Interesting video about MAP. Something that I've wondered about, and was lightly mentioned in the video, was where does the disease show up? And also why are some people more susceptible to a MAP infection over others?
I mention this as I read a book recently about tuberculosis bacteria. In it was the mention that TB of the lungs was largely an urban disease. In rural farm/ cow country tuberculosis was rarely seen, back in the day. This was in the 19th, early 20th century.
In another book I learned written by a dentist in the 1930s that he noticed people with crowded teeth, with many cavities, where much more prone to catching TB. Those with perfect teeth, and firm jaw lines pretty much were immune to the lung disease. The dentist also noted that poor teeth where found in those eating a modern diet poor in nutrition. Those that ate a traditional diet full of protein and vitamins, along with avoiding anti-nutrients, had very few cavities and little to no teeth crowding.
From observations the dentist was able to come up with a cure for cavities - or at least around 90% of cavities. What he would do is have patients eat a diet high in fat soluble vitamins (mainly from grass fed cow butter), and limit grain eating (or as one doctor showed in his testing, avoiding grains all together showed best results.)
With all the dental advertising we see on TV, one would think that cavities are caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth. Apparently this is only part of the story. In order to avoid dental cavities teeth need to be strong, resisting mouth bacteria from causing damage. And with proper nutrition - high blood circulating vitamin D3, high vitamin K2 intake, vitamin A, minerals, etc. it was possible to strengthen teeth, causing resistance to bacteria the dentists found.
I wonder if a similar approach is needed for attacking Crohns and MAP bacteria? Much like those with many cavities and crooked teeth of the 1930s being more susceptible to TB infection, maybe the body needs to be made stronger in order to resist MAP tuberculosis bacteria from causing damage. Just an idea I've kicked around.
FYI - here is on article about preventing and reversing dental cavity growth, along with another with testimonials of it working.
"Dr. Mellanby's Tooth Decay Reversal Diet"
"Dental Anecdotes"