Hi guys
Any fantastic tips/hints would be fab
I had to drop out of uni due to my crohns being so bad, now I am studying again(alongside working full time), I have my exam coming up shortly... I knew the stress would trigger a flare, now 8 weeks had a flare- Gastro says I am no longer flaring... so just need to calm down and try to get back to normal
Still having a lot of D .. living on my Ensure, slowly trying to reintroduce some foods, trying to eat 1 thing a day..
question 1 is - How to deal with stress without flaring, am keeping organised, taking breaks etc- but its hard to concentrate right now (on my 15th bog trip..sitting at a desk isnt all that appealing!)
2nd question - Dealing with things during the exam
I have an extra 30 minutes for toilet breaks - its a 4 hour exam. Taking my bag with pants, nappy cream, wipes, painkillers etc. Will have a female invidulator to look after me etc
Wondering if there is anything I have forgotten that could make it more comfortable??
Thanks so much guys
Any fantastic tips/hints would be fab
I had to drop out of uni due to my crohns being so bad, now I am studying again(alongside working full time), I have my exam coming up shortly... I knew the stress would trigger a flare, now 8 weeks had a flare- Gastro says I am no longer flaring... so just need to calm down and try to get back to normal
Still having a lot of D .. living on my Ensure, slowly trying to reintroduce some foods, trying to eat 1 thing a day..
question 1 is - How to deal with stress without flaring, am keeping organised, taking breaks etc- but its hard to concentrate right now (on my 15th bog trip..sitting at a desk isnt all that appealing!)
2nd question - Dealing with things during the exam
I have an extra 30 minutes for toilet breaks - its a 4 hour exam. Taking my bag with pants, nappy cream, wipes, painkillers etc. Will have a female invidulator to look after me etc
Wondering if there is anything I have forgotten that could make it more comfortable??
Thanks so much guys