've called Rick perrys office twice .. I wrote San Antonio news and informed them also I do know the hospital in San Antonio has a program for low income to get medical but they want him on the program in order to accept him in hospital.. Well unfortunately my son doesn't have that much time to wait!! So if anyone knows of anything else plz feel free to send your knowledge my way! And again thanyou so much

Does anyone know in the state of Texas if a male at 22 years of age can get emergency Medicaid for his crohns and surgeries?
I was previously part of the Remistart program where I only have to pay $50 for the first four infusions and then $150 for the next four. You can renew yearly.

Best of luck. I am sure he will qualify due to his symptoms of a fistula.
Got a question??

My son just had an ileostomy a week ago now he has sbo the doctors think it has only collapsed partially they put a tube in Christmas morning and today which was the 27 th they clamped it off and he did real good but tonight he felt nauseated and asked them to reconnect it.. My question is how long will they keep this tube in and keep trying to fix the problem?

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