Dont really understand?

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dont really understand?

hi my name is laura i am 21. i was diagnosed with crohns disease a couple of years ago. since then i have been to hospital three times and two of those times have been put on the revival table and been told that i am about to die? i dont really understand the whole thing with crohns i have only recently found out how to spell it. there isnt being alot of information being handed to me the doctors just keep giving me more and more drugs and telling me that it is serious which i realised after the first trip to hospital very shortly after i was diagnosed.
i would really appreciate if some one could help me. i am coping ok with the crohns for the past couple of months because of a new medicine called salazapyrin but is there any other methods of keeping this under control i have tried a really strict diet but that was really hard also.
i am looking for a good support group and was told this was the place to come. i wish you all the best if i dont hear from you.
Hye Laura,

Thanks for joining us here at the forums, you have made the right step in looking for support, you will find plenty on here. Do you have any more information about your crohns Laura? ie. which part of the bowel you have it in. And what all medication are you taking for it?
Welcome to the forum laura. We will do our best to answer all your questions, and we can definately provide all the support you need.

How exactly were you referred to here( "i am looking for a good support group and was told this was the place to come")? I am just curious, if you do not mind sharing :).

Please read all the past threads or post anything you would be interested in knowing.

Hope to see you around here soon!

Welcome to the forum Laura!

I know it can be confusing as well as depressing not knowing the answers to the questions regarding this disease.

But, you have come to the right place as there is much to read and any questions... just ask away.

You'll find a very caring group here!

Again....welcome! :)
Welcome! Read the various postings and feel free to ask questions. There's a lot of experience and knowledge floating around this site!
um i know that i have it in my small intestine in my asophagus and it has moved in to my larger intestines. but that was a month ago i am going to have a barium meal today(i didnt think the eveacuation was working but at 3 in the morning i thought i was going to die! this evacuation is not a experience that i look forward to again) to see if it has got better/worse or stayed the same. i am taking a medicine called salazopyrin and that is working really well for me it has cut most of the symtoms for me. i was on prednisone but it was only working onme in really high dosages so i went to the new one and progressed to 6 daily and then they were to strong so i have gone back to four daily and its much easier to manage.
does anybody else have alot of troulble with mood swings on there meds or is it just me be emotional?
ok well i will update you with what the doctors tell me and maybe you guys can make sense out of the 2 sentences that they will give me.
Welcome to the forum. Ask any questions you have and we will try to give you our best shot at answering them.

Best of luck
Oh my, well I'm so sorry for all that your going thru. I'm new here as well but not new to crohn's but I still need help with answers as you do. I hope that when you go back to see your doctor that you get positive news and Thank God you made it thru!!!

God Bless.................
Laura, a lot of folks here struggle with depression from their meds & their health, so you're not alone inthat. Make sure you tell the docs how your're feeling. And INSIST that the docs take enough time to answer your quesitons. That's part of the care they should be providing, but many don't unless you get pretty firm with your demands.

Welcome to the forum. It may all seem pretty confusing at first, but there's always someone here willing to help, so do keep coming back!
:welcome: to the forum :) You will definitely learn a lot here. You can also do searches for "crohn's" and it will bring up things for you to read. is a good one. I'm not sure how you or anyone else is, but I, myself, feel like the more I know about the disease the more control I have of the disease. So I am always trying to learn new things...+ it's kinda cool when you go to the doc and know what they're talkin about or even be able to correct them, lol. Take Care :)